Obama Still Lying About Health Insurance....


Banned User: PITA violations of the Forum Rules
Jan 13, 2006
I am getting really tired of the President running around the Country to spread his lies about Health Reform.

"You can keep your Insurance", blatant lie. As an Employer I can assure you that the Majority of current Policies will not be "grandfathered" as for them to be "grandfathered under the Bill it has to meet a whole list of criteria.

Many policy provisions on that list aren't even necessary for all employers or their employees. And, wouldn't it be nice if the employees had the option of keeping their current coverage RATHER THAN seeing their premiums skyrocket due to adding coverage they neither need or want?

This is a scam.

The only thing worth keeping is the Insurance Regulation and reform that stops people from keeping their employer policy and coverage if they quit or are fired and don't want their new employers plan or for any other reason.
Newborns automatically covered with no pre-existing.

Coverage under family insurance up to age 26,although they failed to say once 27 can keep their coverage at same premium under individual plan.

Without requiring everyone to purchase insurance it is unreasonable to require Insurance Companies to provide coverage for individual plans where the individual or family(if applying for family coverage)when there is a pre-existing condition. Although, there should be regulations as to what can be considered pre-existing and the policy should still be issued minus coverage for the condition or disease.

Other then offering additional Prescription coverage to medicare patients by increasing the premiums paid to cover the additional costs; the rest of the costly Bill is worthless and will do little.

The cost of insurance has already started to skyrocket due to this Legislation and it will continue to increase at a MUCH faster pace then it ever would have.

You will either lose your coverage or pay more towards your group plan.
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I am getting really tired of the President running around the Country to spread his lies about Health Reform.

"You can keep your Insurance", blatant lie. As an Employer I can assure you that the Majority of current Policies will not be "grandfathered" as for them to be "grandfathered under the Bill it has to meet a whole list of criteria.

Many policy provisions on that list aren't even necessary for all employers or their employees. And, wouldn't it be nice if the employees had the option of keeping their current coverage RATHER THAN seeing their premiums skyrocket due to adding coverage they neither need or want?

This is a scam.

The only thing worth keeping is the Insurance Regulation and reform that stops people from keeping their employer policy and coverage if they quit or are fired and don't want their new employers plan or for any other reason.
Newborns automatically covered with no pre-existing.

Coverage under family insurance up to age 26,although they failed to say once 27 can keep their coverage at same premium under individual plan.

Without requiring everyone to purchase insurance it is unreasonable to require Insurance Companies to provide coverage for individual plans where the individual or family(if applying for family coverage)when there is a pre-existing condition. Although, there should be regulations as to what can be considered pre-existing and the policy should still be issued minus coverage for the condition or disease.

Other then offering additional Prescription coverage to medicare patients by increasing the premiums paid to cover the additional costs; the rest of the costly Bill is worthless and will do little.

The cost of insurance has already started to skyrocket due to this Legislation and it will continue to increase at a MUCH faster pace then it ever would have.

You will either lose your coverage or pay more towards your group plan.

All new policy's start this way... I myself am an employer...It will suck at first..Atleast give him a chance and be thankful he has the balls to initiate it...Like any other person in his position could be doing better considering the shit he was left with by the ingnorant a hole before him....And besides this is a gambleing site..........
All new policy's start this way... I myself am an employer...It will suck at first..Atleast give him a chance and be thankful he has the balls to initiate it...Like any other person in his position could be doing better considering the shit he was left with by the ingnorant a hole before him....And besides this is a gambleing site..........

So in 3 years from now when the country might be in a much deeper mess, can I call the now current President a stupid a hole?:p Not very nice to call any former President such names, but thats your right imo.

Yes this is a gambling forum and CM has been very kind in having this political rants section for those of us who like to debate these issues.


Your kidding, right? If it had been done right it would have started with one Bill to provide regulation of Insurance Companies, such as:
capping the percentage premiums could increase yearly, allowing dependents to remain on plan until out of college including masters and doctorate programs when parents still paying.
allowing employees to keep their insurance at the same premium their employer was paying when they left their job or laided off.
Covering newborns even if born will problems(as our group health does).
Reguiring all group coverage to cover employees regardless of pre-existing(as our policy does) Allowing people to purchase policies regardless of where the Company is located, across State lines. No life-time cap on payout as long as policy is enforce.

