888sports Launches New T.v. Campaign
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Sep 16, 2016

'Take'Em On' designed to deepen viewer engagement with a competitive thrust
888Sports has launched its new television campaign in the UK under the title 'Take'Em On'.
The campaign, which has flighted on SkyTV channels, emphasises the competitive instinct present in most gamblers and was designed by London agency Recipe to deepen engagement beyond traditional offer and odds advertising.
Explaining the change of thrust, 888Sports marketing director Sivan Finn said:
"Our campaign research showed that our audience is longing for ways to express their suppressed competitive urges — something that modern society has made them feel less comfortable doing. And we discovered that sports betting is the perfect way to do that. So we decided to reposition sports betting as a sport in itself — moving our customers from being merely spectators, to being players in the heart of the action.
"I believe that we found an insightful and unique consumer truth that positions us differently from the rest of the cluttered market."
See a sample of the advertising here:
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