So where are all


Paleo Meister (means really, really old)
Oct 11, 2006
So where are all my fellow political junkies? Taking a break or just in shock over the state of the union?

I do admit with all the info we're bombarded with 24/7 it can be exhausting.

btw where is footdr? I hope we didn't chase her away.
We could talk about how socialism has never worked in the history of mankind???

We could talk about the Tea Party movement and the huge effect that they will have on this midterm???

We could talk about how the current regime's policies have put us in a deeper , much deeper hole and how its going to get worse without some real change (i.e. back to the limited government and following the constitution thing>..)???
Like this one greasemonkey?

Now once again I am posting this as food for thought. I'm still processing it:oops: but thought it might be interesting to get opinions from other countries. Peace :)

Signs Of A Crumbling Regime
September 20, 2010 by Bob Livingston

Can you see it? The signs are everywhere. The regime is crumbling.
No not the President Barack Obama regime, though that is part of it; maybe even the catalyst in the United States, at least. I’m talking about the regime in general; the system.
You can see it in places like Greece. There the government has been fighting for its economic life. Years of socialist redistribution — theft from the producers to finance the growing State leviathan and unionized public and private sector employees — have caught up.
The government is now instituting “austerity” measures. It has to. It can’t meet its obligations. So it’s cutting back on growth in salaries, vacation days, benefits and pensions. Unionized public works employees and service employees aren’t happy their gravy train has jumped the tracks. They strike and riot. Greece may or may not survive.
Much the same is going on in other parts of Europe. The French government’s plans to save money by raising the retirement age to 62 from 60 sparked a one-day strike among workers from the public and private sectors in transportation, education, justice, healthcare, media and banking.
The “little people” are waking up to the fact that their governments — the elected class — have done them a disservice. Their regimes, financed by fiat money and having positioned themselves as the “Great Nannies,” are unable to fulfill promises of utopia, wine and roses.
Instead, the elected class enrich themselves. They finance wars through fiat, sending the masses in as fodder while the military-industrial complex grows stronger and pushes for more wars and more fiat money.
Here in America there have yet to be massive strikes and riots, though there are plenty of disaffected people with time on their hands to conduct such shenanigans. According to the U.S. Department of Labor there are 14.9 million unemployed. There are actually more. The government cooks its books. It doesn’t count those no longer seeking work.
Obama blew into office in January 2009 with stratospheric approval numbers. His “Hope and Change” mantra convinced many that “free stuff” was coming their way. In several videos posted on YouTube before Obama’s inauguration some of his voters say money from Obama’s “stash” will come to them or that they will no longer have to pay their mortgage or for gas. Apparently they really believed they no longer were obligated to pay their debts just because the Marxist was elected.
Obama and his Corporatist Democrat cohorts proceeded to pass more stimulus bills and focused on ramming Obamacare down the throats of the American people. The American people wanted the regime to focus on job creation rather than bailouts and Obamacare. The “free stuff” never came. Those waiting on it apparently don’t understand that governments don’t give… governments only consume: one way or the other.
The bailouts enriched the banksters and Wall Street, and Obamacare — a Eurosocialist healthcare model — was implemented to steal freedom from of choice from Americans and saddle them with coming additional taxes and death panels that will decide whether they live or die. What’s more, to comply with the coming mandates to insure the previously uninsurable and everyone else, insurance companies are raising rates faster than they did before healthcare became “free for all.”
But the regime doesn’t like any kind of dissent. So it threatens, through a letter from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, to put health insurers out of business if they don’t quit “using scare tactics and misinformation to falsely blame premium increases for 2011 on the patient protections in the Affordable Care Act.”
Sebelius says her experts and academic advisors believe any increased costs to insurance companies will be minimal. Government experts and academics operate in the fantasy land of theory. Businesses operate in the realm of reality. Businesses understand that regulations and mandates cost them money.
It’s not the first time the regime has threatened businesses. When AT&T, Caterpillar and others explained to shareholders what the new healthcare law would cost, the thug Congressman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) demanded proof and threatened to bring them before Congress. Waxman backed down when the companies provided proof.
You may recall that Obama’s thugocratic regime also threatened those holding the debt of General Motors and Chrysler during bankruptcy negotiations. “Agree to our settlement or risk getting nothing,” was the message. “Two hundred years of case law on bankruptcy be damned,” the thugocracy said.
