Lame ducks

The tea party is basically has only supported Republicans at this point anyway and most of their platform is what I would consider a Republican platform....BAH! Ill preach anarchy to the day I day...lawlessness and chaos...... and doing what you want, when you want and how you want

are ya gonna hurt anybody? :D
The tea party is basically has only supported Republicans at this point anyway and most of their platform is what I would consider a Republican platform....BAH! Ill preach anarchy to the day I day...lawlessness and chaos...... and doing what you want, when you want and how you want

ummmmm... please read up on it a bit more. The tea party candidates through out old gaurd republicans in the Primarys. If the republican wasnt CONSERVATIVE he was ousted for a real conservative candidate. It most likely cost the republicans the majority in the senate.
Who cares? The tea party is about fiscal conservatism and following the constitution. So, of course it would be incredibly rare to have them endorse or run as a democrat. Democrats, don't adhere to any values of fiscal repsonsibility or conservative values. They are big govt., big tax, big spend your money types.
If a democrat eschewed the values of a conservative fiscal platform then the tea party would readily endorse that person.
Your anarchy stance might make you a great candidate to join the libertarian party by the way, jelsmith.
ummmmm... please read up on it a bit more. The tea party candidates through out old gaurd republicans in the Primarys. If the republican wasnt CONSERVATIVE he was ousted for a real conservative candidate. It most likely cost the republicans the majority in the senate.
Who cares? The tea party is about fiscal conservatism and following the constitution. So, of course it would be incredibly rare to have them endorse or run as a democrat. Democrats, don't adhere to any values of fiscal repsonsibility or conservative values. They are big govt., big tax, big spend your money types.
If a democrat eschewed the values of a conservative fiscal platform then the tea party would readily endorse that person.
Your anarchy stance might make you a great candidate to join the libertarian party by the way, jelsmith.

Yes I guess if I was ever forced to pick....:p I had to go read what their platform was.....but sounds about right....Maximum Freedom Minimum Government....:D
Jelsmith, that was the fastest response ever!!! LOL, I was in process of fixing my post to not sound like such a smart_ _ _ and you posted right in there! Wow.

LOL:) I guess I will leave as is now then since I didn't offend you thank goodness.
Pelosi on c-span today, what a hypocrit....

She's admonishing Republicans for not voting to fund Scientific Research along with the billions of pork attached.

This from a Congress that defunded NASA causing 1000's to lose their jobs, jobs they already had. So seems they wouldn't need to create more scientific "questionable" jobs if they had funded NASA as they should have.

Now we pay to hitch a ride with Russia!

What jerks.

Hope the Bill is defeated. Oh! and they passed the Internet Regulation bill per the FCC.

Get the Government out of our lives and leave running Education and Health Care to the States, as should be

Happy Holidays!
I think its hilarious when Republicans complain about Democrats supposedly having out of control spending. Little do they realize that Bush simply continued to spend for wars using unbudgeted emergency deficit spending authorizations, whereas Obama has accounted for every dollar spent to be spent in Iraq/Afghanistan under his administration, placed it his administration's budget (something Bush NEVER did) and for the most part hasn't presented a bill in the term of his presidency aside from the two stimulus packages that haven't specifically addressed and spelled out how they were paid for.

I mean even Obama's Healthcare bill reduces deficit spending by $130 billion (and that isn't a partisan number, its agreed upon by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office).

THAT is fiscal responsibility, in the midst of taking over from the most absurd spending president (GWB) that we've had in our history. Compare Obama's spending to Bush's bank and auto bailout spending and irresponsible war spending. TARP is essentially one big toxic slush fund. It should be easy to quickly realize that the republicans have about zero claim to being the party of fiscal responsibility.

I'm not saying the dems are responsible either at cutting spending, both parties are frankly terrible about earmarks, which will probably always be the case because pretty much the entire American public wants all the services and qualities that the government provides while simultaneously expecting that they will magically happen without either raised taxes or deficit spending. As a result politicians from both sides of the aisle will crow about reducing taxes, but then vote for vast social services and projects that expand government spending while trying to avoid raising taxes digging us even further into the financial mess we're in.

There is a tremendous amount of government waste that can still be cut, but the idea that pretty much any republican during Bush's presidency was a truly fiscal conservative with the one exception of Ron Paul just completely ignores the track record of how conservatives spent under Bush. Neither party can remotely claim to own the issue of being financially conservative. Both parties are awful. If you were to pick the party that has been worse in the last forty years or so it would certainly be the Republicans.... I mean seriously, nice tax cut to the wealthy during the most expensive war effort ever, Bush.

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