Tips Looking for a slot machine i used to play


Aug 20, 2024
Hi when i was a kid my dad used to have a slot machine in the down stairs cupboard, and i remember playing it with him. I was only a kid maybe 2/3 year old so obviously dont remember much about the machine. But from what i can remember and what other family have said is it was about 5/6ft black machine, simple X and O machine, either used tokens or coins (think it might of been coins because i can remember 10ps for some reason). had a big tray at the bottom, and the cash insert was on top right. this was early 1990s so from around that time probably

unfortunately thats all i remember, would love to find one and get for my home. hopefully someone has some pictures or something that might be it


been doing a lot of research since i posted this and it potentially could be one of these machines. Apparently the mab systems ones, most of em got scrapped because of a legal battle with electrocoin (which i presumed was the make of machine i had as ive known the name electrocoin for aslong as i can remember). could be how my dad acquired the machine as they had to get rid of them. Obviosuly all speculation as this was almost 30 year ago and unfortunately my dad is no longer around so i cant ask him

its defintely this style cabinet with brown or black sides

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Should be fair few bar x machines available for sale. There were loads of different variations around.

MAB and Chuzzy put their own software in loads of old bar x machines.

The original electrocoin bar x’s should still be around in numbers.

EBay or just a general Google should point u in the right direction.
Should be fair few bar x machines available for sale. There were loads of different variations around.

MAB and Chuzzy put their own software in loads of old bar x machines.

The original electrocoin bar x’s should still be around in numbers.

EBay or just a general Google should point u in the right direction.
what is chuzzy? i keep hearing that term being mentioned
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