The result of all this is approval ratings in the low 40s for Obama and single digits for Congress. The elites first caught wind of voter dissatisfaction during Town Hall meetings. No longer were they pleasant affairs attended by a few old codgers looking for a free cup of coffee. Now voters were expressing their discontent. The elites got scared and ducked and ran or hired thugs to protect them from their “malcontent” constituents. They grabbed video cameras or ordered them turned off. These embarrassing moments appeared on YouTube for any who were interested to see.
When special elections were held, incumbents and establishment candidates got trounced. Tea Parties grew stronger, their message resonated and spread. The large rallies in Washington, D.C., and around the nation frightened the regime.
The regime has responded. With corporate mainstream media’s audience falling precipitously the regime realized it was losing the message. People no longer turned to the alphabet soup news gatherers and the “All the news that’s fit to print” newspapers that all spread the same government propaganda. They sought their news from other sources: talk radio, the Internet.
So now the regime is pushing a bill to turn off the Internet. It also seeks a “fairness doctrine” so it can control radio content. Moves such as these will draw out the masses. If that happens the results won’t be pretty.
The Republican establishment is not immune from the public’s ire. In fact, the Republican Party is in the crosshairs of the Tea Party. Tea Party candidates are taking out the traditional “chosen” Republicans and reshaping the GOP in their image. The regime is surprised.
It shouldn’t be. The Republican establishment backs liberals like Mike Castle — a pro-abortion, pro-gun control, tax and spend liberal who calls himself a Republican — who as a Congressman sided with the Democrats more than Republicans. Tea Party conservatives figured it’s better to back a conservative with a chance she might lose in November than support a liberal Republican who votes for Democrat policies they’ve rejected.
So Christine O’Donnell whipped Castle for the Republican Senate nomination in Delaware. The Republican regime went into a snit, called O’Donnell names and cast doubts about her electability.
Karl Rove, the former advisor to President George W. Bush and architect of many of the Republican failures during the Bush years that resulted in the ascendancy of the current Democrat and Obama regime, was the poster child of regime arrogance on election night. He called O’Donnell nutty, and added other less-than-flattering adjectives. The National Republican Senate Committee said it would not be supporting her candidacy. What arrogance!
No matter. Tea Partiers responded. On Wednesday after her nomination, O’Donnell saw donations pour in from across the country. Her website crashed from the traffic.
Sensing trouble, the NRSC relented and quickly cut a check to her campaign.
The Republican establishment is slow to learn. The regime has a history of backing the wrong candidate: Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio, Senator Lisa Murkowski over Joe Miller, Trey Grayson over Rand Paul, Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) over Mike Lee, Rick Lazio over Carl Paladino. The regime doesn’t have it figured out yet.
“Establishment Republicans have no idea how livid Americans are with them,” Richard A. Viguerie told The Washington Examiner last Wednesday. “Republican leaders are in a panic because they have lost control of the Republican Party. Grassroots constitutional conservatives are inside the Citadel, and are poised to take over.”
The public is fed up. Democrats don’t yet realize it, but as soon as the Tea Party finishes cleaning up the parts of the Republican Party they can get to this election cycle, the Democrat purge will begin in earnest. That cleaning starts on Nov. 2. It won’t end there, regardless of the outcome. There will still be a lot of trash in Washington — Republican and Democrat — on the day after the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. But Americans are as energized over the idea of a cleansing as they have ever been.
Democrats and Republicans alike face a tsunami in November the likes of which they still can’t imagine. Americans are ready to throw off the yoke of slavery they have toiled under for many years. The straws of control, taxes, government spending and regulations have finally broken the camel’s back.
The fascist regime is no longer stable. It knows only control, wars and more spending. So it continues to grow deficits, conduct wars without end, rattle sabers for more wars, put more regulations on food, push more “approved” harmful drugs on consumers, order more vaccinations, restrict access to natural health supplements and exercise more control over the public.
The regime calls for tax increases. This, too, is an effort at more control. It is legalized theft of your production.
Gold hit a record high last week. It is evidence the public is aware the regime is crumbling. The fiat system, instituted under the darkness of night 97 years ago, is failing. Throwing more fiat at the debt and deficits have succeeded only in creating more debt and greater deficits. The calculator the regime uses only adds and multiplies. The subtraction key doesn’t work. History shows this is a recipe for failure.
Store food for food and food for barter. Store water for sustenance. Store guns and ammunition for protection. Store gold and silver for wealth preservation. Prepare; for the regime is crumbling.
Now once again I am posting this as food for thought. I'm still processing it:oops: but thought it might be interesting to get opinions from other countries. Peace :)

