"People don't want to come back to work"

Who covers it? For the most part, I would assume that most of the coverage comes from those that die before they're able to collect SS and medicare, and have no family that is eligible to file a claim for survivors benefits....

Remember when President Bush wanted to privatize Social Security (FICA)?
The reason was that 3 workers pay in for every 1 that collects it and that will eventually be 2 workers paying in for every 1 that collects it and then as the baby boomers retire in masses eventually go broke as it will be paying out more than workers pay in.

At that time I looked at the numbers closely, so from memory,
About 150 million workers pay into it and about 50 million get some form of it. Which corresponse to what Bush said that 3 pay in for every 1 that collects it.

Way, way back I forget exactly what year but it use to be 44 workers paying in for every 1 that received it. Perhaps when it started.

The FICA or Social Security contribution is 12.4%.

Hourly and salaried workers pay 6.2% and the empolyer pays the other 6.2%.
Once your year to date earnings reach $106,800 you stop paying into it (coined the ceiling or cap).
Hence the democratic argument that removing or raising the cap will fix it. The $106,800 cap is for 2010 and usually goes up every year.

Medicare is paid at 2.9%. You pay 1.45% and the employer pays the other 1.45%. There is no ceiling on this and you pay no matter how much you make.

Self employed people pay it all, 12.4% to FICA and 2.9% to Medicare.

I worked at Nortel Networks and made a base pay of just over $50K not counting OT until 2001 when Nortel left the state.

So payroll was taking $59.76 a week for Social Security(its listed as FICA on the paystub) out of my check and another $13.97 for Medicare for a 40 hour week, add in ovetime and double time and it goes up of course.

Even still the maximum any hourly or salary worker can ever pay in to Social Security is 6.2% of $106,800 or $6621.60. Once you pay the $6621.60 you stop.
Hi all

I am one of those so called people waiting on the unemployment extension, I want the critics to know, I hate I mean truly hate being unemployed, I use to bring home 1300.00 every 2 weeks from my job before they closed, now you know what I get, 536.00 every 2 weeks, the max in FL is 275.00 biweekly, so do you really think I want to live like this, No I do not, I personally would take any job offered to me even if I was offered a position cleaning toilets, but guess what they are not being offered, through all my dilligence going out bringing my resume and doing 100s and 100s online applications. I wake up early and hit the pavement to no avail, it is downright humiliating and depressing, so when people who are not in my predicament put the unemployed down it really irritates me, and also hurts, because no one knows what I and many many others go through every day to get work. So I ask whoever is not in this situation, please be happy you are not, and do not critisize those that are, remember you can not collect unemployment benefits unless it is proven that you lost your job through NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN. I do not normally say anything about things, I usually just read and rarely cast an opinion, but for this matter I must speak up. I did nothing wrong to be in this situation, of being unemployed,and there are like 15 million or more unemployed, so do you really think they want this also, No they do not, I want the critics to walk in my shoes for one day just one day, feel the pain and humiliation and depression that you can not even find work anywhere or at any fast food joint or anything, believe me this is not what we unemployed planned in our lives to be practically homeless and starving, there are many out there just like me. So please try and have a heart, and just think really deep inside yourself, how would you feel in this position, close your eyes imagine how we the unemployed feel please. Also just an FYI no I have not deposited in any casino in a dogs age, so I am not gambling at all have not in a very long long time, just in case someone thinks that. heck lol I can not even afford the 49 cent burgers on Wednesday at Mcdonalds lol. Thank you all for listening and respecting my feelings on this matter. Also I am not going to debate this lol. I just needed to let some folks know the real situation from an unemployed person perspective. Thanks again all.

pevangel :)
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How many illegal aliens are there in the U.S.?
The Department of Homeland Security estimated in December, 2003, that 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens resided in the United States and 700,000 new illegals enter and stay each year. These official estimates are somewhat suspect and may represent significant undercounts, as they are produced by the very entity responsible for the tidal wave of illegal aliens entering our nation nation - the United States Government. An alternative methodology is used here to estimate a range of numbers of illegals that is likely more realistic.