Then, they should have taken measures to improve fraud and errors in reimbusement and improved management of the Medicare Program and oversight. They were suppose to be doing their jobs. They are mismanaged and I see no reason to expand the numbers of employees and offices to do the job they were charged with and have previously failed to do.

Sorry, but the entire process was wrong. They failed to pass legislation that would reduce premiums. Quite the opposite, the system and cost will be far worse.

I have worked in Health Care Administration for the V.A. and Private Medical Practices and consulted for Nursing Homes; what I have stated is based on 30 years of experience. I have watched the V.A. Hospitals waste tax dollars and have seen the difficulty in firing employees that are not doing their jobs; you have to document and document until you are blue in the face and even then if the employee is a veteran, you will likely never succeed.

I have seen Nursing Home patients who needed medical treatment to improve their lives, meaning being able to walk or feed themselves, and have their treatment denied by medicare and medicaid as "not necessary"! Watching doctors treat them for free!

Passing any old law is not improvement if it makes the cost to consurmer rise and fails to do what it was intended to do. Wasting Billions of dollars.

I will be voting all Republican in Nov. I normally do not vote straight ticket but vote for the best candidate regardless of party. Not this year. We need to balance the Congress to restore the Legislative process and stop the constant passage of Legislation that is costly and ineffective. Period.

Nothing that the Obama Admin. has passed will help my business, I don't need more loans, I need profit. I already pay 100% of my employees Health Insurance so those credits don't help me. I only have captial investments in the employee profit sharing plan, so won't help me. My equipment is all fully depreciated, so that provision wont help me. All they will do is raise my taxes and reduce the amount I could use to provide more benefits to employees, expand my business or hire additional help. All tax cuts should be extended for the "true small businesses". It is not are fault if the billion and millionaires get away will setting up s-corps. I am a sole-proprietor as my taxes and costs would increase if I were to incorporate.

The new 1099 regulation will cost me more accounting wise and require I change my bookkeeping software to keep track of each individual company versus "category of expense".

The deficit when the Dems took office was 680 billion per CBO at the end of 2010 it will l.47 trillion the Obama Admin. and CBO.

Sorry, but I was doing much better before the Dems took over. I would prefer Clinton, Nixon anyone but this inexperienced President that speaks against anyone that opposes his views, anyone that has achieved a good salary or started a productive business.

His help for small business is a political sham!
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The new 1099 regulation will cost me more accounting wise and require I change my book-keeping software to keep track of each individual company versus "category of expense".
An employer has not been required to submit a 1099 MISC. to any vendors et al that were Incorporated ( C CORPS I AM SURE, S CORPS ALSO IIRC ) prior to OBC.

Is the employer still exempt from having to submit a 1099 MISC. to vendors that are Incorporated under the new OBC regulation?

Then why do so many Canadians seek health care in the U.S. and why do so many Canadian Physicians leave and set up practice in the U.S.?

You are dead wrong and my 30 years of Health Administration experience proves it!
I know tons of people that go to Canada for health care...The insurance companies in the USA are greedy scumbags.....Obama is trying to remedy it at least a little bit. Every single person in the USA should be permitted to go to a doctor and get meds and it should all be at no cost.

The other day I went to get my migraine medication....12 pills pharmacist says $70 please....I said wait a freaking minute...its $35 co-pay he informs me that my insurance says i have to mail order a 90 day supply from now on or pay double to get them at Walgreens. I use 12 pills a year...A YEAR...so if i have to get 36 pills every 3 months....ummmm im throwing away tons of money as they will expire before I could even think to use them. So I refused them.

This is what im talking about....why should I have to do that? I shouldnt. I hope the new plan comes sooner than later.
I am getting really tired of the President running around the Country to spread his lies about Health Reform.

"You can keep your Insurance", blatant lie. As an Employer I can assure you that the Majority of current Policies will not be "grandfathered" as for them to be "grandfathered under the Bill it has to meet a whole list of criteria.

Many policy provisions on that list aren't even necessary for all employers or their employees. And, wouldn't it be nice if the employees had the option of keeping their current coverage RATHER THAN seeing their premiums skyrocket due to adding coverage they neither need or want?

This is a scam.

The only thing worth keeping is the Insurance Regulation and reform that stops people from keeping their employer policy and coverage if they quit or are fired and don't want their new employers plan or for any other reason.
Newborns automatically covered with no pre-existing.

Coverage under family insurance up to age 26,although they failed to say once 27 can keep their coverage at same premium under individual plan.