Signs Of A Crumbling Regime
September 20, 2010 by Bob Livingston

Can you see it? The signs are everywhere. The regime is crumbling.
No not the President Barack Obama regime, though that is part of it; maybe even the catalyst in the United States, at least. I’m talking about the regime in general; the system.

You can see it in places like Greece. There the government has been fighting for its economic life. Years of socialist redistribution — theft from the producers to finance the growing State leviathan and unionized public and private sector employees — have caught up.

The government is now instituting “austerity” measures. It has to. It can’t meet its obligations. So it’s cutting back on growth in salaries, vacation days, benefits and pensions. Unionized public works employees and service employees aren’t happy their gravy train has jumped the tracks. They strike and riot. Greece may or may not survive.

Much the same is going on in other parts of Europe. The French government’s plans to save money by raising the retirement age to 62 from 60 sparked a one-day strike among workers from the public and private sectors in transportation, education, justice, healthcare, media and banking.

The “little people” are waking up to the fact that their governments — the elected class — have done them a disservice. Their regimes, financed by fiat money and having positioned themselves as the “Great Nannies,” are unable to fulfill promises of utopia, wine and roses.

Instead, the elected class enrich themselves. They finance wars through fiat, sending the masses in as fodder while the military-industrial complex grows stronger and pushes for more wars and more fiat money.

Here in America there have yet to be massive strikes and riots, though there are plenty of disaffected people with time on their hands to conduct such shenanigans. According to the U.S. Department of Labor there are 14.9 million unemployed. There are actually more. The government cooks its books. It doesn’t count those no longer seeking work.

Obama blew into office in January 2009 with stratospheric approval numbers. His “Hope and Change” mantra convinced many that “free stuff” was coming their way. In several videos posted on YouTube before Obama’s inauguration some of his voters say money from Obama’s “stash” will come to them or that they will no longer have to pay their mortgage or for gas. Apparently they really believed they no longer were obligated to pay their debts just because the Marxist was elected.

Obama and his Corporatist Democrat cohorts proceeded to pass more stimulus bills and focused on ramming Obamacare down the throats of the American people. The American people wanted the regime to focus on job creation rather than bailouts and Obamacare. The “free stuff” never came. Those waiting on it apparently don’t understand that governments don’t give… governments only consume: one way or the other.

The bailouts enriched the banksters and Wall Street, and Obamacare — a Eurosocialist healthcare model — was implemented to steal freedom from of choice from Americans and saddle them with coming additional taxes and death panels that will decide whether they live or die.

What’s more, to comply with the coming mandates to insure the previously uninsurable and everyone else, insurance companies are raising rates faster than they did before healthcare became “free for all.”

But the regime doesn’t like any kind of dissent. So it threatens, through a letter from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, to put health insurers out of business if they don’t quit “using scare tactics and misinformation to falsely blame premium increases for 2011 on the patient protections in the Affordable Care Act.”

