Looking for moderator volunteers.


Forum Cheermeister
Staff member
Jun 30, 1998
Hi horse racing fans.

As you are probably all aware, we lost an amazing member in March (Colinsunderland) whose presence is sorely missed. His family has given me the keys to his website TalkingHorses.co.uk - specifically his forum. I am looking for any webmasters here who are experienced not only with horse racing in the UK, but who know vBulletin quite well. I have worked with vB for about 20 years - so I'm good - but I've only been to one horse race in the UK - and I was just there hanging out and drinking beer. :drink:

If anyone feels that they could assist me in getting that forum up to snuff - that would be great. If not - no worries, but as time goes by and I am able to upgrade that forum, it would be great if you could open an account there and participate in those discussions. :D

Please PM me if you feel you'd like to give me a hand :thumbsup:
Actually we have barely started - except yesterday we moved servers to one of Dave's. On the agenda this week is to upgrade the software, then I will look at the appearance and improve this - no more default colors!! :p
Just bumping this up. I am looking for volunteers who can dedicate themselves to the Talkinghorses forum. We are pending a relaunch of the forum - actually the entire site, and I am looking for assistance.

We are relaunching the forum into a modern version of the Xenforo software (like the CM forum). Here is a teaser:

Screenshot 2023-03-24 100248.png

I will need to clean up the categories and reorganise some of the forum sections before we switch over. But you can see that it's going to be a nice experience. I am hoping to do this early next week :D

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