Stan James Online Poker Brand Set To Disappear
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Feb 16, 2018
MPN site will be merged with owner Kindred Group operation
Stan James online poker players face the prospect of change this month as brand owner Unibet in the Kindred Group moves to take the site from the MPN network to its own 12 brand-strong pool.
InfoPowa readers wll recall that Unibet acquired the Stan James online poker operation two years back and has continued to use the popular branding, but players have now been informed of the change and urged to use positive balances, bonuses and points before the switch takes place.
Affiliate marketers have been advised that tracking will be switched to the Unibet site when the migration occurs.
Infopowa news was a staple of Casinomeister’s news from 2000 until 2019. Brian Cullingworth was the main writer, contributor, and was one of the most knowledgeable persons I have ever known involved in the online casino industry.
We first met in January 2001 at the ICE in London where I observed him going booth to booth interviewing online casino, software, and licensing jurisdiction representatives. Brian was also heavily involved with our forum as “Jetset“, he was involved as an informal consultant to eCOGRA, the OPA, and was a player advocate who assisted countless aggrieved players with his connections to industry folks. He also published “Casino Cautions” via Infopowa news for quite a number of years. These can be found in our news archives.
His passing in February 2019 was a dark day for us. He will be forever missed.