Why Do We Not Cashout, When We Are Ahead ?


Paleo Meister (means really, really old)
Jun 16, 2006
In the Beautiful South !!
Why do some of us not cashout when we are well ahead of the casino?

(1) The thrill of the playtime and hope that the next spin, may be a jackpot?

(2) Are we just gambling addicts?

(3) Is it for relaxation, to unwind after a hard day?

(4) Could it be just plain stupidity, shoulda , coulda, woulda , what ever excuse makes us feel better?

(5) Is it just for the pure enjoyment of the games?

(6) Is it lack of will power that makes us keep pushing the spin button, instead of the withdrawal one?

Im guilty of all , im sad to admit:oops:....................laurie

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I ponder this also.I think at least with me is I deposit and am all excited to play and then it's over in minutes :confused:.This usually happens time and time again. But when I do get a nice win then I feel more relaxed and I know my play time is finally extended and the "pressure" is off.
I may up my bet a little trying to get to a large enough bankroll where I can cash out a good amount and still have some to play.(Trying to get my cake and eat it too). Once in awhile it works out but normally I find I kill my bankroll :o
I ponder this also.I think at least with me is I deposit and am all excited to play and then it's over in minutes :confused:.This usually happens time and time again. But when I do get a nice win then I feel more relaxed and I know my play time is finally extended and the "pressure" is off.
I may up my bet a little trying to get to a large enough bankroll where I can cash out a good amount and still have some to play.(Trying to get my cake and eat it too). Once in awhile it works out but normally I find I kill my bankroll :o

This is where i find myself often, is the bankroll. Its just so tempting to up the bet and then it just seems to go in a flash, i guess if its the playtime im wanting, i shouldnt up those bets so quick, but like you, sometimes it works out in my favor and im like jeeze, that was a close one, so then i think it could be the thrill im looking for.......confusing huh?..............laurie
this often happened to me as i made deposits without a bonus. you win in the first few minutes, should cashout as the chance to play it back is higher, BUT you are thrilled and wanted to spend some time playing..:p so i often caught myself playing further, then bust out.

most times iam really disciplined to hit withdraw but sometimes its just impossible:what::mad:

i like it more to be down to my last bucks, then hit big and all the time you spend gets paid;) so playtime is a very important factor..


Hi all,

If I'm playing on a comp then I tend to be less likely to cash out for some reason. I'd say I only cash out 25% of the time.

Last night over at 32red was playing on a $100 comp, was down to $8 and got that up to over $1800. Did I cash out...nope I blew the lot.

Whereas when I've sunk my own cash in then I'll withdrawal 95% of the time if I get it over $1K.

Sometimes greed kicks in especially when I have a decent bankroll. It worked a month ago @ 22.50 a spin on BDBA with the 4 emeralds and the wild for a cool $18.5K. But that's doesn't happen every time

Unfortunately like most who don't cash out on a decent win, I end up going down the tube too.

Why do some of us not cashout when we are well ahead of the casino?

The thrill of the playtime and hope that the next spin, may be a jackpot?

Are we just gambling addicts?

Is it for relaxation, to unwind after a hard day?

Could it be just plain stupidity, shoulda , coulda, woulda , what ever excuse makes us feel better?

Is it just for the pure enjoyment of the games?

... all excited to play and then it's over in minutes :confused:

Emotions. As Eric say:

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cashing out


I'm guilty of that to. I hit 5k at rival 3 weeks ago..I upped the bet and was down to 2k before I knew it:eek:then I tried to get back what I had put in and was down to 900 out of 5k and if it wasn't for scary rich I would have went broke. I ended up cashing out over 3k but I should have cashed out the first time.

