Strong Online Gambling Component Among Israel's Billionaires
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Sep 30, 2016

Six out of 29 made their fortunes on internet gambling
The Israeli newspaper "Globes" published an interesting article Wednesday, ranking top Israeli high-tech entrepreneurs and billionaires in a list of 29 that includes six who made their fortunes from online gambling:
* Teddy Sagi: 44 and worth NIS 17 billion, he has made his money from online gambling platform developer Playtech and other companies including credit card clearing company Safecharge and Market Tech, which owns London's popular Camden Market.
* Heirs of the late Aharon Shaked founder of online gambling company 888 Holding plc – worth NIS 1.5 billion.
* Alon Gonen: 40 and worth NIS 1.3 billion. Founded online securities and CFD trading company Plus500, which was nearly acquired by Teddy Sagi for $717 million and currently has a market cap of $1.1 billion.
* Shai and Ron Ben Yitzhak 47 and 40 and worth NIS 1 billion. Founders of the 888 Holding plc online gambling company.
* Avi Shaked: 62 and worth NIS 1.5 billion. Founded online gambling company 888 Holding plc, which has a market cap of $1 billion.
* Noam Lanir 49 and worth NIS 1 billion. Founded Internet gambling company Empire Online and Babylon.
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