Uk First In E-sports Prosecution?
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Sep 23, 2016

Gambling Commission initiates charges against two men charged with video game betting offences
The UK may have just become the first country to launch an eSports betting prosecution, according to a report on the British Broadcasting Corporation website Friday.
The reports notes that two men – Dylan Rigby and Craig Douglas – have been charged with offences under the Gambling Act in what is believed to be the first prosecution involving betting on video games.
The Gambling Commission initiated the prosecution of the duo on charges of promoting a lottery and advertising unlawful gambling. Douglas is also charged with inviting children to gamble.
The Gambling Commission has been enquiring into eSports and has warned parents that children can be drawn into betting on so-called skins – virtual game accessories such as weapons or clothes that are a feature in the games and can be used for wagering.
The two men appeared at Birmingham Magistrates' Court on Friday. The case has been adjourned until 14 October.
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