Without requiring everyone to purchase insurance it is unreasonable to require Insurance Companies to provide coverage for individual plans where the individual or family(if applying for family coverage)when there is a pre-existing condition. Although, there should be regulations as to what can be considered pre-existing and the policy should still be issued minus coverage for the condition or disease.

Other then offering additional Prescription coverage to medicare patients by increasing the premiums paid to cover the additional costs; the rest of the costly Bill is worthless and will do little.

The cost of insurance has already started to skyrocket due to this Legislation and it will continue to increase at a MUCH faster pace then it ever would have.

You will either lose your coverage or pay more towards your group plan.

if you read my other thread that i started when this frist passed i said things would go up and i got my a-- all but riped apart and told i was just running sceard and that i was a tea partyer and i did,nt know what i was talking about.

oh how fast things have changed.

p.s i agree with you footdr. did anyone eles read about what is going on with the small business like mcdonalds?
I know tons of people that go to Canada for health care...The insurance companies in the USA are greedy scumbags.....Obama is trying to remedy it at least a little bit. Every single person in the USA should be permitted to go to a doctor and get meds and it should all be at no cost.

The other day I went to get my migraine medication....12 pills pharmacist says $70 please....I said wait a freaking minute...its $35 co-pay he informs me that my insurance says i have to mail order a 90 day supply from now on or pay double to get them at Walgreens. I use 12 pills a year...A YEAR...so if i have to get 36 pills every 3 months....ummmm im throwing away tons of money as they will expire before I could even think to use them. So I refused them.

This is what im talking about....why should I have to do that? I shouldnt. I hope the new plan comes sooner than later.

nothing is free and i don,t know why everyone thinks that health care under obama will be free caz it won,t
So in 3 years from now when the country MIGHT be in a much deeper mess, can I call the now current President a stupid a hole?:p Not very nice to call any former President such names, but thats your right imo.

Yes this is a gambling forum and CM has been very kind in having this political rants section for those of us who like to debate these issues.


You use the term "MIGHT" be..interesting..It would be your right to do so.
Every single person in the USA should be permitted to go to a doctor and get meds and it should all be at no cost.
That's NOT gonna happen Jenn ...sorry... its still gonna cost something ....... probably more:eek2:

The other day I went to get my migraine medication....12 pills pharmacist says $70 please....I said wait a freaking minute...its $35 co-pay he informs me that my insurance says i have to mail order a 90 day supply from now on or pay double to get them at Walgreens. I use 12 pills a year...A YEAR...so if i have to get 36 pills every 3 months....ummmm im throwing away tons of money as they will expire before I could even think to use them. So I refused them.
its still gonna cost you something ...don't be ignorant and think its not.... THAT'S what they want you to think.... you think for a second that this is gonna be free ...lets look at simple economics of supply and demand when demand goes up (amount of patients ... 32 million new patients) and supply goes down(amount of doctors getting less and they are being paid less) what happens to the price???? anyone ??? price goes up end of discussion

didn't mean to call ya Ignorant I still love ya but ...........:p
IMO this is all a moot point. Dems lose at least the house if not senate as well in a month. When the budget talks for 2012 start this will go unfunded. Combine that with all of the states fighting this in the courts over the 10th amendment none of this will matter. Obama goes out as a lame duck, money never gets appropriated to this and/or states prevail in the courts. Just be patient, we are almost halfway through Jimmy Carter the 2nd.

Obama's approval index (strongly approve - strongly disapprove) is -17 at the moment. With 45% of the voters strongly disapproving of him his job as well as anyone that supports him is in jeopardy.
IMO this is all a moot point. Dems lose at least the house if not senate as well in a month. When the budget talks for 2012 start this will go unfunded. Combine that with all of the states fighting this in the courts over the 10th amendment none of this will matter. Obama goes out as a lame duck, money never gets appropriated to this and/or states prevail in the courts. Just be patient, we are almost halfway through Jimmy Carter the 2nd.

Obama's approval index (strongly approve - strongly disapprove) is -17 at the moment. With 45% of the voters strongly disapproving of him his job as well as anyone that supports him is in jeopardy.

Good post !!! :thumbsup:
I sure Hope your right ..... and that he cant do anymore Damage than he already has.....in the next 2 years
I know here in Michigan people actually go across the border for the free Canadian Health care (not legally either). Things may have changed with the new passport laws now (you used to be able to go over with a birth certificate).

