PMU First To Offer Cash Out In French Market
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated May 26, 2017
Setting itself apart from competitors
Pari Mutuel Urbain (PMU), in partnership with NYX Gaming Group’s Openbet, has become the first to introduce a cash out facility in the French market.
Following Openbet’s integration of the Cash Out facility, PMU has backed the launch of the early bet settlement feature with a comprehensive marketing campaign.
“Introducing Cash Out to the French market is a landmark development,” Matt Davey, group chief executive officer of NYX Gaming Group, said. “Our companies have had a highly successful partnership since launching PMU online nearly seven years ago and we are we are proud to have achieved another first. Players enjoy the flexibility that Cash Out offers and we are certain the uptake will prove as high in France as it has in other markets.”
“As the first-to-market with Cash Out in France, we are cementing our position as one of the country’s leading sportsbooks, and taking our offering to the next level,” added Jean-Marc Léglis, chief technology officer for PMU. “Our players can now benefit from the opportunity to mitigate risk and lock-in profits with a Cash Out product that is easy to understand, satisfying to use, and comes with a proven track record.”
This is the second significant feature introduced on the PMU platform by OpenBet, the first the integration of its SiteBuilder solution last year. OpenBet has provided PMU with its sportsbook platform solution since the opening of the French market in June 2010.