Poc Tax For Other Aussie States?
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Sep 30, 2016

Tabcorp CEO believes it's a real possibility
In an interview with The Australian, Tabcorp chief executive offer David Attenborough warned "global rivals" of his belief that other Australian states are moving fast to follow South Australia's lead in implementing a point of consumption tax.
The comments came amid Attenborough's call for a "level playing field" where he said Tabcorp had been "operating with one or two arms behind its back" with corporate bookmakers in the Australian market offering in-play and credit betting, betting forms Tabcorp considers illegal under Australian Law.
South Australia's 15 percent point of consumption tax is expected to be effective July 1, 2017 and is anticipated will contribute AU$ 9.2 million to the state coffers per annum.
"The betting industry is rapidly changing and our tax regime needs to change with it," South Australia Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis said earlier this year.
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