Going to be honest and say I did not read through all these posts, just skimmed. Also going to be honest and say I know basics but don't spend all my spare time digging deep into this bill like some posters before me have done.
That being said, I am glad this bill was passed and even if it's messy right now hopefully it can somehow grow into proper health care for all. There has to be some reason standards of living are much better in a lot of countries that do provide health care for their people.
Also would like to say if the Dem's need to grow some balls. They have control and they are wasting it all trying to make the gov. "one big happy". It's just not gonna happen. I myself usually say we need a government working together but I am the point where I no longer have hope of that happening.
As for Obama, I am not pleased with him either. But not for the same reasons as some of you. I feel he also needs to grow some balls and try to stop catering to both sides. He has done a lot of things in a short time, but to me it needs to be more.

That being said can I add the things he HAS done so far?
People may not like him now, but in years to come we may be thankful for some of these-
1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending
2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices
3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women
4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq
5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB
6 Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information
7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier’s family
8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act
9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible
10. Limits on lobbyist’s access to the White House
11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration
12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren’t even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan
14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research
15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research
16. New federal funding for science and research labs
17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards
18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect
19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
20. New funds for school construction
21 The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out
22. US Auto industry rescue plan
23. Housing rescue plan
24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan
25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying
26. US financial and banking rescue plan
27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed
28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with theGeneva Convention standards
29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010
31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols
32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic
33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions
34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office
35. Successful release of US captain held bySomali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job
36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast
37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales
39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government
40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
41. Signed national service legislation; expandednational youth service program
42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones
43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions
44. Expanding vaccination programs
45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters
46. Closed offshore tax safe havens
47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals
48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
49.. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry’s predatory practices
50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources
51. Lower drug costs for seniors
52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings
53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
54. Improved housing for military personnel
55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses
56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals
57 Increasing student loans
58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program
59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy
60. Established a new cyber security office
61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.
62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness
64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient
65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced
66. Improving benefits for veterans
67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration
68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud
69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco
70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons
73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive
74. Making more loans available to small businesses
75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare
76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
77. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans
78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000
79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan
81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan
82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans
83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production
84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters
85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket
86. Held first Seder in White House
87. The Matthew Shepard Act, officially the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, is an Act of Congress, passed on October 22, 2009
88. Attempting to reform the nation’s healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured
89. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform
90. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform
91. Has announced his intention to push for education reform

Granted he may not be given FULL credit for all of these, but they did happen with him in charge so OK by me. (OK and the last few are "intentions" lol, but I am leaving them in with hope in my heart ;)).
Obama's approval index (strongly approve - strongly disapprove) is -17 at the moment. With 45% of the voters strongly disapproving of him his job as well as anyone that supports him is in jeopardy.

I just asked my son last night about this.
Who exactly are they asking?
I would be interested to see the polling statistics.
No one ever asks me:(
I just asked my son last night about this.
Who exactly are they asking?
I would be interested to see the polling statistics.
No one ever asks me:(

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This explains it some.

Never in my life before this year have I been into politics but these times are scary. The feds are going to bankrupt this country if we don't do something. The current administration couldn't run a newsstand much less a government. They are incredibly clueless when it comes to economics and books. Whoever is giving them advice is even more clueless.

Think about this for a minute. This country elected a first term rep with no previous political experience who had never sponsored a bill and had zero accomplishments. He also came from a state with arguably the most crooked politics in the country ( for example remember the governor is in jail for trying to auction off his seat). What did people expect him to do?
No matter where you are a taxpayer, government overspending is pretty terrifying, frequently defying all the principles most of us were taught about financial restraint and indebtedness.

When you (generally) are not personally accountable and responsible in monetary terms, or have not had to work your ass off to earn the money in the first place, it's relatively easy to splash it around with wars, populist ideals and grandiose projects - especially those that involve the successful paying for the less so.

Governments seem to regard debt way too casually, and the levels of national debt now being reported - and who is doing the lending - are truly scary.
The Health Reform bill mandates....

An employer has not been required to submit a 1099 MISC. to any vendors et al that were Incorporated ( C CORPS I AM SURE, S CORPS ALSO IIRC ) prior to OBC.

Is the employer still exempt from having to submit a 1099 MISC. to vendors that are Incorporated under the new OBC regulation?

