Why Denmark?...


I predict a riot.
Oct 17, 2004
Location, Location!
Or rather why NOT Denmark??

Just been looking at a few casino websites this afternoon, and checking out the signup bonuses etc etc.. A load state that people from Denmark are not eligible.. How come?? Seems like a pretty random place to me.

Just interested really!

There was a TV program where a man explained how to use casino bonus for profit. A lot of people in Denmark followed his method and took the casinos for a ton of loot!
Really? That's hilarious! I'm assuming this was shown in Denmark then?? What a bizarre country to be picked out.

They must have been doing something right (or wrong!) to get banned from so many. Mental!

Thanks for that.

Anyone got any more info??? Ok - so I've cashed out my stake and winnings for the weekend, so I'm bored! :D
Ah! Interesting stuff! Cheers for that!

God.. I wish I was good enough to make money out of bonuses!! Chance would be a fine thing! I've invariably gone through the wagering requirements and plenty more besides before I get a chance to cash out!!!
I gave some more details in another thread. Here's what happened:

It was just a 5 minute report on the national news on Danish television where they talk to a webmaster from a Danish casino-portal and some bonushunters. The bonushunters where all like 'At first I didn't believe it but then the cheques started arriving and now I'm making tons of money'. Of course, the main point of the report was that exactly that, that you could make easy money playing bonuses. The journalist even tries it (at Prestige Casino I believe) and shows the cheque. After that everybody and their dog starts hunting bonuses and not long after the casinos start to implement special rules for Danish players or just plains screw them out of their money (Vegas Strip, Twin Aces group).

This is several years ago now and you would think that it would have died out by now but apparently there are still enough bonushunters in Denmark for most casinos to have special rules for us :(
Lets hope panarama or some other documentry about bonushunters doesnt go out in the UK (or the states :D )

It would 1000s out of a errr... a job :eek:
"Due to continuous severe abuse of promotions by players residing in Denmark and Canada, all Danish and Canadian players are required to wager 25 times the total of their deposit and bonus/es received in order to cash out any amount exceeding your original deposit."
- Casino King (along with Swiss Casino and Casino Las Vegas)

I must have missed that TV report :D

Danishs were very sharp

hello i think that danishs awere very sharp as they were trying to get bonus freely in old days now casinos have big wagereing requirements becouse of that kind of players a good player feels very bad when he or she read casinos terms so just good casinos win only casinos who increase their WR lose in the long run. As you can see RTG casinos is getting closed every day
No matter how 'sharp' or 'smart'


The Danes brought it upon themselves to make a wave that casinos hated (Imagine you in the casinos shoes). With todays WRs this should be water under the bridge, as B+DsX3, 4, 5 and 7s are long gone and WRs are tough deals, no matter how smart a Nationality is, and I dont subscribe to any specific Nationality being intellectually superior to another. Some casinos seem to still have that fixation that Denmark is a more dangerous country to deal with than others.

Now, Ive noticed that Israel citizens are barred from many casinos lately. With nowadays WRs Einstein himself would not have been a man to defeat all casinos. Other nationalists are banned by country. I do believe that there are other factors than being too smart, perhaps some waves originate from a guru saying if you deposit with your credit card and win, kewl, but if you lose, just simply chargeback

2 cents


Why Czech Republic?

I think the extra WR for Denmark players is ludicrous! Casinos should treat all players equally.

But more worrying (for me) is that I have noticed a lot of casinos include Czech Republic in their lists of countries not allowed to play at all!
As my wife is Czech, and there is a possibility that we may move out there one day, this is bad news indeed. :(

But why on earth ban the Czech Republic in the first place??? :confused:
Thatchatch said:

I do believe that there are other factors than being too smart, perhaps some waves originate from a guru saying if you deposit with your credit card and win, kewl, but if you lose, just simply chargeback

2 cents



I've never seen any evidence to suggest that Danes do more chargeback than players from other countries. Besides, chargebacks have nothing to do with bonus-requirements being more strict.

You have to keep in mind that even with wager-requirements being 20-40 times the bonus there is still a major edge for the smart player. Does the increased wager-requirements mean Danish players are more smart than players from other countries? Well, in the sense that, out of all players, the percentage of smart players, playing only for bonuses, is much larger in Denmark than in, say, the States.
Its the Danes -Theyre coming

Well speaking as one who worked in the industry at the time that Danes were introduced to it via the Infamous TV program ,i can tell you that the result of that tv program was a wave of players that the gaming industry was ill prepared for.

Those were quite early days and i can tell you that at the time we ran about 12 MGS Casinos amongst them Blackjack Ballroom and Colisseum Casino and various others.

We saw this wave of players on all of the Casinos and had no idea what to make of it.The Danish proved to be very astute gamblers for that time and thus Playthroughs become a lot more stringent with the majority of Casinos disallowing Danes from collecting any bonuses.

That was the situation a couple of years ago.The market along with Danish gamblers has matured quite a bit since then and now slowly but surely a lot of Casinos mine included have removed the restrictions for Danish players.

That particular innovation is now the Chinese curse to bear.

Hope i have painted a little picture of what happened.

