Clinton Trumped!

All these protests (riots, in my opinion) are trying to get the electoral college to change their votes.

They have to be officially turned in on or before December 19th.

Therefore they do have time to try to influence the outcome.

But, and a BIG but is, the states where most of the protests are taking place, electoral college votes WERE Democrat. The states ended Democrat.

So, rioting and protesting in their OWN democratic cities make little sense to me.

Also, I have heard there are ads in place looking for "stop Trump" picketers and protesters.
How true this is, I do not know.

I do wonder about "sueyhs'" intense opinions on this topic. She sounds more like an American democrat than someone from New Zealand? American living abroad?

Those protesters have received too many "participation trophies" as kids and now they can't cope with disappointment.
Young people don't vote. In fact, had they turned out for Bernie during the Democratic primary, we'd have a President-elect Bernie Sanders. Yet, here they are, protesting Trump's election.

An imperfect metaphor is if they were out protesting a rainy day.

Imperfect because of course no amount of protest can change the weather, but performing your civic duty to vote CAN change election outcomes.

So, while I applaud those peacefully exercising their rights to congregate and speak out, I will not be taking most of them seriously.
They say that Trump voters are disillusioned, white and uneducated on the whole.

I dont fink thats verry accurte att all

Ah, yes - the 'deplorables' who really shouldn't be allowed to upset the political power bandwagon - but there seems to be an awful lot of them :D
But, and a BIG but is, the states where most of the protests are taking place, electoral college votes WERE Democrat. The states ended Democrat.

So, rioting and protesting in their OWN democratic cities make little sense to me.QUOTE]

That's an interesting observation, and one that I had not seen before.
Ah, yes - the 'deplorables' who really shouldn't be allowed to upset the political power bandwagon - but there seems to be an awful lot of them :D

Same thing with Brexit; the 51% of votes were cast by hateful, ignorant and just plain stupid people who were put under some spell without realizing what they were doing.

And it 'obviously' applies in the U.S., yet those that shout the loudest are sore losers, not to mention socially-enlightened, intelligent and educated. So where were they during Election Day? Probably too busy checking their profile on Twitter, or just parroting what their friends said without actually getting off their privileged arses!
I think you may be missing my point that protesters should calm down a little until they have something more concrete than tweets and campaign utterances to get worked up about.

What will these occasionally violent demonstrations and "what if" fears achieve in practical terms (presuming everyone remains within the law) - other than more negative newspaper and TV headlines sapping the vitality and unity of the nation?

The dissatisfaction of some sections of the US community is already very apparent.

Half these people are just in it for the drama I promise you that. Who flips out before anything is even done?

Hes not a racist. He hires people of all race and has some in management too. I mean hello, hes married to an immigrant.

He just says the truth. Muslims are most common to cause problems in the USA. Attack after attack proves that. Each american life lost proves that. He wants to vet them to protect the people of america. So what
Those protesters have received too many "participation trophies" as kids and now they can't cope with disappointment.

Absolutely love this comment..... mainly because it is sooooo damn true.

The kids, high school and college aged are getting "safe spaces" to deal

with their loss. Seriously?

Give me a break! PC world has run amok and it is/has taken over ... LITERALLY
That trial just shows the inconsistencies of the Dutch judicial system. Other politicians (such as Rutten) have made remarks about Moroccans yet he doesn't have to explain himself in front of a Judge.

For a while now there has been an effort to silence Wilders. I hope it won't happen because we need people like him to make other politicians think about their actions (but not necessarily run the country though)

Where did you get the idea that Rutten has made hateful remarks about Moroccans:confused:?

In fact, Rutten has always been speaking in defence of Moroccan citizens - just google and you'll find plenty of evidence of this. In April of this year Rutten asserted that "refusing Moroccan boys at football clubs doesn't make any sense" (
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). This should sufficiently explain why "Rutten doesn't have to explain himself in front of a Judge".:eek2: He never committed, nor will he ever commit, hateful speech against minorities in the Netherlands.
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An off the cuff remark

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And some more:

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All of them say something that could be interpreted as racist.

Remember that what he said rather than his policies that got him in front of a Judge.

It is dangerous to silence the likes of Wilders as you're better off letting him speak his mind rather than antagonise the rest of the population that share some of his views
Increased racism after the election of Trump is similar to what happened here after the Brexit vote. It's a sign that all these decades of political correctness has not changed society, it has simply made people pretend they have changed their views through fear of being in serious trouble from what is, in effect, the "thought police" from Orwell's 1984. If anything, Racism seems worse than it would have been had people not had to mind what they said, wrote, and even thought, in case those determined to interpret it in a way that would allow them to apply labels such as "racist", "sexist", etc.

It seems that as soon as one type of racist or sexist behaviour slowly dies out in society due to the people who held these views as the norm dying off and being replaced by younger people who grew up with different views being regarded as the norm, the "thought police" start to find racism and sexism in new and ever more creative ways in order to justify their continued existence. This is how we ended up with this pervasive "safe space" BS, where EVERYWHERE has to be a "safe space", and the more cotton wool padding the better for the kids.
We are getting to the situation where one needs to consult a lawyer before greeting a stranger in the street in case the stranger found a way to take offence at the greeting and have you hauled before a judge. Making a farce out of the REAL issue of racism and sexism is only going to make matters worse, because when a REAL issue is uncovered, the reaction will be "Oh FFS, not again, don't these people have something better to do", as opposed to examining the issue in front of them and feeling "there is a REAL issue in this case".
The claims of increased racist attacks in the UK was debunked. it was based on a new system of collecting data from the public. As it was a new system it naturally took time for the public to become aware of it. Even still the increase was minimal and those who wished to benefit from the claims surprisingly did not let on about the source of these figures.
Figures and events can very easily be manipulated to advance a cause.
An off the cuff remark

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And some more:

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All of them say something that could be interpreted as racist.