That all businesses must send a 1099 to ANY person or business whether incorporated or not that they have paid $600.00 or more to during the year.
This has NEVER been required when paying anyone other then an individual, say your maid, lawnman or contract laborer. Now we have to send a 1099 to all vendors or businesses(who already are required to report their income). Will have to get everyones tax ID numbers, including electric company, supply companies, telephone and cell phone companies, EVERYONE you pay. You will have to keep track and once you hit the $600.00 mark you will have to issue a 1099 at the end of the year.

Problem is those on a cash basis file by calender year, those on accrual file various times of their corporate year.

My tax attorney said this is never going to be implemented as the IRS can't monitor this. And that the revenue gained would be far less then the cost to administer the program.

They only included this in the Bill so CBO would score the potential revenue and further reduce the cost of the Bill, (falsely of course)
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I know here in Michigan people actually go across the border for the free Canadian Health care (not legally either). Things may have changed with the new passport laws now (you used to be able to go over with a birth certificate).

Going to be honest and say I did not read through all these posts, just skimmed. Also going to be honest and say I know basics but don't spend all my spare time digging deep into this bill like some posters before me have done.
That being said, I am glad this bill was passed and even if it's messy right now hopefully it can somehow grow into proper health care for all. There has to be some reason standards of living are much better in a lot of countries that do provide health care for their people.
Also would like to say if the Dem's need to grow some balls. They have control and they are wasting it all trying to make the gov. "one big happy". It's just not gonna happen. I myself usually say we need a government working together but I am the point where I no longer have hope of that happening.
As for Obama, I am not pleased with him either. But not for the same reasons as some of you. I feel he also needs to grow some balls and try to stop catering to both sides. He has done a lot of things in a short time, but to me it needs to be more.

That being said can I add the things he HAS done so far?
People may not like him now, but in years to come we may be thankful for some of these-
1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending
2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices
3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women
4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq
5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB
6 Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information
7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier’s family
8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act
9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible
10. Limits on lobbyist’s access to the White House
11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration
12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren’t even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan
14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research
15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research
16. New federal funding for science and research labs
17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards
18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect
19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
20. New funds for school construction
21 The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out
22. US Auto industry rescue plan
23. Housing rescue plan
24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan
25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying
26. US financial and banking rescue plan
27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed
28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with theGeneva Convention standards
29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010
31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols
32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic
33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions
34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office
35. Successful release of US captain held bySomali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job
36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast
37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales
39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government
40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
41. Signed national service legislation; expandednational youth service program
42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones
43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions
44. Expanding vaccination programs
45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters
46. Closed offshore tax safe havens
47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals
48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
49.. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry’s predatory practices
50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources
51. Lower drug costs for seniors
52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings
53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
54. Improved housing for military personnel
55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses
56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals
57 Increasing student loans
58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program
59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy
60. Established a new cyber security office
61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.
62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness
64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient
65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced
66. Improving benefits for veterans
67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration
68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud
69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco
70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons
73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive
74. Making more loans available to small businesses
75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare
76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
77. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans
78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000
79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan
81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan
82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans
83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production
84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters
85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket
86. Held first Seder in White House
87. The Matthew Shepard Act, officially the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, is an Act of Congress, passed on October 22, 2009
88. Attempting to reform the nation’s healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured
89. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform
90. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform
91. Has announced his intention to push for education reform

Granted he may not be given FULL credit for all of these, but they did happen with him in charge so OK by me. (OK and the last few are "intentions" lol, but I am leaving them in with hope in my heart ;)).

1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending
2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices
8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act
10. Limits on lobbyist’s access to the White House
11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration
16. New federal funding for science and research labs
21 The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out
23. Housing rescue plan
57 Increasing student loans
74. Making more loans available to small businesses
88. Attempting to reform the nation’s healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured
89. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform
90. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform
91. Has announced his intention to push for education reform

I take issue will the above. Especially increasing student loans, small business loads(only will back a bank loan if certain conditions are met and only if bank wants to lend). The rest have either not been enacted or have been ineffective.
Health Insurance is not an all inclusive membership

I know tons of people that go to Canada for health care...The insurance companies in the USA are greedy scumbags.....Obama is trying to remedy it at least a little bit. Every single person in the USA should be permitted to go to a doctor and get meds and it should all be at no cost.

