Fast Arrests In Taiwan Gambling Murder Case (update)
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Aug 29, 2014

But the chauffeur remains at large
Police in the Taiwanese city of Tanchung have used camera surveillance footage from a number of sources to quickly track down two men believed to be complicit in the kidnapping and murder of wealthy gambling and business entrepreneur Shih Chia-chin (57) (see previous InfoPowa report).
Barely a day after Shih's body was found in a ditch in a remote area a week after he disappeared, police investigators arrested two men in the southern part of Taiwan, identified as a 31-year-old suspect with the family name Lin and another surnamed Cheng.
A police spokesman said that the two are believed to be accomplices who abandoned Shih's Mercedes-Benz in Tainan following the kidnapping and murder.
Police are now on the trail of Shih's chauffeur, Hsieh Yuan-hsin, who fled Taiwan with a false passport on a flight to Thailand after failing in an attempt to cash ransom money deposited by Shih's family in a Taiwan bank.
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