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ftg said:I am getting a new home and I am wondering whether to inform casinos the new address. Will you?
winbig72 said:You're not serious are you? If you're actively playing at said casino(s) and don't......well, don't expect a cash-out either.![]()
ftg said:I use Neteller to deposit/withdraw funds and I have not be asked for address verification for the last 3 months since the casinos I am actively playing have all my updated information on hand(except the new address).
I am not sure how long I will be staying at the new home, perhaps 1 year. And informing the casinos will only make them ask me for the new address verification which I can't provide with them right now except 1 or 2 months late when I receive new billings from Tel. company/banks.
So I am considering to inform ALL the casinos (over 100 ) or none of them.
Unless you have static IP, your IP address is likely to be different every time you connect to your ISP. A different IP in itself should not trigger security checks. I have even played from different countries wihtout problems.tim5ny said:You'd better let them know the situation just as you've explained it here because at the time of cash-in, they will do all of their security checks and find that your IP address has changed... and most likely, this will bring you problems.
You usually don't have static IP unless you are paying extra for it, but the IP of a cable modem tends to stay the same for long periods of time in my experience.tunisianswife said:I have cable modem. As I recall, is that a 'static' IP? I don't remember.