Scots Postal Worker Stole More Than Gbp 134,000 To Gamble Online
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Mar 4, 2021

26-year-old pleads guilty and now waits sentence
Edinburgh postal worker Daryl Louden (26) had a yen for sports betting online, and it ultimately led to his appearance in a local court this week, charged with stealing GBP 134,177 of Post Office money at his Ferry Road branch.
The prosecution told presiding Deputy Anthony Steele that the thefts occurred over a period of eight months in 2016 and, and that Louden had admitted he had spent the cash on wagering at three online betting sites.
His superiors became suspicious when he declined promotion, and initiated a check which uncovered the thefts; when confronted Louden had admitted his guilt and the matter had been taken to the police.
Defence solicitor Jennifer McEvinney told the court her client had had online accounts with three betting companies, gambling on football and horse racing. She emphasised that when confronted with his crime he had admitted wrongdoing immediately, and that his engagement had failed because his fiancée could not “come to terms with what he had done”.
Deputy Steele deferred sentence pending social reports and allowed Louden bail, warning him: “You must appreciate this was a very serious breach of trust”.
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