Norway in the News — Weekly Round-up for December 21, 2018
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Dec 21, 2018
Kindred Group To Take On Norwegian Apple App Store Ban
Files law suit against National gambling authority
Kindred Group has reportedly filed legal papers against the Norwegian gambling regulator, Lotteri- og stiftelsestilsynet for its part in having payment transfers blocked and its iOS app denied by the Apple App Store.
Kindred Group’s Trannel International Ltd subsidiary has filed the complaint, represented by top Norwegian legal firm Glittertind AS.
Kindred Group alleges its services have been unfairly targeted by Lotteri- og stiftelsestilsynet, leaving the company no choice but to pursue the legal avenues available to it.
The company alleges in its filing that the regulator ‘exceeded its power of attorney’ by sanctioning a restriction on its gambling apps by Apple while blocking of payment services was deemed an overreach in Lotteri- og stiftelsestilsynet’s regulatory conduct.
Norwegian Court Rules Against GIG
In dispute over alleged oral agreement
Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) will mull its options in terms of an appeal against a recent Norwegian Court ruling that determined the company had entered into an alleged oral agreement with Euro TV AS for the transfer of Euro 3.4 million shares or alternatively remuneration of NOK4,000,000 plus interest during April 2015.
GiG denies the oral agreement saying the company “disagrees with the court’s ruling and will now assess whether to appeal the judgement together with its legal advisers.”