Remember that what he said rather than his policies that got him in front of a Judge.

It is dangerous to silence the likes of Wilders as you're better off letting him speak his mind rather than antagonise the rest of the population that share some of his views

LOL, I knew you'd come up with the F**O** remark, this was in response to an aggressive Turkish man who had (together with others) attacked Dutch journalists and their cars, please consider the context here. This definitely does not consitute any hate speech since it was directed only towards that man, not a minority and the president himself was in fact verbally attacked by that man. Other comments Rutten made 1 to 13 years ago involved social security fraud and criminality and were not directed towards minorities as a whole. Also in these three instances, there was no question of hate speech.

Do you mean by silencing that the prosecution should not be able (under Dutch law) to charge persons with committing hate speech? No one is silencing Wilders in the Netherlands but he has to account for what he has said.
The claims of increased racist attacks in the UK was debunked. it was based on a new system of collecting data from the public. As it was a new system it naturally took time for the public to become aware of it. Even still the increase was minimal and those who wished to benefit from the claims surprisingly did not let on about the source of these figures.
Figures and events can very easily be manipulated to advance a cause.

The figures had the desired effect, they made quite a few EU migrants feel unwelcome and some decided to go back in the near future. This would have given credibility to the figures. The problem now is that different government departments can't seem to agree on whether there has been an underlying increase, or it's merely the change in the way these things are reported.

It may turn out to be the same in America, with the racism attributed to the Trump victory being something that would have happened regardless. The difference might be that when reported in the media, the line "spurred by Trump's victory" will get added in.

Other than our own personal experience, all we have are the figures released by officials and the reports in the media. If you are white, you will be told that your personal experience doesn't mean much because you would naturally not have "experienced racism first hand", but this would be due to being white, not due to it not happening in your community.
LOL, I knew you'd come up with the F**O** remark, this was in response to an aggressive Turkish man who had (together with others) attacked Dutch journalists and their cars, please consider the context here. This definitely does not consitute any hate speech since it was directed only towards that man, not a minority and the president himself was in fact verbally attacked by that man. Other comments Rutten made 1 to 13 years ago involved security fraud and criminality and were not directed towards minorities as a whole. Also in these three instances, there was no question of hate speech.

Do you mean by silencing that the prosecution should not be able (under Dutch law) to charge persons with committing hate speech? No one is silencing Wilders in the Netherlands but he has to account for what he has said.

They tried and failed miserably once already about an issue arguably more serious than basically asking a group of people if they wanted more or less Moroccans.

Wilders has some extreme views some of which I don't agree with. But don't try to silence a man who had opposing views to the establishment. Instead listen to him and sort the wheat from the chaff.

But let them carry on. It is not going to solve the existing problems by that group of the population that everybody appears not to want to address. As theye say don't shoot the messengers
In the Netherlands this is about the crime rate among certain groups of the population and the police are in fact already addressing this issue. However, the ethnicity of those groups is what is being attacked by Wilders. If he was really interested in reducing the crime rate and promoting the well-being of all Dutch citizens, he would not be lumping all Dutch Moroccans together as if they were the same and making inflammatory remarks about them and other minorities - and that's what is at stake here.
In the Netherlands this is about the crime rate among certain groups of the population and the police are in fact already addressing this issue. However, the ethnicity of those groups is what is being attacked by Wilders. If he was really interested in reducing the crime rate and promoting the well-being of all Dutch citizens, he would not be lumping all Dutch Moroccans together as if they were the same and making inflammatory remarks about them and other minorities - and that's what is at stake here.

I have watched many a debate in Dutch parliament and he has always said that he does not treat all Moroccans the same. He has said that as long as you behave you're welcome to stay.

He is consistent though regarding his hatred of Islam which is nothing to do with race and all about religion.
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This false social media post first appeared late last year and shows the length which some folks are prepared to go to blacken an opponent's reputation.

BTW I recently saw a TV interview on the rampant abuse of social media in which the above was used as an example of what can find its way on to the internet.
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This false social media post first appeared late last year and shows the length which some folks are prepared to go to blacken an opponent's reputation.

BTW I recently saw a TV interview on the rampant abuse of social media in which the above was used as an example of what can find its way on to the internet.

That's funny blacken his reputation?

the fact he just made a white supremacist, anti Semitic anti gay his chief counsel should seal the deal on his reputation.

This and the fact that Russia has been talking to his people all along should be headline news. It should be dominating the news cycle the way the emails did But as always he is getting a free ride from the media. I hope it was worth the ratings.

If you live in the USA I hope you're not Jewish, black, Muslim, Latino, gay or female. He seems to have no respect for any one except white and male.

I'm done with this thread it's too disheartening to read this stuff.
Regrets that you have apparently taken offence at a legitimate attempt to flag the truth.

Hate is clearly not the sole prerogative of Trump in this post-election period :eek2:
Regrets that you have apparently taken offence at a legitimate attempt to flag the truth.

Hate is clearly not the sole prerogative of Trump in this post-election period :eek2:

Sorry. I did not take offence at all to you flagging the truth. I respect everyone's opinion. As you can see I removed the pic as to not inflame this any further.

I'm not gonna read anymore cuz I find it depressing. Cest tout.

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