I think we do it because the wins are so few and far between that we're trying to seize the moment and most of the time it backfires. Lately I have just been depositing small amounts and if I hit good and if I don't I don't feed the slots until the following week.
I think the simple answer to that Laurie is the fact that it all boils down to "Greed". Players get all caught up in the ether of the moment, the thrill of the win, the anticipation of the possible larger win and then the "Greed Factor" sets in. It's the same with rich people, enough is never really enough!
Nine times out of ten when I don't take a bonus I bomb out:mad: When I do take a bonus and have some decent wins I have to play FOREVER to get through the WR:eek2:. By the time I do get through the WR I'm so tired of playing...if I have a decent amount I hit the cashout button just because I want to be done:rolleyes: Does that make sense? Only once have I played $5 a spin and actually done any good..most of the time it is $1 a spin. Maybe $2 if the "Scary's" are being good...:D
Its the thrill of winning, its the feeling that you achieved/acomplished something and that makes you feel good. I too have wasted many a good win, and questioned myself plenty of times, its definitely not greed with me, well lets say its not that im greedy for money, its probably more true that im greedy for the thrill/buzz/sensation of hitting something big, but thats the whole gambling thing isn't it?

We all play for various reasons, and if we all approached this like a true proffessional then we all be withdrawing at exactly the right time, in fact we would have a hard and fast rule about what we did when we won a large amount (like wagering a percentage of the win or withdrawing 90% instantly, or something like that). But do we? No most of us don't, most of us go by our yearning to play more for whatever reasons.

When you either get a big win or very nearly get a big win when playing your brain releases endorphins, and as gamblers we are chasing the release of these endorphins by hitting a big win. Now the casinos are fully aware of this, and rather unfairly to us, it doesn't matter if we hit a big win, or get very close to a big win, our brain releases endorphins on both occasions. So its not by accident that you'll get many occasions playing that you think you could have nearly won, but in fact you didn't.
I agree with RobWin. The biggest and most crucial problem is GREED.
Greed too often makes us continue "only a lil bit more", mostly destroying the bankroll and even the entertainment of the game. The other day I was up a decent amount while playing videopoker. Instead of cashing out I had the brilliant idea to continue playing until I make up for the loss I had had a few days earlier - very optimistic and especially sooooo clever.
The surprising end of that story: ending balance zero. After that session I told myself that I learnt a lesson. (I must have a lousy memory since I keep learning exactly the same lesson).

Cheers Balky
Why do some of us not cashout when we are well ahead of the casino?

(1) The thrill of the playtime and hope that the next spin, may be a jackpot?

(2) Are we just gambling addicts?

(3) Is it for relaxation, to unwind after a hard day?

(4) Could it be just plain stupidity, shoulda , coulda, woulda , what ever excuse makes us feel better?

(5) Is it just for the pure enjoyment of the games?

(6) Is it lack of will power that makes us keep pushing the spin button, instead of the withdrawal one?

Im guilty of all , im sad to admit:o....................laurie

If it's 3 or 5, that's what the For Fun account is for, especially 3..use it :)
When all is said and done, it's most likely 6 (from which 1,2 & 4 derive).
The surprising end of that story: ending balance zero. After that session I told myself that I learnt a lesson. (I must have a lousy memory since I keep learning exactly the same lesson).

Hiya. The above quote tells it all.

As to the original question. You deposit $250. You win $500, and now have $750. WOW, WooHoo, Weeeeee, and so on. You would never have deposited $750 at one time. Your balance is as high as it has ever been.

OK, OK, I will just play the $50, and if i lose it, i will cash out. $60 Gone=oops

OK, OK, I will just win the $10 back, and cash out at $700. $80 gone=oops

Fine, OK, I still have $610 left, and if it drops to $500 I will cash out. $130 gone=oops

Darn OK, I have $470 left, and $220 of that is profit. Hmmm, If I cash out, i am left with my starting balance, or less. What if i lose that? What good is it to cash out only $220-$250, and if i lose, i just have to deposit it back in again?

I should have cashed out earlier....= see the above quote.........

A Few small cashouts are usually better than holding on and trying to get a single large cashout. imhop
I agree - greed is probably my main reason I dont cash out sooner. I also keep playing to make a withdrawal worthwhile - with all the fees we incur w/ withdrawals.
I agree, too. Greed.

