Woman who refused to pay out bingo jackpot banished by her own family


Nurses love to give shots
Dec 16, 2004
Palm Bay Florida
Woman who refused to pay out bingo jackpot banished by her own family

A WOMAN who went back on a promise to split her 1million bingo jackpot win has been "officially" banished by her family.

Relatives of Jean McCullagh - who was finally forced to pay up last week after a lengthy wrangle - said yesterday she was no longer part of their clan.

The huge win wrecked her relationship with her sister Margaret Cleugh and sisters-in-law Rose McCullagh and Jessie McCullagh.

And now, after collecting their cheques from a Glasgow lawyer's office, they have confirmed that the rift is a permanent one.

Jessie, 65, Rose, 59, and Margaret, 67, said they had decided to focus on putting the ordeal behind them.

And they gave a joint statement to the Record confirming Jean and her husband John have been banished by the entire family.
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Oct 28 2009 By Mark McGivern
First of all you don't promise anything to anybody. If I won that much money yes my family will be taken care of on my terms. And if you do, do not renig on your promises. People done made plans on what to do with all that money and then to tell them your not giving them any its just wrong.

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