Interview with Kroffe
By Dionysus, Last updated Feb 26, 2021
Dionysus: With us today is the forum’s favourite bear, Kroffe.
Welcome Kroffe.
You’re one of the newest members to be interviewed, having been with CM for just over a year now. But you’re also one of the most prolific members as well.
Can you tell us how you found CM or what drew you here and how your year with us has been so far?
Kroffe: Hey!
I’m one of the most fertile members?
Uh… Thanks, I guess.
I had been lurking around without an account for quite some time before I decided to create one.
Even without an account you can sneak around and read a bunch of stuff.
I think it was the Vs Cm-exclusive comps for their freeroll-battles that I originally needed the account for.
But before long I had started posting in other threads, and I quite liked it.
I have been pretty active this last year, and have made a lot of comments/posts.
People that have seen my comments have probably noticed i tend to go quantity over quality with my posts.
A breakdown would look something like this
95% Nonsense
4.8% Serious
0.2% accidentally racist
And with a breakdown like that it goes without saying that I’ve had a pretty fun first year here.
I had been sneaking around here for so long that I almost felt like I already “knew” some of the people here.
I won’t mention any names, because there are so many fun people here that I would no doubt forget some of them, and that won’t do.
I can’t remember exactly “Why Pooh?.
It just kind of happened, and I’m glad he and his honey-loving ways have been accepted here on CM.
I should probably mention that it is not in any way furry-related, but I’m not sure if that makes it more or less weird.
No turning back now tho.
Dio: I think everyone has come to accept the moniker and look for new avatar pics to the point there’d almost be a sense of disappointment if your profile pic wasn’t updated and topical.
You generally seem well-apprised on current events. Is this related to anything you happen to do with work or more with surfing habits or hobbies?
Kroffe: Oh, I just make it seem like I am up to speed on current events.
I read up just enough so I can kind of take part in conversations.
A bit like studying the day before a test. No knowledge is retained.
Dio: Can you let the members here know what’s new and/or interesting in your part of the world? Tell us a bit about where you’re from, perhaps broadly and a little more specifically.
Kroffe: Not much going on in this part of the world.
People are talking about the corona-virus, but that is probably the same almost everywhere now.
I keep bringing brass knuckles to the store, expecting to get in a fist-fight over toilet paper, but so far people have behaved themselves.
Most of the infected live in the southern parts of Sweden, Stockholm area.
I live 10ish Km outside of Umeå, which is pretty far north.
Umeå has something like 120k living there I think.
I lived in Umeå when I was 20 until 28, somewhere around there i decided that “big city” life was not for me.
I enjoy being in the woods, fishing etc, and where I live now is well suited for that.
Its only 10 minutes by car from Umeå, but it makes a world of difference.
Right now it’s a pretty boring part of the year.
Weather alternates between warm & cold, making it either wet or icy outside, and I’m not sure which one is the worst, I hate them both equally i think.
I don’t know what to tell you about the place i live.. There is not much going on here. =)
Back in the day it used to be a fishing village, but i guess people stopped fishing and now it’s just a village.
Everybody knows everybody more or less, and I enjoy the atmosphere a lot more than in Umeå.
People greet each other, shoot the shit at the store etc. Just a bunch of corny small town stuff, but i like it.
The only thing Umeå is somewhat known for apart from the University, is probably Brännbollsyran.
Its a festival with brännboll during the day and party during the night.
Its actually the Brännboll world championship I think.
Oh, you don’t know what Brännboll is?
Its like if someone took baseball, but made it fun.
Brännboll – Wikipedia
This is where i keep my boat and spend a lot of time during the summer.
Brother bought 2 Kayaks for the family’s summer house.
Pretty fun.
Dio: Your region looks absolutely breath-taking. And certainly holds a great deal of appeal for the outdoorsman.
What are some of your hobbies? Do you take much advantage of the spectacular environs?
Kroffe: I do, but not as much during the winter.
I try to go skiing or snowboarding once or twice during the winter, but I prefer summer.
I enjoy being both in the woods and out on the water.
Fishing is probably what I would call my main hobby. Lots of time & money goes towards fishing during the spring-summer-fall months.
I mostly fish from a boat out on the sea, but last year I got a fly fishing rod and started learning that, and I’m looking forward to getting back into that when the weather allows.
When fishing for fun its mostly Pike I’m going for, and when I’m looking to eat what i catch its perch, whitefish or salmon.
We have a smoker at the family summer house, and smoked fish is just crazy good.
Either that or freshly caught perch thrown in a frying pan with a ton of butter.
When I’m out in the woods, I just do normal bear stuff.
Just frolicking around, picking mushrooms & berries.
I usually steal borrow either my brother’s or dad’s dog to have some company.
I have thought about fixing a hunter license, but mostly as a way to get to spend more time outside.
Maybe I’ll do it if dad stops hunting and I lose my source of wild-meat. =)
I do normal people stuff as well.
Video/computer-games,books, movies etc.
Every now and then during the summer, I play footgolf (football golf) which is exactly what it sounds like.
That and skeet shooting is probably among the weirder things I do, but its real fun.
Oh, and I’m pretty good at wakeskating & wakeboarding.
Dio: You manage to bounce around and participate in quite a few threads here in the forum, inserting humour, GIFs and memes. What would you say are some of your favourite aspects of CM and why?
Kroffe: It has a great variety on the threads/topics being discussed, but there are also a bunch of threads that have been around for ages and still get used.
That CM has so many regulars does a lot for the forum imo.
I don’t know anyone from CM outside of the forum, but it still feels almost like you know some of the people here.
“North korea” is probably easily the best thread.
I’m trying to turn it into a thread for Nature documentaries, its a work in progress.
There is no dedicated thread for that, and I’m not sure it would be very popular if created.
Solution is to hijack an already popular thread.
David Attenborough is just one of the best people to ever have lived, and I’m sure he will join Steve Irwin, Bob Ross and the gang in cool people heaven the day he goes.
Also, its rather insulting that you call my art memes.
I have actively not trained all my life to attain the level of non-skill I possess today.
Dio: You should check out the Planet Earth social group, it could use a boost; I know you participate in the anime one.
As to your memes…sorry, art…they’re definitely something members have come to expect from you.
Being one of our youngest, and newest member interveiwees, have you any advice for other new members coming in, be it for the site, or even online entertainment?
Kroffe: Yeah, im force-feeding recommending Anime shows for Bamberfishcake to watch since he was interested in checking out some of the new ones.
I dont know about advice for new members.
Just start participating in threads and you will see how most people here are pretty nice. =)
As for online entertainment, the good old “never spend beyond your means” is probably the best one.
Also, dont play if its not fun and never chase losses.
Sounds like im reading from some responsible gambling page or something.
I only play mini-stakes myself, and still manage to throw away a couple €100 most months.
It can go suprisingly fast, even when playing low stakes.
Set a monthly budget for money you wouldnt miss if it suddenly caught on fire, because most months the money going in to the casino wont be coming out again.
Dio: All sound advice in my books.
And thank you Kroffe, for your time talking with me today and letting everyone know you a bit better. I’m sure we’ll all see you in the forum.
Kroffe has been a CM member since 2019 and can be found participating in a great many threads across the site already having amassed over 5000 posts in his first year.