This is just one site where you can find estimates on the number of illegal aliens in and entering the US annually.
Now seriously, do people think they are just coming over to check out the Grand Canyon, a vacation and take memories back home?

No, they are here taking jobs from our citizens and a multitude of benefits are being paid to them, which takes away from systems that were set up by and for the US citizens. They are bankrupting every benefit in the US that was designed to aide the citizens that have earned it.

People would not be having such difficulties finding another job, if it weren't for this bursting at the seems influx of more people than this economy can deal with, that has taken place.

Not everyone has the same situation, when hit with being unemployed, nor are able to deal with things the same way. That is why there is unemployment benefits, to tie people over while they secure another job.
In the past, one could go from one job to another without missing a paycheck, those days are long gone. Now there are hundreds of applicants after the same jobs, any jobs, all jobs. How many of those hired are illegal aliens and how many illegals are being hired before a citizen?

And as has been said by Prevangel and others, the amount of money you receive, will not pay your bills and buy your groceries.
Seriously, to think people don't want to go back to work is inhumainly ludicrous.

What do some of you think, people wake up one day and say gee, I want to live the rest of my life below poverty level. I don't want my children my family to have anything, I want them to have to rely on commodities to be able to eat and forget medical, dental care, education. Hell we'll all just live in poverty for the rest of our lives.

One of the manipulations that is fed to the public is saying people don't want to go back to work, they want to live on unemployment and food stamps, well excuse me, but it's the illegal aliens that are eating that up too.
So as I stated in a previous post, there is another side to everything and it's not about a lazy fat Elmer Fudd type American that the media would paint everyone as.

Frankly, I don't mind helping to pay for unemployment or any other program set up to assist our fellow citizens, it is the right thing to do.
It's no different than if your neighbors house burned down and everyone gets together and collects food, clothing, shelter and what have you. We do it all the time for people that have a devastating situation like this, like people who are flooded, or homes destroyed by hurricanes, our whatever the cause. We help whenever and wherever we possibly can.
People losing their jobs is no different, but it is having a mental stigma being attached to it, when in truth, it feels the same as losing your home to a fire, flood, hurricane or earthquake.

When we of all race, color and creed, cannot stand together, then we will all fall, together.
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How many illegal aliens are there in the U.S.?
The Department of Homeland Security estimated in December, 2003, that 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens resided in the United States and 700,000 new illegals enter and stay each year. These official estimates are somewhat suspect and may represent significant undercounts, as they are produced by the very entity responsible for the tidal wave of illegal aliens entering our nation nation - the United States Government. An alternative methodology is used here to estimate a range of numbers of illegals that is likely more realistic.

This is just one site where you can find estimates on the number of illegal aliens in and entering the US annually.
Now seriously, do people think they are just coming over to check out the Grand Canyon, a vacation and take memories back home?

No, they are here taking jobs from our citizens and a multitude of benefits are being paid to them, which takes away from systems that were set up by and for the US citizens. They are bankrupting every benefit in the US that was designed to aide the citizens that have earned it.

People would not be having such difficulties finding another job, if it weren't for this bursting at the seems influx of more people than this economy can deal with, that has taken place.

Not everyone has the same situation, when hit with being unemployed, nor are able to deal with things the same way. That is why there is unemployment benefits, to tie people over while they secure another job.
In the past, one could go from one job to another without missing a paycheck, those days are long gone. Now there are hundreds of applicants after the same jobs, any jobs, all jobs. How many of those hired are illegal aliens and how many illegals are being hired before a citizen?

And as has been said by Prevangel and others, the amount of money you receive, will not pay your bills and buy your groceries.
Seriously, to think people don't want to go back to work is inhumainly ludicrous.

