World Gone Mad!?

Thank You All! I'm forever grateful to all of you that have given my time here at home easier to handle.I have made a commitment to the American Heart Association in my wife's name. I'am considering moving to the EU and living in one of my brother's barge's? I truly do need a break from death. It drain's us like a vampire sucking the life from you.My oldest daughter will reside in my home in NY and I will become an expat. I guess.But again Thank You All for your condolence's. There are time's when other people's interaction is needed and wanted to overcome life's tragedies. Peace Out,Out Of The Mist! shewoff

I quite like the idea of living on a barge or houseboat. Which part of Europe will you be living and I presume that your brother will be close by? I understand that death and the impending death of someone very close can be draining. Motivation can be one of the biggest things impacted alongside feelings of regret-no matter if those feelings of regret are just you beating yourself up.
It must be nice to have two homes to go to on different sides of the globe?
I quite like the idea of living on a barge or houseboat. Which part of Europe will you be living and I presume that your brother will be close by? I understand that death and the impending death of someone very close can be draining. Motivation can be one of the biggest things impacted alongside feelings of regret-no matter if those feelings of regret are just you beating yourself up.
It must be nice to have two homes to go to on different sides of the globe?

I do believe one of the reasons he was in Europe was to settle his brothers estate.
Holland,Geordiecolin That is where my brother lived the last year's of his life.It is no big deal you did not know.That is one of the reason's I'am tired of death. He was a great brother and a true world traveler. Unfortunately his size cost him his life in the long run.At 6'9" and 260 pounds my brother was an imposing man. He had many bad bike wreck's in his life and his hip's were gone.So he moved lock, stock and barrel to Holland . He had a very hard time with the new hip joint's and it became septic and he died from blood poisoning. So you see he may not be there in person his memories will always be with me. And yes it is nice at my age to have homes across the pond. But when you look at it. Taxes and upkeep,rentals my bro had need attention and that is why I will relocate to Amsterdam.Plus I like the place and people. And Thank You Steviedoo it is nice to know some of what I have posted was paid attention too. Again Thank You All! Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
Just a few lines about a problem that has reared its ugly head recently. I placed a bet on the recent PacMan VS The Trouble fight. I learned a long time ago to bet high or go home.So a $25,000 bet on PacMan to win. I have followed his career from start to present. As all of my phone in bets. I place with a long time parlor in Vegas that takes all of my action.And well,the rest is history shall we say? Now it has been a reasonable amount of time for a world renowned parlor to payoff its bets?

But as of this writing NADA! Now they have paid me off before much larger wins than the $100,000 I'am owed from the fight. Please anyone with any experience dealing with this sort of thing. Sound off and if ya help I will lay a few on ya. I have never dealt with this kind of problem from a reputable place? As I'am a gentleman I would never list the name of this place. But take my word for it,it is shocking to me. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
Just a few lines about a problem that has reared its ugly head recently. I placed a bet on the recent PacMan VS The Trouble fight. I learned a long time ago to bet high or go home.So a $25,000 bet on PacMan to win. I have followed his career from start to present. As all of my phone in bets. I place with a long time parlor in Vegas that takes all of my action.And well,the rest is history shall we say? Now it has been a reasonable amount of time for a world renowned parlor to payoff its bets?

But as of this writing NADA! Now they have paid me off before much larger wins than the $100,000 I'am owed from the fight. Please anyone with any experience dealing with this sort of thing. Sound off and if ya help I will lay a few on ya. I have never dealt with this kind of problem from a reputable place? As I'am a gentleman I would never list the name of this place. But take my word for it,it is shocking to me. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
I hope that someone is able to help you and that you get the money you are owed back.
Hey Pep's, Sorry I have not posted in a while as my wife's untimely death and setting my life into overdrive.Have made my time very valuable. I will be heading back out and to move my world oversea's come the end of Feb. and the first week of March. I will try my best to be a good guide and give those of you a new insight into our world and it's pro's and con's. Harry I will be trying to set a date for my trip to Singapore and other port's of call eastward. For those of you who are in the EU and not able to get news at a instance. Here is the testament of prior lawyer and inside man for DT. It was just released here and it is very very interesting? It is in PDF format(ENJOY). Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff


Hey Pep's, Sorry I have not posted in a while as my wife's untimely death and setting my life into overdrive.Have made my time very valuable. I will be heading back out and to move my world oversea's come the end of Feb. and the first week of March. I will try my best to be a good guide and give those of you a new insight into our world and it's pro's and con's. Harry I will be trying to set a date for my trip to Singapore and other port's of call eastward. For those of you who are in the EU and not able to get news at a instance. Here is the testament of prior lawyer and inside man for DT. It was just released here and it is very very interesting? It is in PDF format(ENJOY). Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
I am watching Michael Cohen's grilling live on TV and they are really going for his jugular
Hey All!, Sorry it has been so long. But thing's got a bit out of hand in Amman,Jordan. I went out of my scheduled trip to see Singapore to be seen by a group of doctor's in Amman. They are working with gene cell's and the regeneration of said cell's. I have been looking for help with my leg's for some time now and I was INVITED to Amman by the folk's at King Hussien Hospital. I was in a state of frenzy that maybe just maybe I could walk upright like a man again. BUT at the airport custom's I was detained for a case of pill's in my jacket pocket? I carry a daily 7 day carry case for my many many pill's. But my script's had been left by your's truly in my new home in Amsterdam.

