this says it all

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Simple solutions to not so complex problems!

The "Show Me" state has once again showed us how it should be done. They need more publication and exposure on this. Let's pass it around.

In 2007, Missouri placed on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment designating English as the Official language of Missouri. Nearly 90% voting in favor! English became the official language for ALL governmental proceedings in Missouri. It also means no individual has the right to demand government services in a language OTHER than English.

In 2008 a measure was passed that requires our Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be here illegally. It allows Missouri law enforcement offices to receive training to enforce federal immigration laws. The bill makes it clear that illegal immigrants will NOT have access to taxpayers benefits such as food stamps and health care through Missouri HealthNET.

In 2009 a measure was passed that ensures Missouri's public institutions of higher education do NOT award financial aid to individuals who are here illegally. The law also requires all post-secondary institutions of higher education to annually certify to the Missouri Dept. of Higher Education that they have NOT knowingly awarded financial aid to students who are unlawfully present in the United States.

So while Arizona has made national news for its new law, it is important to remember Missouri has been proactive in addressing this growing problem. Missouri has sent a clear message that illegal immigrants are NOT welcome in our state and they are certainly NOT welcome to receive public benefits at the cost of Missouri taxpayers!

Article in "The Ozarks Sentinel" Editorial Opinion –
Nita Jane Ayres, May 13, 2010


The most outspoken against the anti-illegal law is Mexico and California. Mexico doesn't want 15-million citizens back that they will have to take care of and more so, slow down or stop the flow of billions of dollars* that are being extracted from the U.S. economy by illegal Mexicans and being sent to relatives in Mexico that aids the Mexico's economy. California just simply doesn't want the ones that left there back because their policies are so liberal that the cost would be an extreme burden on their already collapsing state economy.

*According to figures published by the US Immigration Support, Mexico receives about $17 billion in remittances, that is, money sent from immigrants to family in their home country. This sum exceeds the amount of foreign direct investment in that country. It is little wonder that President Calderon is concerned. If that cash cow is driven out of the United States, there is no pasture green enough to make up the difference.
I hope all goes well with your child kauphy, my thoughts will be with you. Unfortunately some bleeding hearts don't get that the definition of illegal is just that, NOT LEGAL. If you are here illegally, GET OUT. I for one will do whatever is necessary to remove you if you won't go willingly. Screw all you A-holes that think there is some justifiable reason for them to be here (cost of fruit, whatever). This is my country and I will fight for it. This issue really does stir my patriotic fervor again, thanks for that jod, gloria and all you others that welcome criminals to our borders. Mexico is a failed state and as such we shouldn't shoulder the responsibility for its people. Don't like it mexicans, do something about it. Fix your own country, don't fuck up mine!!!
I hope all goes well with your child kauphy, my thoughts will be with you. Unfortunately some bleeding hearts don't get that the definition of illegal is just that, NOT LEGAL. If you are here illegally, GET OUT. I for one will do whatever is necessary to remove you if you won't go willingly. Screw all you A-holes that think there is some justifiable reason for them to be here (cost of fruit, whatever). This is my country and I will fight for it. This issue really does stir my patriotic fervor again, thanks for that jod, gloria and all you others that welcome criminals to our borders. Mexico is a failed state and as such we shouldn't shoulder the responsibility for its people. Don't like it mexicans, do something about it. Fix your own country, don't fuck up mine!!!

And we're not a f**ked up nation?

Our politicians vote with their wallets. Our government can't agree on anything, and fight tooth and nail just to get their way, no matter how harmful it is to our country. Our prison population ranks #1 in the world. What's wrong with this picture?

U.S. Prison Population Tops 2 Million
1 in 142 US residents now in prison

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edit: those numbers are from 2002, so I'm sure that the numbers are even higher here in 2010.
Right veg, the same way that the govt ignores the racist black panther incident. I do agree that we are a fucked up nation Win, don't need any outsiders fucking it up any further. Sorry you dont like my posts veg, there is a thing called the ignore button if you really can't take my common sense postings to this problem. I would suggest you use it as you seem to be selectively offended.
Oh, and veg, my point has been proven. You can't interpret the law in a way that fits your beliefs, the law is the law, get over it. Not angry, just pointing out facts, those seem to disturb you so, ignore away, please!
Sorry lost2much, i do agree with most of what you posted but what i dont agree with is the hostility toward those that dont agree with you.

Veg, Jod, gloria and winbig are good people, good people dont always agree with each other but this thread is turning into a bashing instead of a true debate and thats sad.

If your gonna debate, you use tact, respect, restraint and facts, facts have been shown from both sides and most have used restraint and respect, you are losing your temper and letting this wear you down and thats not a good thing.

We all love our country, some more than others and we all should want whats best for its citizens and the best way to do that is with your voting power.

Looks like this thread is going around in a circle. I know this is the rants section, but it's getting out of hand - even after a warning. Thread upgraded to closed.
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