Who voted for the darn thing :)


Dormant account
Jan 21, 2009
somewhere else
This is not a new thread to replace closed one. it is merely the answer to Winbig's question on who voted for the health care reform.
No repubs voted for it
37 demos voted against it which is why the end vote was so close. 220 yes to 215 no

"but weren't there republicans that voted for this, too?

Can't blame it all on his administration.....most of it, yes, but not all. It's a two way street"

look like point shaving to me ,what was the line :D bunch of useless politicians :eek: i wish i was one of them cushieeee job and there offices are off limits to search warrants i was told hmmmmm: noteworthy
Republicans are being called the party of no, but if you go remember back to the bush presidency the dems were labeled the party of no.
This is not a new thread to replace closed one. it is merely the answer to Winbig's question on who voted for the health care reform.
No repubs voted for it
37 demos voted against it which is why the end vote was so close. 220 yes to 215 no

"but weren't there republicans that voted for this, too?

Can't blame it all on his administration.....most of it, yes, but not all. It's a two way street"


When have you ever heard of a vote where nobody in a single party voted for a bill?* I'm sure there's been some, but I'm also sure that it's a rare occurrence. Were they voting in line with what they felt was right, or were they voting with their wallets....or maybe even voting this way because their party leaders told them to; which is also voting with their wallets, in a sense.

*The same applies for democrats, as well as republicans. Seeing as how there were Democrats that voted against this particular bill, it just goes to back up what I'm getting at...
I thought you wanted to know the vote count however, yes I do think the republicans voted in line with what that felt was right. That being no socialism for one. Had they been voting with their wallets, some would have voted with the President.
I thought you wanted to know the vote count however, yes I do think the republicans voted in line with what that felt was right. That being no socialism for one. Had they been voting with their wallets, some would have voted with the President.

Sorry, but I have to disagree. What you're saying is that there aren't any republicans that have a bit of liberalism in them? Look around, there's some republicans that are liberal in some sense. The same goes for Dems that are a bit conservative. The point is, Dem, Republican, Independant, whatever, all of them are not going to agree 100% on any idea. Most of the time, there will always be at least one that will vote the other way.

It'd be interesting to see the numbers in regards to how many votes in the past 15 years have had one party voting 100% against any given bill. Not 99%, but 100%. Maybe I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that there will be a very small % of bills that were voted for one way or the other unanimously by either party.

So basically, I believe that there was something (or someone) influencing their vote, and I definitely don't believe that it was their personal feelings toward the bill or what it stood for.
I thought you wanted to know the vote count however, yes I do think the republicans voted in line with what that felt was right. That being no socialism for one. Had they been voting with their wallets, some would have voted with the President.

and yes, I did want to know what the vote count was. :thumbsup:
Sorry, but I have to disagree. What you're saying is that there aren't any republicans that have a bit of liberalism in them? Look around, there's some republicans that are liberal in some sense. The same goes for Dems that are a bit conservative. The point is, Dem, Republican, Independant, whatever, all of them are not going to agree 100% on any idea. Most of the time, there will always be at least one that will vote the other way.

It'd be interesting to see the numbers in regards to how many votes in the past 15 years have had one party voting 100% against any given bill. Not 99%, but 100%. Maybe I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that there will be a very small % of bills that were voted for one way or the other unanimously by either party.

So basically, I believe that there was something (or someone) influencing their vote, and I definitely don't believe that it was their personal feelings toward the bill or what it stood for.

I'm not saying that at all. I agree with you totally winbig! LOL I gave you the tally on the Healthcare Reform Bill thats all and in that particular vote on that bill, no republicans voted yes on it but 37 democrats voted against Obama and that bill. I'm totally in agreement on the rest of what you're saying.
The vote tally I gave you came from Congress itself and I'm going to go find where right now. bbl;)

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