Before any of you say anything, I know ,I know, Stupid! I was taken to the sub station at the airport and then sent to the police station and main jail in Amman proper. And don't guess I will tell you. Jail! HAHAHA 47 days to get my ass out of the situation I created. I was released on my own recon. and the US embassy helped alot. At any rate I can now say I have seen an ancient city in the middle-east and also been jailed in that very same cities jail.

My god did I and do I feel stupid.After all of my travel's and no real problem's? This and it is over and I'am glad they finally got my script's from my doctor's in the US. They would not accept my e-mailed copies. So here I'am finally in at the hospital and I will be here for another 30 day's for treatment's and stem cell's transplant's. For any of you that have not had any of these procedure's I will tell you It HURT'S LIKE HELL!

At any rate I'am at a very posh hotel here and I have managed some pic's and have had some really excellent food's. This is the City Rose Hotel City Rose Hotel jail5.webp and Arar St arar st. jail4.webp some more pic's of this very old city.jail1.webp jail2.webp jail3.webp and this is the King Hussien Hospital King Hussien Hospital jail6.webp and the hotel I will be going to next Le Royal Hotel jail7.webp Le Royal Hotel.

Yes it has been a true adventure in weird here. I was in a cell alone but feed with the general population until i was almost killed by some fella's who do not like American's? Go Figure? At any rate I will be moving about here and I will be going to Israel and Egypt and I will be posting for those whop are interested?More later as I 'am feeling a bit ill from my treatment's. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
So, arrested whilst on an adventurous trip abroad, detained, almost killed by strangers and seeing some luxurious locales and hotels :eek2:

On Wednesday I had soup and watched repeats of Last of the Summer Wine
So, arrested whilst on an adventurous trip abroad, detained, almost killed by strangers and seeing some luxurious locales and hotels :eek2:

On Wednesday I had soup and watched repeats of Last of the Summer Wine

lol but he had free food and 5star accommodation, great story pls keep us update, i am going to inflate big minion with hand pump for my kid now :D
You know I never even thought about it? It was indeed an adventure and added a few more grey ones. I was kept in segregation but had to go among'st them to eat. That is where it happened. A book perhaps it may be a good read? Thank's for the thought guy's. It will be a while before I do this alone again for sure. My children have made statement's about it. Kid's don't think thou, they only see danger. At any rate a ghost writer, and some good brandy and "Who Know's" Right! Thank's for making me laugh. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
Wow. Gotta ask, was this your first visit to jail?

Also, are you always in a chair, or just for more than a few feet? I'm having increasing difficulties with my mobility, and get assistance while dealing with airports. Can still get room to room at home, although grocery stores are getting more than I can handle.

Hope the treatments improve your mobility. Hoping some vascular surgery may extend mine.
OK OK Jasminebed! Let's just say I have been a very active fella in my life. I fought a war and ended up in a wheel-chair! Angry and horny and wishing there was a better way. Oh Yes! I have seen the inside of a few. Some before my my mobility was lost.

Sorry to hear. I can more than understand your feeling's. Not sure if having it taken in a moment OR over an extended period of time. It all end's with a major hit to the soul on many level's.I'am pretty mobile for a man of my age and attitude. I'am in my chair 16 to 20 hour's a day. Except to sleep and for me sleeping is a pleasure I really have not had in a very long time. I can rest and that takes some pill to activate. My shrink's still stick with the standard cope out these day? P.T.S.D I say NO! for me it is when I wake in the night and I see the position my body is in? Imagine you are suspended from your waist up and movement is easy and flowing. Normal shall we say, and your lower half is attached to a weight of immense proportion's. And you try to turn over or flip to your side. The top comes and the bottom stay's.

Have to ask Jasmine, Do you live alone? Or do you have a significant other to help at this stage? I have always hated going shopping for food. People are at a strange place when they go to the food store. I was happy as a pig in shit when Walmart and other large chain's started this pick and deliver or pick up. Nice very nice to just put your list together and call it in. Your in Canada not sure if any of these chain's are in CA or not? Have you been seen by a doctor you trust? That will be very important in the future.

Lastly if you become chair bound for any significant period. Don't settle for one of those monster hospital chair's. The VA is great when it comes to my wish's for a chair. My 1st was a whopping 45 pound's and was too straight up and down. I now have a cut down, low riding, 13 pound blue baby. LOL I love this chair it is quick AND LIGHT. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff
OK OK Jasminebed! Let's just say I have been a very active fella in my life. I fought a war and ended up in a wheel-chair! Angry and horny and wishing there was a better way. Oh Yes! I have seen the inside of a few. Some before my my mobility was lost.

