Can the world be changed for the better?


Ex-Bonus Whore
Sep 3, 2003
"It was once said that every country has the government it deserves."

I would like a healthy intelligent debate on the above quote.
Those who can't take the heat and tend to retreat to personal attacks please don't join.

My opinion is that it does have merit.
One may not want to admit it but the current government of any country is the result of the culture in which we live in as is the criminals and all kind of human problems that we have. Humans have created these problems therefore are responsible for them. A society which let's say has 90% of really loving and caring people will inevitably have a government of the same nature (anything else will be deemed unacceptable as for example slavery is unnaceptable today in the civilized world) and the same applies vice versa.

We blame the fruits of our own tree. Unless this is actually seen no change can take place. The state of a country reflects the collective state of our minds. The concerns of most human beings are egocentric and have to do with me,me,me all the time. My wealth, my family, my friends, my success, my prestige, my reputation etc. The egocentric consciousness of the "me" is what destroys the world not the politicians. It is to be expected that politicians will also be egocentric, why are we surprised?.

It is obvious that a single family of 5 cannot be in complete peace with no conflict how can we expect the entire country/world to be?
I can hardly find any family that is really free of problems.

However it is uncommon for one to admit that he's at all responsible. It is easier to say "It's politicians fault, I have nothing to do with it".
This irresponsibility(responding inadequately) in my book guarantees that these problems will never be solved. A responsible/intelligent person would look at these issues, see his involvement and how he contributes to them and out of what awareness bring about a change in himself which in turn will change the society. It is the responsibility of each human being to bring about his own transformation. Our inner world is reflect in the outter. The inner IS the outter. Once we understand the outter we have understood the inner since the inner has created the outter.

In addition politicians are not really responsible for the death of others. For my recollection Adolf Hitler, Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and many others hardly killed more than a bunch. It's the soldiers of each country who are proud of their nationality etc. that take the guns and kill millions. After all they "know" that they are "right" in doing so. After all it is kinda widely accepted that right and wrong is of personal choice.

What are your thoughts?
yes it's obvious that particularly in a democracy, the people choose the government they desire and thus deserve whatever the govt does. however, politicians lie. they don't follow through on many of the things they promise in their platform, those very things that convinced us to vote for them. and i don't think any nation has quite nailed how to produce a govt that really does what the people want, so you can still argue that the process is flawed and will always lead to a govt that is imperfect.

we're all just muddling through our existence on this planet, trying to do the best we can. we have to make millions more mistakes on the way to further enlightenment, and change is happening slowly, but it's happening. it's taken millennia of refinement to get to where we are, and we've still a ways yet before we can approach the asymptote of perfection.

there will never be a perfect world, there will never be a spot on this earth where there are no wars, hunger ,and people suffering and dying. what we can do as mankind is to love and try to understand the ones next to us. everyone has goodness in them, some you have to reach way into the soul to see. if everyone in the world did a kind deed for someone or thought of someone elses feelings instead of thier own for once and did this for a day, so much goodness would come out of it that would indeed benefit the world in whole. the world is a reflection of ourselves so when we look in the mirror every morning we help decide what our future holds for that day. just my thoughts as a member of this planet who tries to do right and screws up sometimes but thats being human, right? ..............peace, laurie:)
there will never be a perfect world, there will never be a spot on this earth where there are no wars, hunger ,and people suffering and dying. what we can do as mankind is to love and try to understand the ones next to us. everyone has goodness in them, some you have to reach way into the soul to see. if everyone in the world did a kind deed for someone or thought of someone elses feelings instead of thier own for once and did this for a day, so much goodness would come out of it that would indeed benefit the world in whole. the world is a reflection of ourselves so when we look in the mirror every morning we help decide what our future holds for that day. just my thoughts as a member of this planet who tries to do right and screws up sometimes but thats being human, right? ..............peace, laurie:)

Right On laurie
" Can the world be changed for the better? "

Answer: No, but don't worry... you'll be dead before you know it.
Synchronicity or serendipity?

After many years of failed attempts to offer my thoughts on this issue to friends, relatives and sometimes strangers in the supermarket, I find the opportunity to do so here, of all places. Go figure.

The masses follow leaders that speak what the masses want to hear, not what they need to hear.

Damn that was deep.

Thanks for posting a great, thought-provoking question.


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