What do some of you think, people wake up one day and say gee, I want to live the rest of my life below poverty level. I don't want my children my family to have anything, I want them to have to rely on commodities to be able to eat and forget medical, dental care, education. Hell we'll all just live in poverty for the rest of our lives.

One of the manipulations that is fed to the public is saying people don't want to go back to work, they want to live on unemployment and food stamps, well excuse me, but it's the illegal aliens that are eating that up too.
So as I stated in a previous post, there is another side to everything and it's not about a lazy fat Elmer Fudd type American that the media would paint everyone as.

Frankly, I don't mind helping to pay for unemployment or any other program set up to assist our fellow citizens, it is the right thing to do.
It's no different than if your neighbors house burned down and everyone gets together and collects food, clothing, shelter and what have you. We do it all the time for people that have a devastating situation like this, like people who are flooded, or homes destroyed by hurricanes, our whatever the cause. We help whenever and wherever we possibly can.
People losing their jobs is no different, but it is having a mental stigma being attached to it, when in truth, it feels the same as losing your home to a fire, flood, hurricane or earthquake.

When we of all race, color and creed, cannot stand together, then we will all fall, together.

Wow Mavin I could not have said that any better, Thank you:D

Great post mavin.

It got me thinking. Another HUGE reason that the unemployment is so high right now is the current administration making it so ugly for businesses to hire people.
I was listening to business owners talk frankly and they were basically saying "Why would I risk hiring someone right now when all of this crazy Obama stuff is coming down the pipe? I am going to have to pay huge taxes and increased insurance matching rates just to have an employee. It would be cheaper for me not to hire and keep my business smaller than to higher and grow".

It is just crazy what the current American Regime is doing and it is scaring businesses and that is another huge reason for the stagnation in hiring.
Coincidentally with greasemonkey's post above, I have been dealing with two small contractors over the past month, and what they have been independently telling me appears to bear out what he is saying...perhaps a microcosm of his speculation.

These are successful and in-demand companies where the owners have made a conscious effort to down-size and keep it small, citing the following reasons:

1) It's become too expensive to employ people with the training levies, social and medical contributions and the stress of having to maintain a balance between what to charge and what the market will stand.

2) Militant unions constantly demanding more support and higher wages.

3) Administrative hassles and time wasted on shuffling paper.

These are both successful small companies capable of expansion and employing more people, but the owners have both told me the same thing - it's not worth the trouble it brings.
I just wanted to say thank you to Winbig before this threads fades away. I think of the things that was missed in the introduction of the thread is how the government and mainstream media manipulates stories, that create false perceptions in peoples minds.

I have seen this going on so much it just makes me ill. This is one of the reasons we have disconnected from public TV and mainstream media. I am not going to be fed half truths/half lies and propoganda anymore than I can keep from it.

I have found out so much more doing my own research and my mind has been so much clearer since we have gotten off the tv grid so to speak. It is amazing how much different one thinks when tv is not doing the thinking for you.

Now if anyone wants to talk about MK Ultra and mind control through the mainstream media, I'm there!

Thanks again Winbig! :thumbsup:
I just wanted to say thank you to Winbig before this threads fades away. I think of the things that was missed in the introduction of the thread is how the government and mainstream media manipulates stories, that create false perceptions in peoples minds.

I have seen this going on so much it just makes me ill. This is one of the reasons we have disconnected from public TV and mainstream media. I am not going to be fed half truths/half lies and propoganda anymore than I can keep from it.

I have found out so much more doing my own research and my mind has been so much clearer since we have gotten off the tv grid so to speak. It is amazing how much different one thinks when tv is not doing the thinking for you.

Now if anyone wants to talk about MK Ultra and mind control through the mainstream media, I'm there!

Thanks again Winbig! :thumbsup:

good for you. doing you own research is the way to go. I do it also.
Although I watch all three cable news stations I take all with a grain of salt.

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