Complete Your Applications Early And Properly, Says Swedish Online Gambling Regulator
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Jan 18, 2019
60 applications for regulated Swedish market set to open next year have been received
Sweden‘s chief gambling regulator has warned prospective applicants for licenses to operate in the liberalised market next year to complete their applications diligently and fully, and to submit them early.
Lotteriinspektionen chief Camilla Rosenberg revealed this week that a total of sixty applications have been received so far – 55 for online gambling licenses – but that regulators had noticed errors and omissions in some submissions which could delay the issue of licenses in time for the market opening early next year.
The regulator opened for applications on August 1 this year, and the first licenses could be issued by November.
In a statement this week, Rosenberg warned:
“A review of all applications shows that many gaming companies need to come up with comprehensive additions. We have begun to send out the request for completions and the gaming companies who do not submit completions within the specified time may not be licensed until January 1, 2019.”