Sorry to hear. I can more than understand your feeling's. Not sure if having it taken in a moment OR over an extended period of time. It all end's with a major hit to the soul on many level's.I'am pretty mobile for a man of my age and attitude. I'am in my chair 16 to 20 hour's a day. Except to sleep and for me sleeping is a pleasure I really have not had in a very long time. I can rest and that takes some pill to activate. My shrink's still stick with the standard cope out these day? P.T.S.D I say NO! for me it is when I wake in the night and I see the position my body is in? Imagine you are suspended from your waist up and movement is easy and flowing. Normal shall we say, and your lower half is attached to a weight of immense proportion's. And you try to turn over or flip to your side. The top comes and the bottom stay's.

Have to ask Jasmine, Do you live alone? Or do you have a significant other to help at this stage? I have always hated going shopping for food. People are at a strange place when they go to the food store. I was happy as a pig in shit when Walmart and other large chain's started this pick and deliver or pick up. Nice very nice to just put your list together and call it in. Your in Canada not sure if any of these chain's are in CA or not? Have you been seen by a doctor you trust? That will be very important in the future.

Lastly if you become chair bound for any significant period. Don't settle for one of those monster hospital chair's. The VA is great when it comes to my wish's for a chair. My 1st was a whopping 45 pound's and was too straight up and down. I now have a cut down, low riding, 13 pound blue baby. LOL I love this chair it is quick AND LIGHT. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff

You guys don't know how luck you's are to have the VA, in the UK if it wasn't for various forces charities there would be a dam few Veterans up the creek without a paddle.
The government did attempt an Armed forces Convenant(the convenant is a promise by the national ensuring that those who serve or have served in the forces and their families are treated fairly)but unfortunately they left it up to the local authorities weather the ran with it or not and currently all the mainland authorities have Pledged to uphold the convenant (whilst the majority haven't fulfilled that pledge)
As for N.Ireland where I'm located that's a different story all together 4 pledged but unfortunately due to most councils having a green element that's all it's gonna be.
You guys don't know how luck you's are to have the VA, in the UK if it wasn't for various forces charities there would be a dam few Veterans up the creek without a paddle.
The government did attempt an Armed forces Convenant(the convenant is a promise by the national ensuring that those who serve or have served in the forces and their families are treated fairly)but unfortunately they left it up to the local authorities weather the ran with it or not and currently all the mainland authorities have Pledged to uphold the convenant (whilst the majority haven't fulfilled that pledge)
As for N.Ireland where I'm located that's a different story all together 4 pledged but unfortunately due to most councils having a green element that's all it's gonna be.

But they'll support the arrest and prosecution of old soldiers for 'murder' lol...
Yes Irish-ranger we are one of the lucky combat vet's in the world with the benefit's. But we had to fight to get what we have now! Way back when I was drafted you got free school and a living wage while attending school.That was the benefit. I fought with a few Kingdom unite's in The Nam. The airborne unit's were plenty tough and up to the job at hand!

How does military service work in the U.K.? Is it required military service? Like Israel? Sorry to hear about promise's not being kept. That is drag to get a person's hope's up and dash them because of a political agenda?

Off to The Dead Sea tomorrow. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff

P.S gonna get some good pic's.
Yes Irish-ranger we are one of the lucky combat vet's in the world with the benefit's. But we had to fight to get what we have now! Way back when I was drafted you got free school and a living wage while attending school.That was the benefit. I fought with a few Kingdom unite's in The Nam. The airborne unit's were plenty tough and up to the job at hand!

How does military service work in the U.K.? Is it required military service? Like Israel? Sorry to hear about promise's not being kept. That is drag to get a person's hope's up and dash them because of a political agenda?

Off to The Dead Sea tomorrow. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff

P.S gonna get some good pic's.

Hi shewolf
Military service in the UK is completely volunteer national service ended in the 60s I believe with the only drawback being added on the reserve list after leaving in cases of national emergencys with a few exceptions medical discharges/time served ie 22 years and age restricted and Those who were kicked out.

whilst serving the the terms and conditions are second to none first class medical and dental the food used to be great then some idiot decided to sub contract it out to civilian contractors and now its dire in most establishments to say the least .a bit like the pension the screwed that over in 2005 for new entrants..

Probably best not to get into political agendas issues on here lol

Enjoy your trip to the Dead Sea if u are heading there from Amman you will prob pass Petra on your way there well worth a visit and wadi run Lawerence of Arabas hunting ground spent a few months in Jordon interesting country.
But they'll support the arrest and prosecution of old soldiers for 'murder' lol...
This just shows the clown world we live in... it was like the loony left when they questioned thatcher on the sinking of the belgrano and her actions.
She was proven totally correct and even the argies and the belgrano’s captain agreed with her...

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