The other day I went to get my migraine medication....12 pills pharmacist says $70 please....I said wait a freaking minute...its $35 co-pay he informs me that my insurance says i have to mail order a 90 day supply from now on or pay double to get them at Walgreens. I use 12 pills a year...A YEAR...so if i have to get 36 pills every 3 months....ummmm im throwing away tons of money as they will expire before I could even think to use them. So I refused them.

This is what im talking about....why should I have to do that? I shouldnt. I hope the new plan comes sooner than later.

Someone has to pay for the meds and treatment. One way or another you will pay. Once your health care becomes free your will wait months for an appointment and herded like cattle. The Government will control the treatment you can be provided. Health Insurance was never meant to cover everything! Does your car insurance cover repairs? Does your homeowners insurance cover repairs? NO My employees pay a $30.00 co-payment for their doctors visits and tests. That's not much given the quality of care we recieve.

The problem is that those without jobs/income cannot afford any insurance and we will be paying for their insurance under the Obama Plan rather then putting them on Medicaid. Insurance companies are not scumbags. They just have been unregulated by law. Without them, exactly where do you think you would be? The Federal Government mismanages Medicare, do you think they are capable of administrating a Universal Health Plan? After working in Administration for the V.A. Hospital System I guarantee you that they cannot.

Why would anyone go to Canada for Health Care? They aren't eligible for free care and would have to pay out-of-pocket, even if they have health insurance I doubt it would pay for treatment in Canada unless it was an emergency.

Can you explain please.
Thanks for the info Pokeraddict. :thumbsup:
I read up on those polls and their creator, Scott Rasmussen. Interesting he co-founded ESPN, you have to give him props for that alone!
It seems like for the most part his polls are respected as being fair, although their do seem to be some folks taking issue at times. He appears to be very right leaning, including a recently published book promoting the Tea Party, so that right there is a slight redflag. But it looks like his numbers run about the same as others, so hopefully they are the "norm".

Again tho, no one ever asks ME! (Maybe they know I'm a nut:D).
That's NOT gonna happen Jenn ...sorry... its still gonna cost something ....... probably more:eek2:

its still gonna cost you something ...don't be ignorant and think its not.... THAT'S what they want you to think.... you think for a second that this is gonna be free ...lets look at simple economics of supply and demand when demand goes up (amount of patients ... 32 million new patients) and supply goes down(amount of doctors getting less and they are being paid less) what happens to the price???? anyone ??? price goes up end of discussion

didn't mean to call ya Ignorant I still love ya but ...........:p

Im not ignorant im FFW:D

No i just think i should be able to go get 12 pills 1 time per year....seriously its ridick.
Someone has to pay for the meds and treatment. One way or another you will pay. Once your health care becomes free your will wait months for an appointment and herded like cattle. The Government will control the treatment you can be provided. Health Insurance was never meant to cover everything! Does your car insurance cover repairs? Does your homeowners insurance cover repairs? NO My employees pay a $30.00 co-payment for their doctors visits and tests. That's not much given the quality of care we recieve.

The problem is that those without jobs/income cannot afford any insurance and we will be paying for their insurance under the Obama Plan rather then putting them on Medicaid. Insurance companies are not scumbags. They just have been unregulated by law. Without them, exactly where do you think you would be? The Federal Government mismanages Medicare, do you think they are capable of administrating a Universal Health Plan? After working in Administration for the V.A. Hospital System I guarantee you that they cannot.

Why would anyone go to Canada for Health Care? They aren't eligible for free care and would have to pay out-of-pocket, even if they have health insurance I doubt it would pay for treatment in Canada unless it was an emergency.
Can you explain please.

The people I know used someones address in Canada (friends addys) which is illegal but they were desperate for care that they couldnt get here. Have you watched SICKO by Michael Moore? I think you should he hits the nail on the head.
Why would anyone go to Canada for Health Care? They aren't eligible for free care and would have to pay out-of-pocket, even if they have health insurance I doubt it would pay for treatment in Canada unless it was an emergency.

Can you explain please.

Ask Sarah! :lolup:

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The short answer to your question is....It's free.
My understanding is they did not represent themselves as Americans while "sneaking". Here is how one lady did it (YES she is the one from "Sicko")- Link Removed (invalid URL)

I guess if you are desperate you will find a way.
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