Interview with Jasminebed
By Dionysus, Last updated Feb 15, 2021

Hi guys and gals.
We’re back again with another interview as part of a series of companion pieces to complement those from our ever charming LadyJelena.
With us today is Jasminebed, long-time member and familiar face here at CM.
Welcome Jazzy and thank you for joining us.
You’ve been here at CM for quite some time; well over a decade now.
Can you bring a bit of your experience to the table and tell us what has changed here in the forum and the i-gaming world in general since you first became a member and online player?
Jasminebed: “Well over a decade”, how time flies when you are having fun.
Casinomeister itself remains much the same, but once they no longer listed casinos that accept US players other than in legal states, the participation of our US friends pretty much dropped. There were a lot of regular posters I considered friends I’m no longer in touch with, although a few still are kicking around. Sadly, there’s been a few deaths, or posters that don’t participate much due to illness. But on the bright side, there are lots of newer members that are active and helpful.
I think we are seeing much more transparency in the gambling industry, with RTPs usually available, a thing that was rare back 10 years ago. And a much more serious commitment to Responsible Gambling, although I think that is largely down to legislative enforcement rather than a change in morality. We are certainly offered more tools for it at least. While there were always some places that were good, now everywhere offers it.
Dio: I understand you also frequent brick and mortars, or land-based casinos as we might call them.
Where do you enjoy visiting or where are your favourites?
Do you prefer the B & Ms to online or vice versa?
Jazzy: My favourite is Casino Rama. It’s been a while since I’ve gone, my last trip was to LacLeamy this summer.
I’ve boycotted Gananoque for longer than I’ve been a CM member, after a night of losing $900 and they would not comp me a $1.99 breakfast, cheap bastards. I thought I’d get off the bus back from Ottawa with $960 I’d won at Hull, and cab home the 20 mins. I did use my card.
I mostly prefer to gamble online anymore. The odds are so much better.
Rama was always generous with their comps, still are. I’ve seen tons of concerts, rooms, girls weekends, and I’ve had a great time meeting up with a couple of CM members there @trade especially.
I also feel like I have more control of myself online. While there are times my deposit only lasts 10 minutes, I don’t have to wait 5 hours for the bus to go home when that happens. And if I win, I can cashout and not have to kill time for 3 hours.
Dio: You once had quite the phenomenal run online that you discussed here in the forum, taking home what many might consider a life-changing win.
Could you tell us a bit about that story?
Jazzy: No, lol. It’s pretty well detailed here Life easing win
I was on Ontario Disability Support when it happened, and of course I lost my disability support. If I’d been really clued in, I would have lost enough to ONLY win 99,999.00, not over 100K, as I could have put that in a trust and had a monthly trust payment for years to come.
I lost my home care support due to assets, and that was a 4 year waiting list, I’ve been back on it for 2, and I think the list is longer now. That’s an ongoing monthly expense. I was told I could not “squander” or gift my money, and I have a huge bag of receipts for every transaction I made for almost three years.
Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I got to do a lot of things that anyone with $35,000 a year should be able to do.
I’m kinda hoping that I won’t have a $2 bet size imposed on me in the future, as sometimes if you are ahead you have to push your luck.
It was hard to go back to a more modest level of betting, I’ve written about that here too.
The night I won is almost a blur, it was surreal, like it was happening to someone else. I’m well aware that that was the once in a lifetime win.
Dio: It was certainly quite the windfall.
You said you got to do a lot of things including some travelling.
Were you able to cross any destinations off your bucket list?
You addressed some in the linked thread but any updates or perhaps some favouite or cherished trips you’d like to highlight?
Jazzy: I never would have gone to Asia without support from @Harry_BKK , but I’m so glad I did. Bangkok is incredible, and with a 13 hour layover to actually sleep, the flight was pretty good and China Eastern had good disability support. While there, I took a little side trip to the Indian Ocean, so that’s one body of water off the list.

