World Gone Mad!?

Whoa guy's this is a good time to SHARE! Today a trip for sure. You can truly see why these places are given to certain idea's? When you a place that does not look of this earth it is super strange. But beautiful also. A real trip to float easily and not sink. Most people cover themself's mud to prevent getting hammer by the sun and salt. Here is the shot's I have so far....ds1.webp ds2.webp ds3.webp ds4.webp ds5.webp This is where I'am tonight!ds6.webp These 2 kid's were on a honeymoon.from Switzerland. Very nice kid's.ds7.webp ds8.webp salt valley.webp This is the salt Valley. Very eerie.
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Hey Folk's, Just a note to share some of the really great food in Amman. I have tasted many kind's of food from all over the world. But here in the Middle East the diversity of the menu's is unreal! You can have Italian Fine Dining,Lebanese, Syrian, African, so many taste. If I were younger it would be much more fun. But my ole tummy can be a real bummer if my in-take is not monitored. Here are just a few of the restaurant's that I have been too here. Here is the Rosa Damascena Restaurant, Syrian Menu! Absolutely delicious. Rosa Damascena Syrian.webp This is the Chestnut Restaurant and Pub Western Cuisine Nice place to hang out! chestnut rest & pub.webp Great food here.The atmosphere is a bit tight for my taste. Fakhreldin Restaurant, Lebanese Cuisine Fakhreldin Rest Lebanese.webp This next place is Absolutely Great! Gusto 2 , On Black Iris St. Ya gotta love the names and places. It is unreal here! Oh Yes Middle Eastern Cuisine gusto2 on Black Iris St..webp Sufra Restaurant, Middle Eastern Cuisine Sufra Rest. mid east.webp This place is almost like they took the home and made a restaurant? Great Mom &Pop set up. I took a pic of Mashi Ali Frashe , and his lovely wife Miracha. Thanks You Again to both of you. Sorry my pics are not acting correctly. Bear with?

So this is what I will be seeing for some few more days or week's should I say.They want me to start going around with a mask on. To prevent any infection. But me being me. No I will live and manage to get it all done. Feel good no real side effect's YET! Wow I hit the wrong tab and everything disappeared. I have a question for any of you here that are familiar Tahiti? I have a chance to purchase a restaurant bar on the main island of Morai I think that spelling may be wrong. I have dreamed for many year's what it would be like to be able to go to such a beautiful spot in the world and make a few buck's making people happy and myself and friend's happy. Oh Well I'm off to the hot tub and a cool drink. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
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Hey All! I have to say this world is a very very beautiful place? No doubt about it. I have just come back from a short trip to Israel and the Sinai. I must say the people of Israel seem to be happy in just about all part's of life? I don't know if I could be that happy being surrounded by enemies? The young are strong and well educated. So many ancient building's and road way's back to the times of Jesus and later than that. It is a real trip into the past.The food is diverse and very tasty. Great place's to see and visit.
Gambling in Israel is still kinda up in the air? They have a great online set-up and they have had casino's in the past.But there seem's to be a canyon between the pro's and the con's? This may add more money to the state's bank? But there is still a fight for the right to gamble. I went to a casino of sort's called the FlyandPlay but no pic's were allowed and I was disappointed to say the least.My trip to Sinai and the Gaza Strip later.Here are some shot's of my trip.Hope you enjoy?

is1.webp Golden dome is2.webp Great market's and people. is3.webp Shot of a garden in Tel Aviv-Yafo is4.webp These tree's take on a look of agony? is5.webp Sunset 1st day WOW! is6.webp This set of stair's are over 500 year's old.is7.webp Took this shot at The Wailing Wall.is9.webp The food is absolutely tasty.is13 hadar.webp This young man was more than willing to take some aerial shot's with his drone for me.Thanks Hadar!More later guy's.Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
Anyone saw Madonna's new video God Control?? It's a masterpiece. It's a very strong message on gun control. Time to wake up America.

Haven't been much of a fan of hers last 10 years. The last album I liked was confessions on the Dance Floor up till now. Love her new album. A lot of deep messages.
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Anyone saw Madonna's new video God Contro?? It's a masterpiece. It's a very strong message on gun control. Time to wake up America.

