Your Fur-Babies 2019

A'ight, owners of dogs and cats love talking about their dogs and cats especially, to other owners of dogs and cats who will listen and d'aww about their dogs and cats :P

Think it's been around a year or so since we shared our little fur monsters. So dop your pics of the little, precious pets. (and we all can be thankful the tech isnt there for scratch-n-sniff internet images ) cough*dunover*cough)

This hit my memory feed on FB today - didnt realize my little guy was already 5. Found him out in the snow at a day or 2 old and raised him. Sickly little thing for a long time (he's still wheezy) but a right terror on the wildlife (drags home birds and mice, and once a squirrel, has scrapped a raccoon and fox, and survived a go at a coyote)

The collie came from rescue at 18 months old was totally neurotic, tore up my stair carpet god knows how many times, destroyed my front door and shredded a feather duvet that I spent months chasing the feathers round the house. She raided the fridge, put child locks on it and she still got in, never ate any of the food but hid it round the house - understandable as she was abused, had a nail in her head and burnt with cigarettes but she learned to trust me and became my shadow.

The greyhound was thrown out of a moving car, came to me in a sorry state but the most gentlest and forgiving hound I have ever had the grace to meet.
Labs and retrievers are renowned for being such greedy dogs.
it's amazing how different my 2 are - he'd eat until he burst at the seams, the other youd be lucky if youd see her eat an entire handful in a day
scale-babies count :)
Scale babies! Luv it. :laugh:

The collie came from rescue at 18 months old was totally neurotic, tore up my stair carpet god knows how many times, destroyed my front door and shredded a feather duvet that I spent months chasing the feathers round the house. She raided the fridge, put child locks on it and she still got in, never ate any of the food but hid it round the house - understandable as she was abused, had a nail in her head and burnt with cigarettes but she learned to trust me and became my shadow.

The greyhound was thrown out of a moving car, came to me in a sorry state but the most gentlest and forgiving hound I have ever had the grace to meet.

I hope and pray that the Rainbow Bridge is real, and that all of our beloved animals are there, happy and whole, at play forever in the fields of the Lord.

The real tragedy is that our lives are so long, and theirs are so short. My memories of my beloved cats are fading with time, over the years, but they will live forever in my heart.

I despise people who abuse animals with all my heart. They truly must be souless. I follow the facebook antics of Spectacular Spencer, Justice for Champ, and now The Tails of Gallant, all abused dogs who have been rescued and now lead happy lives full of love. The Justice for Champ FB is also where RDR (Rescue Dogs Rock) post stories of the latest victims of abuse, with updates on their progress. Not all the poor little dogs make it though. Heartrending that such abuse exists.

Now onto The Gabinator. She has been with me 5 years on Jan 15th. Age unknown but believed to have been about 7 when rescued, so now about 12. It is thought she was an indoor cat who escaped and couldn't find her way back home, due to her horror of the great outdoors. She spends most of her time lazing about on the back verandah in the sun, playing with sunbeams. But as for going outside? No, no, no. Those nasty birds might get her - the nasty birds being tiny little noisy miners.

There was a bit of a Mexican standoff going on the other day - she was at the front door and the noisy miners were lined up along the patio rail. I think the conversation went something like this:
The Gabinator: Come inside if you dare.
The Noisy Miners: Come outside if you dare.


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