Spain’S CAJR Formalised
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Nov 30, 2018
Responsible gambling advisory board given greater depth to support DGOJ
Spain’s Minister of Finance has signed an order formalising the Consejo Asesor de Juego Responsable (CAJR), an advisory council on Responsible Gaming, which was initially created in 2013 to support the DGOJ.
The order confirms that the CAJR is formally constituted as a work group according to the provisions of the collegiate bodies by section 3 of Chapter II of the preliminary title of Law 40/2015, of October 1, of the Legal Regime of the Public sector.
The CAJR’s main objective is to support the DGOJ in formulating a responsible gambling strategy but without a formalised structure this has proven to be challenging.
Following the order, the CAJR is now able to strengthen its composition, deepen the profiles of experts in the field of responsible gambling, reinforce its capacity for synergies, fulfil its objectives and establish concrete responsible gambling strategies to support the DGOJ.