Would you reccomend these playtech casinos?

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Dormant account
Mar 20, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
I have been playing in a few playtech casinos as I prefer their low bet limits, but have never won a dime unfortuantely (that i wasn't suckered into reversing the withdrawl and give the winnings back because of the wait to get paid :( ) the one's i have played the most have been Acropolis, Europa, and probably Playgate most frequently. So I was just wondering, if I had never reversed those withdrawls, could I have relied on being paid in a timely fashion by these casinos? Thanks for taking the time to read this post and hello to everybody.
Agree with Caruso.No worries for Acropolis.Stanley recently bought the Palm beach casino in Mayfair so i reckon they got the cash to honour all online withdraw's which is a good reassurance.Ain't no cash flows there.
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There are also casinos which spend tens of thousands of dollars on buying grilled cheese sandwiches and similar stunts but only pay players in $4000/week installments, so it is not just a matter of cashflow. Still, the Stanley group casinos are reliable and pay quickly.
GrandMaster said:
There are also casinos which spend tens of thousands of dollars on buying grilled cheese sandwiches and similar stunts but only pay players in $4000/week installments, so it is not just a matter of cashflow. Still, the Stanley group casinos are reliable and pay quickly.

If you look at it in their eyes, (at least here in the USA), winnings/payments under $5,000 don't have to be reported to the IRS. Maybe that's why they keep it under that 5k limit?
GrandMaster said:
There are also casinos which spend tens of thousands of dollars on buying grilled cheese sandwiches and similar stunts but only pay players in $4000/week installments, so it is not just a matter of cashflow..

LOL very good point!
winbig72 said:
If you look at it in their eyes, (at least here in the USA), winnings/payments under $5,000 don't have to be reported to the IRS. Maybe that's why they keep it under that 5k limit?

Even better! :eek: :eek:
I won at playtech's Casino - casino Las Vegas

guys, the playtech casinos (at least on my behalf) are fairly laible... I recieved every dime I won there without any delay...
Actualy Casino Las vegas is considered one of the my favorits only becouse they pay on time..
keep up the good work guys... :thumbsup:
playtech casinos pay with in 4/5 bisness days

i think when you requirest a cash out send you bill and your id to playtech casinos first and they will pay in about 4-5 days sunny Group and clubdice group is very good in payments as i know
I don't particularly care for Playtech software on aesthetic grounds but,
Swiss Casino, Casino Las Vegas, King Casino (Intercontinental group) have proven to be an enjoyably equitable bunch so far, while Acropolis has Stanleys behind them so they are considered solid.
One last thing,
It's a good idea to choose your Playtech casino carefully.
So basically keep asking the way you have so far. :)
Good Luck
winbig72 said:
If you look at it in their eyes, (at least here in the USA), winnings/payments under $5,000 don't have to be reported to the IRS. Maybe that's why they keep it under that 5k limit?
I have bad news for you. If you are a US citizen or resident, you have to report all gambling winnings as income to the IRS and you may itemize your losses on Schedule A. If you are thinking of money laundering or suspicious transaction reporting by financtial instiutions, it is also illegal to break up a transaction into smaller parts in order to keep individual parts from triggering any reporting requirement.

What about other countries such as the UK where gambling winnings are not taxable? What favour is Golden Palace doing its customers there by not paying them promptly?
Originally Posted by winbig72
If you look at it in their eyes, (at least here in the USA), winnings/payments under $5,000 don't have to be reported to the IRS. Maybe that's why they keep it under that 5k limit?

I'm not sure about online casinos, but in AC they would issue a W2-G form if your jackpot in a slot machine excedes $1,195. There are even some slots with such top winnings so you don't have to pay taxes. One year I had several jackpots greater than $1,195 on VP machines for total of close to 11K. It's treated as your income and has to be shown in 1040 form. I requested a win/loss record which was over 11k, so I deducted this amount (up to your total jackpot winnings) on schedule A.
I wonder if you hit a stud poker royal flush jackpot in the UK which at times is over 400,000k you dont have to report it to the relevant tax office? You can just put them in the bank and nobody enquires about it? Hm :rolleyes:
HateMG said:
I'm not sure about online casinos, but in AC they would issue a W2-G form if your jackpot in a slot machine excedes $1,195. There are even some slots with such top winnings so you don't have to pay taxes. One year I had several jackpots greater than $1,195 on VP machines for total of close to 11K. It's treated as your income and has to be shown in 1040 form. I requested a win/loss record which was over 11k, so I deducted this amount (up to your total jackpot winnings) on schedule A.

$1200 is the limit for W2-G on slots (including VP and video BJ, etc.). All winnings are taxable in the US even if you don't get a W2-G, it is just harder for the IRS to trace you. If you had to show ID and provide SSN every time you cashed out and all your transactions were reported, Las Vegas would have to close down.

gfkostas said:
I wonder if you hit a stud poker royal flush jackpot in the UK which at times is over 400,000k you dont have to report it to the relevant tax office? You can just put them in the bank and nobody enquires about it? Hm
Gambling winnings are tax-free in the UK. You can win a million pounds on the lottery and not pay any taxes on it.

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