Haven't been much of a fan of hers last 10 years. The last album I liked was confessions on the Dance Floor up till now. Love her new album. A lot of deep messages.
The same women whom incites violence, yet wants no guns.
silly bitch
Treading carefully on this. I agree in part but with all good things also comes bad we are close to so many world wards and our own internal civil war its scary. Was talking with one of my clients the other day and she goes "are we headed to a civil" Im like "we already in one it just hasn't totally blown up yet" Client "this is scary" YES< YES IT IS....
I propose that Madonna is no longer Madonna, she has been replaced by a Cyborg by some weird far left vegan conglomerate.
Whoa pep's! How did this get onto Madonna? I'am kinda lost by this line of posting?Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
Hey All! Sorry it's been a while for me. I have been in the damn hospital over and over again. But this is starting to look like it may help! Finger's crossed. The regimen is deadly.More than 30 shots a day for 4 week's. Pain is no longer a word or feeling. It has become my life! Here is a shot of the bag left next to my bed. bag.webp I have gotten into trouble a couple of days ago. Trying to get out And have some air! But my system is too fragile right now.So they are right and I'am old! At any rate I will be smiling the day I WALK out of here!!!! I have been having a dream about the floor nurse here.But she will not allow her image taken.As a Muslim I will respect that idea.But I found this pic and I will use it as a icon to show her true self! needle nurse.webp She would not like my interpretation? But it is what it is. I really am looking forward to getting back to my adventure into human kind. I have seen so much. But have hardly touched the surface I know. My daughter's have been to see me and have left immediately as they are not willing to expose them self's to possible problem's? My youngest is engaged to a very successful Jewish man. They do take a bad view of such thing's here.But I told her she would not have any problem's.Young people have to learn on their own. Well pep's thing's are starting to get a bit blurry. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
I’m a US veteran and I gotta say, despite its problems, the VA health care system rocks! Drs not always the best and brightest ( I know cause I’m a surgeon- but sure don’t tell rhem
That) but access to supples or equipment is awesome. I’m need an O2
Concentrator 24/7 and when I went on holiday the VA had one delivered for
My use to the hotel we were staying at in another state altogether!!
They also have a program called chapter 115, which is managed by whatever town you live in. Even if your disability is not service related, they will help out for up to a year with a stipend ranging from $700/month to $1400/month depending on how much $ your town has.
Massachusetts is particularly good to us vets in all kinds of ways. I never filed a Veterans disability claim, just kept on keeping on and as it affects me more with age my state va has been a huge help.
So kudos out to the VA and state of Massachusetts!
I’m a US veteran and I gotta say, despite its problems, the VA health care system rocks! Drs not always the best and brightest ( I know cause I’m a surgeon- but sure don’t tell rhem
That) but access to supples or equipment is awesome. I’m need an O2
Concentrator 24/7 and when I went on holiday the VA had one delivered for
My use to the hotel we were staying at in another state altogether!!
They also have a program called chapter 115, which is managed by whatever town you live in. Even if your disability is not service related, they will help out for up to a year with a stipend ranging from $700/month to $1400/month depending on how much $ your town has.
Massachusetts is particularly good to us vets in all kinds of ways. I never filed a Veterans disability claim, just kept on keeping on and as it affects me more with age my state va has been a huge help.
So kudos out to the VA and state of Massachusetts!
Sorry I did not respond faster.... But I just 1 day ago finally got out of the hospital that has been my dungeon for over 4 months! But to respond to your post. I have been dealing with the VA soooo long and you are correct! They do make sure your meds and need's to live a comfortable lifestyle are readily available to all vets! Unfortunately the VA has also had some really bad year's also! I have been up and down on the sliding scale that the VA has for us wounded combat vets.. It was bad really bad for about 8 year's.I did not get enough to live on! And I was 100%..... I had to use political source's within the VA and push some button's. They settled down on the slide of that scale! Mass. is a great VA for the VA and so is New York State. They really have a very active transportation and relief system in place to help vets in need! So I have some catching up to do and I will see you around the forum! Watch your top knot! Peace Out!Out Of The Mist! shewoff
I’m a US veteran and I gotta say, despite its problems, the VA health care system rocks! Drs not always the best and brightest ( I know cause I’m a surgeon- but sure don’t tell rhem
That) but access to supples or equipment is awesome. I’m need an O2
Concentrator 24/7 and when I went on holiday the VA had one delivered for
My use to the hotel we were staying at in another state altogether!!
They also have a program called chapter 115, which is managed by whatever town you live in. Even if your disability is not service related, they will help out for up to a year with a stipend ranging from $700/month to $1400/month depending on how much $ your town has.
Massachusetts is particularly good to us vets in all kinds of ways. I never filed a Veterans disability claim, just kept on keeping on and as it affects me more with age my state va has been a huge help.
So kudos out to the VA and state of Massachusetts!
Sorry I did not respond faster.... But I just 1 day ago finally got out of the hospital that has been my dungeon for over 4 months! But to respond to your post. I have been dealing with the VA soooo long and you are correct! They do make sure your meds and need's to live a comfortable lifestyle are readily available to all vets! Unfortunately the VA has also had some really bad year's also! I have been up and down on the sliding scale that the VA has for us wounded combat vets.. It was bad really bad for about 8 year's.I did not get enough to live on! And I was 100%..... I had to use political source's within the VA and push some button's. They settled down on the slide of that scale! Mass. is a great VA for the VA and so is New York State. They really have a very active transportation and relief system in place to help vets in need! So I have some catching up to do and I will see you around the forum! Watch your top knot! Peace Out!Out Of The Mist! shewoff
"Free At Last! Free At Last!" As of 3 days ago I was released from the hospital here in my new temp country,Jordan. I have even managed to pick up some of the local dialect and I must say Farsi is a ancient and accent's abound! But I will be going back home to Amsterdam for a few to gather some strength and to relay my best laid plan's? I have lost well over a grand in expired ticket's.... It has been well worth the pain and effort that I have put into this nerve regeneration! Over 300 injection's and many days of physical therapy. There has been substantial regrowth of nerve's in my lower body.