Sebelius says her experts and academic advisors believe any increased costs to insurance companies will be minimal. Government experts and academics operate in the fantasy land of theory. Businesses operate in the realm of reality. Businesses understand that regulations and mandates cost them money.

It’s not the first time the regime has threatened businesses. When AT&T, Caterpillar and others explained to shareholders what the new healthcare law would cost, the thug Congressman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) demanded proof and threatened to bring them before Congress. Waxman backed down when the companies provided proof.

You may recall that Obama’s thugocratic regime also threatened those holding the debt of General Motors and Chrysler during bankruptcy negotiations. “Agree to our settlement or risk getting nothing,” was the message. “Two hundred years of case law on bankruptcy be damned,” the thugocracy said.

The result of all this is approval ratings in the low 40s for Obama and single digits for Congress. The elites first caught wind of voter dissatisfaction during Town Hall meetings. No longer were they pleasant affairs attended by a few old codgers looking for a free cup of coffee. Now voters were expressing their discontent. The elites got scared and ducked and ran or hired thugs to protect them from their “malcontent” constituents. They grabbed video cameras or ordered them turned off. These embarrassing moments appeared on YouTube for any who were interested to see.

When special elections were held, incumbents and establishment candidates got trounced. Tea Parties grew stronger, their message resonated and spread. The large rallies in Washington, D.C., and around the nation frightened the regime.

The regime has responded. With corporate mainstream media’s audience falling precipitously the regime realized it was losing the message. People no longer turned to the alphabet soup news gatherers and the “All the news that’s fit to print” newspapers that all spread the same government propaganda. They sought their news from other sources: talk radio, the Internet.

So now the regime is pushing a bill to turn off the Internet. It also seeks a “fairness doctrine” so it can control radio content. Moves such as these will draw out the masses. If that happens the results won’t be pretty.

The Republican establishment is not immune from the public’s ire. In fact, the Republican Party is in the crosshairs of the Tea Party. Tea Party candidates are taking out the traditional “chosen” Republicans and reshaping the GOP in their image. The regime is surprised.

It shouldn’t be. The Republican establishment backs liberals like Mike Castle — a pro-abortion, pro-gun control, tax and spend liberal who calls himself a Republican — who as a Congressman sided with the Democrats more than Republicans. Tea Party conservatives figured it’s better to back a conservative with a chance she might lose in November than support a liberal Republican who votes for Democrat policies they’ve rejected.

So Christine O’Donnell whipped Castle for the Republican Senate nomination in Delaware. The Republican regime went into a snit, called O’Donnell names and cast doubts about her electability.

Karl Rove, the former advisor to President George W. Bush and architect of many of the Republican failures during the Bush years that resulted in the ascendancy of the current Democrat and Obama regime, was the poster child of regime arrogance on election night. He called O’Donnell nutty, and added other less-than-flattering adjectives.

The National Republican Senate Committee said it would not be supporting her candidacy. What arrogance! No matter. Tea Partiers responded. On Wednesday after her nomination, O’Donnell saw donations pour in from across the country. Her website crashed from the traffic.

Sensing trouble, the NRSC relented and quickly cut a check to her campaign.
The Republican establishment is slow to learn. The regime has a history of backing the wrong candidate: Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio, Senator Lisa Murkowski over Joe Miller, Trey Grayson over Rand Paul, Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) over Mike Lee, Rick Lazio over Carl Paladino. The regime doesn’t have it figured out yet.

“Establishment Republicans have no idea how livid Americans are with them,” Richard A. Viguerie told The Washington Examiner last Wednesday.
“Republican leaders are in a panic because they have lost control of the Republican Party. Grassroots constitutional conservatives are inside the Citadel, and are poised to take over.”

The public is fed up. Democrats don’t yet realize it, but as soon as the Tea Party finishes cleaning up the parts of the Republican Party they can get to this election cycle, the Democrat purge will begin in earnest. That cleaning starts on Nov. 2. It won’t end there, regardless of the outcome. There will still be a lot of trash in Washington — Republican and Democrat — on the day after the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. But Americans are as energized over the idea of a cleansing as they have ever been.

