Prominence Poker Trailer Launched
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Sep 9, 2016

This product may appeal to poker fans who like social gaming too
Video games developer Playscape has just launched the trailer of its next product, which may appeal to poker fans with a penchant for video gaming.
Including a gaming element within a video game has proved successful for developers of games like Grand Theft Auto, and Playscape's new Prominence Poker follows that general concept, including a social gaming component in the game, described as "…a dark, Texas Hold 'Em RPG."
See the trailer here:
The theme story has shady undertones of an underground world, with a role-playing format. The story begins with a confrontation with the Mayor of Prominence who is also the biggest and baddest poker player in the city. The clash leads to a duel for a rematch in which the player must defeat the four top poker aces of Prominence to prove his or her worth to the Mayor.
In sound social gaming tradition, players work their way up through levels, starting as "tourists" with avatars that can be customised to personal taste in appearance and attire. A more unusual quirk is the ability to use virtual points to purchase 'accessories' to take to the table such as cigars, cocktails or shots.
The game gives players the option of multi-player action with up to six players around the virtual table, although there is a single player option where the player battles a reasonably good AI.
Players ante-up and buy-in with virtual chips, which are topped up every day by a free 'Daily Cut' based on the level achieved by the player to supplement winnings (or losses) at the table.
Online Casino News Courtesy of Infopowa