Who else misses the "Good Ole Days"?

Another childhood home up for rent the other day, This home is where I grew up in. Not many pictures of it which is a shame :( but the "high on something" owner wants $2200 a month and that's not even utilities included.:eek: It's an old 3 bedroom house.

I think the people before did not take care of it as it looked a lil rundown when I drove by last year, They pretty much totally renovated it now so it looks like they are trying to get their money back from that.
Don't mind me, I am missing the ole days again. Still hopeful I can get some money together for a Mountain Bike in the spring to go biking as I did way back when.
You just read my mind.

Years back used to race mountain bikes, was a decent downhill standard.

Also used to like a long trek and some camping, been meaning to get back into this as it’s excellent exercise and always loved it.

Life and now corona got in the way but you reminded me again.

My little girl (only 6) now is superb on her bike, think when finances allow I’ll get us new mountain bikes and do what I used to enjoy, it certainly beats wasting money clicking spin sat on my peachy ass.
So saw in the news a teacher from my high school passed away who was a teacher when I went there, never had him or knew him but I have the ole yearbook and thought I would look up some of the folks I went to school with and most of them are the same as me in terms of being alone or still no career or whatnot, I would of thunk I was the only one with a crappy life.
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So saw in the news a teacher from my high school passed away who was a teacher when I went there, never had him or knew him but I have the ole yearbook and thought I would look up some of the folks I went to school with and most of them are the same as me in terms of being alone or still no career or whatnot, I would of thunk I was the only one with a crappy life.
Hear what your saying, many folks and past friends my age the past five years have either ended there lives or gave up.

all men I may add after broken families and relationships became too much.

sadly for a man we don’t get the support women get, this isn’t a dig at women at all as I’m well aware many poor women have had beyond toxic relationships, what I’m saying is they have support channels.

we as men don’t, I’ve looked and tried.

and don’t be down mate, my year was crappy but there’s always a option.. don’t give up!
Hear what your saying, many folks and past friends my age the past five years have either ended there lives or gave up.

all men I may add after broken families and relationships became too much.

sadly for a man we don’t get the support women get, this isn’t a dig at women at all as I’m well aware many poor women have had beyond toxic relationships, what I’m saying is they have support channels.

we as men don’t, I’ve looked and tried.

and don’t be down mate, my year was crappy but there’s always a option.. don’t give up!
Was thinking of you as the one guy who is still fighting to get/ or see his kid fighting with the ex for 10 years now which is shocking as they were a solid couple wanting to get married and everything.

Oh I am not down any more than any other time just thinking about the ole days still or again. Actually, the ole high school is a spot I can go biking again if I get a bike in the spring. :)
Was thinking of you as the one guy who is still fighting to get/ or see his kid fighting with the ex for 10 years now which is shocking as they were a solid couple wanting to get married and everything.

Oh I am not down any more than any other time just thinking about the ole days still or again. Actually, the ole high school is a spot I can go biking again if I get a bike in the spring. :)
Luckily mate I’ve more fight in me than Rocky (excuse the pun) but sadly many don’t and it’s those that suffer.

I won in court in 2018, it was just less than 50% access when I’m home from work, cost me over 10k, my ex paid nothing as she’s never worked.

she attempted to play games the past week, for whatever reason I’ve no idea as it’s only my little girl whom suffers.

I had her today, and her mother seems to realise thus far she can’t do what she’s done but it’s early days.

I’m back away to work in the morning and she’s assured me I can video call Isabelle of a evening so time will tell.

as for bikes, after Xmas I’m taking up mountain biking again, been promising myself for ages I’ll do it, also with some wild camping involved in my spare time.

best regards

I really miss the old days. :( Have I said that before? We were talking about some of the old department stores like Consumers (we were the original Amazon) Distributing, remember that one @dionysus.
TBH I don't... my earliest defunct dept. store would be Woolworth's
Here is something from the newer old days! @Playford7 was maybe a challenger.

I found this with many episodes and now have been binge-watching and addicted for the last 2 days.

At work in the morning and this fine content is over 40m long mate,

I’ve a 2/3 hour drive after I’ve finished however so will watch this in my comfy passenger seat!
Was looking at Mountain Bikes online quickly, Forgot they made fold-up bikes that would help with transportation. The one issue it seems as I am a tall person, trying to find the right size bike might be a trick. :(
Maybe a little off topic but kinda has to do with good ole days but sports cards are in a boom again right now like online poker.

Some Michael Jordan cards going for like $50,000 that were worth like maybe $400 just a month ago according to a youtuber, I have like 3 Jordan cards but more regular cards and the one could be up to $85 and I was like wait what? (It was like maybe $2.00 back in the day). I have a card collection still sitting in my closet here so I need to really look into them more and see what some of them are worth as sports cards are booming right now on Ebay supposedly.
If you have any hockey cards I would check to see what they are selling for! This whole world has gone crazy! LOL Early 90's rookie cards are going crazy right now like Jaromir Jagr. I have it and them but never listed them on my store as I have so many cards and had so many listed already and did not want to overextend myself and now they are selling like crazy and mostly for hundreds of dollars! :eek:

What is going on!? LOL Stocks, crypto and meme coins, and sports cards all going crazy.
Going to the Skegness today, partly to get out this bloody house and partly to relive some childhood memories,
Hope the dog likes the waltzer and candy floss :)

Got a chalet there that i have not been able to get to for 6 years due to my wifes illness then bloody covid,going to be freezing
but really dont care.Had second jab on Monday so will be immune as possible in a couple weeks , time to start living again

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