Democrats and Republicans alike face a tsunami in November the likes of which they still can’t imagine. Americans are ready to throw off the yoke of slavery they have toiled under for many years. The straws of control, taxes, government spending and regulations have finally broken the camel’s back.
The fascist regime is no longer stable. It knows only control, wars and more spending. So it continues to grow deficits, conduct wars without end, rattle sabers for more wars, put more regulations on food, push more “approved” harmful drugs on consumers, order more vaccinations, restrict access to natural health supplements and exercise more control over the public.
The regime calls for tax increases. This, too, is an effort at more control. It is legalized theft of your production.

Gold hit a record high last week. It is evidence the public is aware the regime is crumbling. The fiat system, instituted under the darkness of night 97 years ago, is failing. Throwing more fiat at the debt and deficits have succeeded only in creating more debt and greater deficits. The calculator the regime uses only adds and multiplies. The subtraction key doesn’t work. History shows this is a recipe for failure.

Store food for food and food for barter. Store water for sustenance. Store guns and ammunition for protection. Store gold and silver for wealth preservation. Prepare; for the regime is crumbling.

I was going blind trying to read this, Felice. Hope you do not mind I separated your post with paragraphs and spacing so it might be easier for those of us with "old" eyes. :D
I'm sorry, it looked pretty normal when I put it in but thanks and no prob I can use all the help I can get. :) :thumbsup:
talk about old eyes! I've used the last number possible on magnifying glasses at the grocery store. :eek:
I'm here ....I'm just studying for Mid-Terms :D
looking at all the possible replacements :)
I'm still here....

Since the last posts on this thread the Republicans took back the House in a landslide. The greatest loss of House seats by a party in a midterm election in 62 years.

Unfortunately, Pelosi is likely to be the Minority Leader. Thats not good if the President means what he said, "we need to work together, compromise".
Thats not the way Pelosi operates.

Steny Hoyer would have been a far better choice as he is far better at negotiating and working "with" the Republicans and is better liked then Pelosi.

She should have took a back seat as she is part of the reason that Legislation was poorly written and passed without following the "legislative process" as explained on the U.S. House website.

Maybe the Republicans will have to resort to the underhanded tacks she and the Rules committe used to silence the Republicans and take them out of the process. No debate, no amendments and exclude them from the process.

I hope they can compromise and pass good legislation and fix the problem portions of the rammed through health care bill, "wallstreat bill", and credit card protection act. Not to mention the screwed up student loan legislation.
But I would have been more optomistic if Pelosi wasn't heading up the Democrats. Now I fear not much will get done.
Since the last posts on this thread the Republicans took back the House in a landslide. The greatest loss of House seats by a party in a midterm election in 62 years.

**Unfortunately, Pelosi is likely to be the Minority Leader. Thats not good if the President means what he said, "we need to work together, compromise".
Thats not the way Pelosi operates.

Steny Hoyer would have been a far better choice as he is far better at negotiating and working "with" the Republicans and is better liked then Pelosi.

She should have took a back seat as she is part of the reason that Legislation was poorly written and passed without following the "legislative process" as explained on the U.S. House website.

Maybe the Republicans will have to resort to the underhanded tacks she and the Rules committe used to silence the Republicans and take them out of the process. No debate, no amendments and exclude them from the process.

I hope they can compromise and pass good legislation and fix the problem portions of the rammed through health care bill, "wallstreat bill", and credit card protection act. Not to mention the screwed up student loan legislation.
But I would have been more optomistic if Pelosi wasn't heading up the Democrats. Now I fear not much will get done.

**That's probably the answer right there. The president didn't mean what he said and he probably doesn't know what or where to go with out pelosi/reid to lead him. I thought the first part of his address last wed. was like a robot the way his head kept moving from left to right as if keeping time with something. Is that the prompter thing people talk about? Never noticed it before but after awhile he suddenly just looked really stunned or lost. I almost felt sorry for him. almost. The days ahead should prove to be interesting for sure. :)

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