While it was cool to meet CM and Maxd at Amsterdam, the highlight was meeting up with @incrediblestuff , other than the time spent smoking dope on a 14th story balcony with my Kiddo. It was meeting an old friend for the first time. I’m still really sorry @KasinoKing I did not make it there timely after you went to the trouble of coming. While I may have found my way to CM eventually, I DID find it because of you. It was wonderful to meet a bunch of people to be honest.
I got to return to Malta too, and @Tirilej managed to coordinate a week’s holiday while I was there, and we got to tour VS offices, and thanks to Tirilej’s friendship, meet up with Tim, (Captain Rizk at the time). Even snagged a cheap flight and flew to Bari, Italy for a night to go have a gourmet meal! So that’s the Adriatric covered also, but not nearly enough time in Italy of course.
Was great to travel to Montreal and meet up with @Steviedoo too. I think Montreal is one of the world’s greatest cities.
Cuba saw several visits from me, and managed to at least visit Havana, and made it to the Caribbean side for Christmas, arrived the first day I could swim after cataract surgery!
Dio: Sounds like a wonderful whirlwind of a tour.
You’re Canadian yourself. Can you let some of the more international members here, perhaps interested in some travelling themselves, know a bit of what it’s like in your neck of the woods?
Jazzy: I live in beautiful southeastern Ontario, on the shores of Lake Ontario. We are just a day trip away from Ottawa, Toronto or Montreal. IMO the best times to visit are either late August to attend our 4 day Blues Festival, or wait until late Sept/early October for the beautiful fall country.
For a small down, we’ve got a great diversity of food, local wineries just a short drive away, and historic (well, for Canada, lol) architeture. Oh, and free daily Casino shuttles to Shoreline Thousand Islands.
I’d be more than happy to help anyone by meeting up, or suggesting accomodations. Heck, bring a tent and you can camp in my back yard!
Dio: Speaking of food and wine, you’re somewhat of a foodie yourself, correct?
What’s your idea of a great meal? Do you prefer preparing food at home?
Jazzy: I would cook gourmet meals 4 times a week if someone would do the dishes for me!
A great meal has a balance of textures, and both complementing and contrasting flavours, and I like spicy quite a lot, and love seafood and game especially. For me there has to be a starch, and I use fruit quite a bit in savory meals.
I love eating great food out, but cooking soothes me. Quite honestly, I’ve got to a point where I can make better food for less than many of the restaurants in this town. I’ve never mastered a great pizza dough (it’s always good that day, but never reheats well), so I buy frozen dough from a local bakery. Somedays I am lazy, and who does not enjoy being served and brought things. I pretty much never deep-fry, so every 6 weeks or so I will get a terrible hankering for french fries that will not go away until I give in.
I try to eat semi-healthy, and use a lot of different grains, legumes and pulses.

Dio: Player, member, world traveller and foodie. Any other hobbies members might not know that you’d like to share?
Jazzy: I love a bargain, and my motto is Never Pay Retail. Even when I’m not shopping, I read flyers and follow pricing on the kind of items I might be interested in, so I know what a good price is. My friends all know that too, and will call me up to ask about things at times. I save pet food coupons for pet owners, and play “coupon fairy” for diaper and formula high value coupons, leaving them on store shelves.
I enjoy puzzle-type games, and usually play Suduko most days.
I’m pretty good at getting cheap travel deals, and I always keep an eye out in case a bigger win gives me a chance at getting away, and I’ve helped a few friends out getting bargains, especially a few luddites that are not online or using smart phones.
Dio: It seems you manage to keep yourself busy so I very much appreciate you taking the time to answer a few questions and for letting myself and members peek into your life.
Any parting words for your fellow members, or perhaps some sage advice for the CM community?
Jazzy: Final Advice: Read the Terms and Conditions
Jasminebed has been with CM since March of 2008, making her a Paleo Meister Member. She’s both an online and B&M player and can often be found lending advice and sharing her experience in assorted threads throughout the forum.
You can read more about her amazing online win below: