An Open Letter to Software Providers, Online Casinos and Casino Affiliates


Dormant account
Sep 21, 2010
Your casino has the dubious honour of being the last online casino at which I will play. I have played at a few now this last year and find for the most part that one would better invest ones funds in a land based operation. The loss of revenue currently being experienced by operations such as yours as a consequence of the current climate in the US is not something I as a customer am willing to compensate you for. Besides, I get the distinct impression that your software like all others that currently exist in the world of on line gaming is simply too easily manipulated to facilitate such a process.

On line casinos are now nothing like they were. Your desperate for revenue and my gaming experience with you and many others like you bears this out. Your bonus structure, it's design and the subsequent effect it has on ones chances to win even a small amount bears this out. You are not alone in this, as all on line operations, rogue and otherwise appear to extend their customers the same offers, albeit in different forms. It is as plain as the nose on ones face. One might consider gaming without a bonus, however it has become apparent to me that whilst doing so one experiences a variance in the win lose ratio that differs somewhat from the variance experienced whilst utilizing an on line casino bonus. This particular attribute of my on line gaming experience has never failed to bring a smile to my face. The comedic value inherent in this experience has never been lost upon me. I suppose the irony here is that the joke is on me. Thankfully I can laugh at my own stupidity, even if it does cost me a small deposit to do so.

Your operation and many others like yours now exist only as a consequence of gamblers who find themselves unable to stop gambling. I am sure that you will survive a while longer on the back of such individuals, however I feel the clock is ticking for your operation and many others like you, and whilst your revenue stream falls away so will the clients ability to generate a win. When the client finally comes to this realization you will find yourself unable to generate a profit. Such is nothing less than a self fulfilling prophesy. The proliferation of the internet in countries who up until now have had little exposure to the world of on line gaming will no doubt, in the short term, open up new revenue streams for you, however it is worthy to note that those same countries with whom you have engaged with of late, consistently appear on the no fly list when it comes to the award and subsequent utilization of on line casino bonuses.

I am sure that the clientèle from such emerging economies appeared to you in the first instance to be both poor and ignorant. Such qualities such as they are, are without doubt the most important ingredients upon which to base a venture such as yours , however it is clearly evident that it has taken said clientèle only a short while to see through and successfully manipulate a process that you yourselves had designed specifically to take advantage of them. The fact that a great many eastern block countries are currently excluded from taking advantage of on line casino bonuses offers bears this out. It is apparent that you may well have finally met your match whilst venturing into those same demographics that you most likely, albeit incorrectly assumed, would save your revenue streams. The comedic value of such is not lost upon me, and it appears in this instance that the joke is on you.

It is also worthy to note that advertisements for recreational gaming with no deposit options offered, have appeared in the media of economies that regulate against the proliferation of on line gaming. I suppose you assumed that by advertising in this way that you might circumvent current legislation and so gain a foothold there, however You may be sure that the legislature in countries like Australia where such advertisements have appeared will very soon put an end to this practice. The recent arrest and detainment of Go Wild employees in Serbia is in itself indicative of the fact that not all emerging economies are altogether keen to turn a blind eye to the existence of a business within their borders that for the most part will no doubt bring a great deal of disharmony to the individuals residing within.

I have seen individuals at the entrance to nightclubs, so intoxicated they could hardly stand, begging and pleading to be let in and it is this scene that comes to mind when I consider your current predicament. That same drunken fool will try his luck for as long as he can stand and no doubt will get in somewhere, however the nightclub that lets him in will be a nightclub that is most likely either empty, or full of the same people as himself. This will be most likely an establishment were most would never go. I am not sure if you represent the drunken fool in this scenario or the establishment that lets him in. I seem unable to differentiate between the two and in essence I think that perhaps you have become one and the same. This being when I consider the fact that you currently run a business that a great many countries want no part of, so perhaps you are soon to resemble the near empty nightclub, however on the other hand you do resemble that individual trying vainly to argue his way into a reputable establishment that wouldn't have him, because his presence would bring disharmony to those already there.

In essense, you had something great going on, but you wiped your arse with your shirt collar and sadly, you now smell vaguely of shit.

On line gaming is dead
Since you are in Ireland, you have the cream of the crop to choose from. Many Europe facing casinos weren't affected whatsoever by the US mess. (32Red, Bet365, Ladbrokes, etc.). Maybe if you stick to these, you won't have the negative experiences you seem to be having.

Just a thought.

Welcome to the forum BTW :D

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