New Years Eve Possum Drop !!


closed account
Apr 24, 2004
A Vault!
So who all here is going to be able to go with me to the annual "Possum Drop" held every New Years Eve in Tallapoosa, Ga.?? :cool::D

Tallapoosa was originally named Possum Snout after a Creek Indian Chief. When the region officially became a city in 1860 the name was changed to its current, more dignified moniker, an Indian word for "Golden River." But since you can't drop a Tallapoosa, the city chose to drop a opossum on New Year's Eve instead. No need to alert PETA :p - though once a living, breathing critter, the marsupial is no longer with us; he lives on.... thanks to local taxidermy and museum curator Bud Jones. In addition to the drop, expect live entertainment, food venders and fireworks, all followed by a "Possum Snout Breakfast," which I hope isn't what it sounds like. :D

Ok, who's up for this one...:thumbsup:
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Oh man, Rob. Sure wished I lived closer. New Year's Possum Drop sounds like just the way that a Red-Neck East Texas Piney Woods lady would love to celebrate the New Year. :lolup: Instead I will take my lawn chair, blankets, and beer down to the boatramp and watch everyone else pop firecrackers.

So who all here is going to be able to go with me to the annual "Possum Drop" held every New Years Eve in Tallapoosa, Ga.?? :cool::D

Tallapoosa was originally named Possum Snout after a Creek Indian Chief. When the region officially became a city in 1860 the name was changed to its current, more dignified moniker, an Indian word for "Golden River." But since you can't drop a Tallapoosa, the city chose to drop a opossum on New Year's Eve instead. No need to alert PETA :p - though once a living, breathing critter, the marsupial is no longer with us; he lives on.... thanks to local taxidermy and museum curator Bud Jones. In addition to the drop, expect live entertainment, food venders and fireworks, all followed by a "Possum Snout Breakfast," which I hope isn't what it sounds like. :D

Ok, who's up for this one...:thumbsup:
sounds like its gonna be a hoot:D i have never been to a possum snout breakfast:eek: but i have been to a few coon dinners, fried coon, stewed coon, anyway you can cook a coon- coon, nastiest chit i have ever eaten, could not gargle enough listerine to kill the after taste:puke:..................have a great new years everyone:thumbsup:..................laurie
"Possum Snout Breakfast," which I hope isn't what it sounds like.

I wouldn't think so, but, please, do tell when you find out!! I too wish I lived closer, sounds like a great Ny bash. I would never eat a possum, snout or otherwise, probably just called that and it's probably some other kind of meat. Not sure what I am doing for the NY, I actually haven't whooped it up in so long, can't remember what it's like and if i do, I know I will suffer for days and days with a hangover as I haven't had a drop in a while. Cheap date for sure! Would only take me a couple glasses of wine to get me there! Anyway, have a good one and let us know how it went!! After you get your pickle juice in ya and all! ;)
Happy New Year Robwin!
thinks rob meant he likes to eat pUssom for breakfast:D

Thanks for the invite but Ill be going to Harrahs again this year. Its very close and Ill be home in time to bring in the new year

Happy New Years

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