Poker Software Firms Join Forces
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Aug 29, 2014

Hold'em Manager and Poker Tracker amalgamate to form Max Value Software
Two major US purveyors of player-oriented third party poker software have announced a merger under a new company titled Max Value Software LLC.
Hold'em Manager and Poker Tracker say that their rationale for joining forces is to effectively combine talent, technology and assets in the poker tracking and statistics field in order to benefit from the economies of synergy.
Hold'em Manager's Jim Varnon said this week: "We believe that the merger of PokerTracker and Hold'em Manager into one unified company allows us to better represent our customers in the market and to ultimately provide better software and tools for the average online poker player."
The man chosen to market Max Value, Steven McLoughlin, said: "The merger is designed to benefit the users of both PokerTracker and Holdem Manager while keeping both brands competitive. Both PT4 and HM2 have long advocated reviewing all free trial options before making a purchase, we see no reason why that should change, we encourage users to choose the best option for their own online poker workflow.
"We do not anticipate any pricing changes for PT4 of HM2, our sales model is already proven to work very well due to the economies of scale that help us to keep the cost of our software as low as reasonably possible. It is in our best interest to keep our pricing low and highly competitive, this helps us sell more licenses. That is unlikely to change."
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