In my case, when I won the RJ (see, I'm catching on with the lingo ) it seems that the money I won almost was the amount of my losses over the few months playing. Now I will have to lose a lot to win any substantial amount to cash out. ;)

And one other thing...I won $200 and then received a speeding ticket that almost equalled that. Maybe it's the law of Checks and Balances, for me, anyway.:confused:
It isn't just greed though but for me it is the difficulty of controlling the highs and lows.

You are playing and your spinning finger is hotter than Tiger Woods' putter. Your balance is going up and up. Surely this is the time to keep on playing because:

1) This is the first day this month your are actually in form - why stop on the one day things are going your way? Let's really nail this win!

2) OMG maybe this thing is having some sort of glitch and it going to continue like this for a while!

Many of you will laugh at such thoughts but in the heat of the moment I have found both arguments extremely persuasive. And when you get into the downward spiral it's so easy to get fixated by trying to recover your balance to a certain point.

It's not just greed with me but more the handling of the rush a winning session induces.

The way I have found is to keep a bonus back in another account - preferably a small deposit big bonus that I am unlikely to cash out, like a Rival slots for example. So when I hit a big win I will shut the first account off and then shoot away at the second. When the very likely bust out happens I will have come down off the high. My first balance is intact and my other balance is busted but not too much of my own cash is gone.

I always shut the first winning casino off real quick and will do my withdrawing the next day. I find the quick shut down works well for me because it also avoids the balance fixation that is so destructive.

If I have no bonus around I have even taken $100 to the poker tables. I will just blow it off in a few $10 tournaments and play incredibly badly, almost forcing myself to lose. I find things work out a lot cheaper this way and I get to have some fun too. Every so often I need to get reminded about the losing side of things. But just not in that losing the whole balance back way.
deposited 50 at a casino last week (I dont have much spare cash for gambling nowdays). Anyway built it up to 600,cashed out 400,played with
the other 200 which went down rapidy, as it approached zero,I reversed
the 400 withdrawal (something I NEVER do), balance continued downwards
then shot back up due a nice bunch of santas.
Back at 600,I did the same thing again,withdrew 400, reversed when the balance got low,managed to get back to 500.Lost 100 and withdrew the 400 for the last time, should be flushed in a couple of hours.
Could have saved a lot of effort with a bit of will power, but end result wasnt too bad. The casino takes about 10 days to process withdrawals so no fun for me till then but I was pretty brain dead so the break wont be a bad thing.
The sensible approach should be to set a target, withdraw on reaching it and never reverse
got a special offer this afternoon from the casino re my withdrawal,
20% bonus if I reverse, by the time I read the email it the withdrawal had been flushed but I dont think I would have gone for it anyway
got a special offer this afternoon from the casino re my withdrawal,
20% bonus if I reverse, by the time I read the email it the withdrawal had been flushed but I dont think I would have gone for it anyway

Unbelievable that casino should be ashamed of itself IMHO

Good for you anyway, glad you would have stuck to your guns
Hi All,

I can play at a land based casino and walk out the door most times with something in my pocket, or at least having the casino pay for my night out.

I don't play the slots though, I prefer roulette.

When ever I win a $100 chip that goes in my pocket and so on.

Whereas online well that's a completely different story.

Maybe because the chips are not tangible cash, they're are just numbers on a screen, credits. I can't go to the cage and walk away with money, instead I have to wait till it gets processed and then hit NT.

I'm still in the dark woods because the temptation to throw a couple of hundred back into the casino always wins out. And that normally turns into another $500 going the same way.

By the time I do visit the ATM insert my Net+ card I yank out maybe $1K or less.

At that point I realise I'm a BIG GOOF but it's too late it's all gone back into the pocket of the casino.

got a special offer this afternoon from the casino re my withdrawal,
20% bonus if I reverse

Please tell me that was NOT Spin Palace or one of their casinos?

I remember that Fortune Lounge got hauled over the coals here for offering the same thing to players. I believe they no longer do this.

But if a MGS casino(s) are doing this, then eCOGRA needs to take a look at its operations. Because frankly that's just not on :mad:

Yes it's 101% Greed but many think that rainbow will come.
And they chase & chase and they never find it at the end of that rainbow.
Everyone needs to learn how to Hit & Run.
Hit and leave and come back in a day or two.

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