So I will be ready to get back on this horse very soon! Walking with braces and only for short distance's. But it makes me smile every time I do it! It is almost like sex? Almost! But I'am going to a place before I leave here. I promised my daughter's that I would get some lamb skin hand made clog's. The best in the world are made by the Greek's or so my daughter's think! They are both doctor's and the feet are comfortable ALL of the time. At any rate my friend's I will do some sorely needed gaming when I get back to the E.U.....

I miss losing and WINNING money! Mainly it is the RUSH!!! From a big win or a very bad and costly loss. I would very much like to go to Monaco and do some of that High Class Losing! LOL At any rate I have started a new group in that section of the forum.It is a pic and story group/forum.Come by with a story or a pic? Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
Well I'm one of the few who think 99.99% of people are actually good at heart. I don't care what your political view is, your nationality/sexuality whatever you can add to that list, I will always give people time and respect. (Even if your favourite slot is Gemix). I just feel opinions are too heavily influenced by the media and politics and that's why I avoid all media sites.

I think you can live a much happier life if you avoid all media including social, and political debates. It's not that I don't care - far from it, I just feel that the character traits that are necessary to become a politician are far from the ones needed to do the best job. In other words, I don't trust any of them no matter who gets elected.

The problem is that the good is never shown. Only the bad is shown on news etc.. there is way more good than bad in the world. We just never get to see all the acts of kindness and love spread on a daily basis
Used to think people are great and to love them generally. At this point I really don't. I find most of the people so selfish and self-centered, greedy and neglecting towards other beings, people and environment. Just think majority of humans is wasting their existence without even considering doing something to contribute or make their purpose useful to anything else but themselves. It's not too much of their fault, modern world built up admirable and terrible control and brainwash mechanisms to turn big part of the human race into zombies.
On the other hand, I'm not some dark emo who thinks everything is bad. There's certainly still a lot of wonderful people to be exceptions, putting some effort to make a balance and this world a better place. People who still justify our brain as a powerful weapon to do good and use it no matter what media and public opinion says.
This minority might be very powerful, cause good has a great power, really hope they will be more aware of it.

To sum up my thought, this is what a concluded one night. There was a party and music was so terrible that I cannot describe it (some Serbian shitty autotune crap, with completely poor message in lyrics too) . Most of the guest enjoyed it and knew all the words. Song after song, I was on the edge to have my brain blown and leave the place, when suddenly someone played "We are the people" by Empire of the sun. Great metaphore in the title, just right in time. And I adore this song. Very soon bunch of these people from previous "music" grabbed their coats and left. I felt victory :D And my conclusion is that just a little bit of good can chase away all the bad.

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