Wagers To Reach Almost One Trillion Dollars By 2021
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Sep 16, 2016

According to latest Juniper Research report
The latest data from Juniper Research indicates that global online gambling wagers will approach $1 Trillion by 2021, equaling total global spend on digital goods and services forecasts.
Juniper's latest research, "Mobile & Online Gambling: Casinos, Lotteries, Betting & VR 2016-2021" unsurprisingly found that the trend towards migrating to the online environment and importantly mobile will continue its upward trajectory, "with the majority of net growth attributable to users of mobile channels".
Virtual reality (VR) and other new technologies are expected to account for almost 50 percent of wagers in value by 2021, the Juniper report says while user engagement and customer loyalty are key in an increasingly consolidated sector.
Other key findings in the report can be accessed here: http://www.juniperresearch.com/press/press-releases/global-online-gambling-wagers-to-approach-%241-trill?utm_source=juniperpr&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=gambling_16_pr1_juniperpr
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