Ladbrokes Among UK Hacker’s Targets
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Dec 22, 2017
25-year-old motivated by plan to sell off customers’ personal details
The Southwark Crown Court in England is currently hearing the case against Grant West (25) who has admitted illegally obtaining details of online customer accounts at several UK companies, including the Ladbrokes betting group, in order to sell the information for Bitcoins on the dark web.
Local media reports indicate that hundreds of thousands of customer accounts have possibly been involved, and mitigation and repair costs for the companies involved run into six-figure numbers.
Using his internet handle ‘courvoisier’ West allegedly plotted to defraud companies by obtaining customer data, such as email addresses and passwords, known as “Fullz” – or full credentials – to sell on dubious online sites built for such illegal purposes.
West additionally stands accused of attempting to sell marijuana online whilst he was out on bail and awaiting trial.
The hacker was initially arrested earlier this year, and a police search uncovered GBP25,000 in cash and a large amount of Bitcoin.
In court on Thursday, West admitted two counts of conspiracy to defraud, one count of computer hacking, and one count of attempting to supply a Class B drug.
Prosecutor Kevin Barry said: “It’s computer hacking, and associated fraud. He was acquiring, obtaining, using and supplying false customer credentials, everything one needs in order to manipulate identities.”