Are y'all ready to to become 'high cotton' as they say in the South?


Paleo Meister (means really, really old)
Jun 16, 2006
In the Beautiful South !!
So RTG has come out with a part two game called Hillbillies Cashola !
Chase Billy Bob, Billy Bubba, and Billy Jo cashola! Those hillbillies sure are generous folk and they’re good luck too! (inserts from 2 RTG casinos )

I was offended at first and then I had to laugh as I really do have cousins named Billiy Bob , Billy Joe , Bobby Joe and three Bubbas. It gets crazy at family reunions , we call the Bubbas by their given names and being from the south a lot of us go by our first and middle name and that can also be confusing by itself.

I just wish that they would not make these hill folks on this game look like some flea bitten by their ole hound dog Duke cause they are too damned drunk from the shine to take a bath as they live in a shack !

With respect,

Laurie Ann aka ridge runner:D

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