Juniper Paints Rosy Picture For 2019
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Aug 29, 2014

Forecasts $13.3 Billion in tablet game revenues
The latest report, "Mobile & Handheld Games: Discover, Monetise, Advertise 2014–2019", from Juniper Research forecasts worldwide revenues for tablet games will exceed $13.3 Billion by 2019.
Other interesting summations include:
– Industry growth will be driven by improved mobile broadband penetration, convenience, improved storage and graphic capabilities.
– The next year may be critical for smaller, independent games developers as greater funding will be required to achieve consumer awareness in a crowded marketplace with crowdfunding representing an increasingly popular option.
– Strong growth in monetisation of smartphone games across emerging markets, with carrier billing deployments increasingly facilitating storefront payments in countries with lower banked penetration rates.
– With micro-apps now being embedded in messenger services, these may serve as an additional delivery channel for games in the medium term, stimulating further growth.
– A sister report titled "PC & Console Games: Trends, Opportunities, and Vendor Strategies 2014-2019", predicts a shift to digital game software distribution and adaptation to elements of the free-to-play business model are inevitable due to declining sales.
– Advertisements are becoming increasingly key in revenue generation, as only about six per cent of mobile games will be paid for at point of download in 2019.
– Diversified gaming offerings have resulted in a sharp uplift in the scale and session length of social/casual games amongst wider demographics.
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