GAA Proposes Ban On Betting Sponsorship From 2019
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Feb 16, 2018
Strategy to tackle problem gambling and sports integrity issues drives decision
Irish international amateur sporting organisation, the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), will reportedly propose the end of betting sponsorships from 2019 through a motion to be introduced at the GAA’s 2018 Annual Congress.
According to the Times, the Community and Health department of the Association has proposed gambling sponsorship bans on all GAA competitions, teams, kit, or facilities as a strategy against problem gaming and sports integrity issues.
“Research shows that athletes are a particularly high-risk group when it comes to problem gambling, while we’re also aware that adolescents in Ireland are more likely to engage in gambling than adults, which is another worrying sign statistic as we strive look forward to protect their future health,” Colin Regan, health manager at the GAA’s Health and Community department and former Leitrim footballer.
“Most units of the GAA are very socially aware so this won’t affect very many clubs and teams, however we feel it would be best practice to simply eliminate any link”.
The Association already passed rules banning players, management and officials from betting on games in which they are involved at their 2017 Annual Congress.