GrandAcesGeisha said:
Well speaking as one who worked in the industry at the time that Danes were introduced to it via the Infamous TV program ,i can tell you that the result of that tv program was a wave of players that the gaming industry was ill prepared for.

Those were quite early days and i can tell you that at the time we ran about 12 MGS Casinos amongst them Blackjack Ballroom and Colisseum Casino and various others.

We saw this wave of players on all of the Casinos and had no idea what to make of it.The Danish proved to be very astute gamblers for that time and thus Playthroughs become a lot more stringent with the majority of Casinos disallowing Danes from collecting any bonuses.

That was the situation a couple of years ago.The market along with Danish gamblers has matured quite a bit since then and now slowly but surely a lot of Casinos mine included have removed the restrictions for Danish players.

That particular innovation is now the Chinese curse to bear.

Hope i have painted a little picture of what happened.

So why us Chinese?
chuchu59 said:
So why us Chinese?
I think what was meant is "be careful for what you wish for, you may get it". I think this is a proverb - not a curse though.

But in the online gaming industry, it can be a curse. Casinos want players - they want shitloads of players, and when Sren explained how you could make quick cash on Danish TV - some (or most) casinos were hit hard by a shitload of players. Sure this is what the casinos wanted - but uh-oh, looks like there was a way to bring a casino to their knees this way. I know of one operator who had to be brought out on a stretcher when this hit. The industry hasn't been the same since.


Thanks Bryan for clearing up my statement ,that is exactly what i meant ,you know me ,always getting into hot water on forums. :notworthy

chuchu the reasons for not allowing Chinese players to take part in free $10 offers are i guess the fact that there are a couple of billion Chinese .

I did not mean to cast any suggestions re Chinese players ,we have a very limited market in China and i would not be in a position to talk about charecteristics of Chinese players.

Good Luck with your Gaming Folks
GrandAcesGeisha said:

Thanks Bryan for clearing up my statement ,that is exactly what i meant ,you know me ,always getting into hot water on forums. :notworthy

chuchu the reasons for not allowing Chinese players to take part in free $10 offers are i guess the fact that there are a couple of billion Chinese .

I did not mean to cast any suggestions re Chinese players ,we have a very limited market in China and i would not be in a position to talk about charecteristics of Chinese players.

Good Luck with your Gaming Folks
Hi, Thanks for the clarification. Chinese people are big gamblers but knowing them,they love rowdy and noisy places so land-based casinos are perfect for them. This explains the emergence of a lot of vegas-style casinos at Macau,a tiny place by any proportions. The games we like are usually tile games like mahjong and paikow tiles and shuffling them alone will cause quite a racket.
KasinoKing said:
I think the extra WR for Denmark players is ludicrous! Casinos should treat all players equally.

Indeed. Being one of these "infamous" danes, I find it very hard to find a new casino and test it out. I usually use the bonus to test casinos out, as they are excellent tools to do just that, because you get to email support about their promo, get in trouble because of restricted games etc. I agree that the "swarm of the danes" has cooled down somewhat - atleast I don't hear much about in real-life nor on the web. I do see alot of Canadians and ,yes, Americans signing up under the bonus-abuser flag (based on casino sites and forums).

I litterally had to beg The Fortune Lounge group to accept me into their fold as they even had a ban on danes for their CompProgram! I don't play at this group for their bonuses as they are money-traps for danes, but because of their combined comp-program.

With all this being said I do compliment the cleverness of my fellow brethren in recognizing a risk-free money-making operation this early which they (sadly for the rest of us) raped good and well.

I do sense a slight change in casino-operators with regard to danes though and to bonuses in general. In my opinion a casino that has outragous WR and different rules for different nationalities has not put alot of effort into thinking up bonuses/promos/comp-programs, but are really in ot for the money, which they ofcourse should - but they should also be having fun operating it - like the players!
It is no wonder then I enjoy fx. 32red and KingNeptunes as these have both some good promos without excluding danes or any other nationalities. Ok, so Neptues does have a different WR for danes but their newest "deposit-savings card" is a stroke of genious in my opinion.

Oops, I made a rant...sorry about that :o
With regards to Czech etc players being barred from these things, I'd suggest it's a case of the proportion of average gamblers as opposed to bonus hunters.

I'm half Polish, and whilst the Poles aren't averse to a flutter they're mostly much more keen on a scam, so I daresay the reason that they often can't get at the good bonuses would be that a fair percentage of Polish signups will be by bonus-hunting players. The casino can also assume that they won't lose a huge amount of revenue from doing this as the Poles don't make up a vast proportion of the online gaming community and if they are a really good casino they'll attract the more serious players anyway.

There was a TV programme there once that showed people how to get away with tax scams :lolup: I wouldn't be too suprised if there was something similar on other scams like bonus hunting in casinos...
OK OK not necessarily a 'scam' as such, but a way to bend the odds in your favour to make money, which isn't the casino's intention. Much like the tax things, you don't break any rules as such you just bend them into your favour.
Bonus Hunting

How is bonushunting a scam?

Good question there

But i dont think that he meant it literally -

I am a firm believer in the mantra that if the Casino offers it,it is there to be taken,so dont offer it if you dont want to dish it out.

What i think Pijak meant was that there are alot of Eastern European scam artists around that regularly abuse these promotions.Dont foget that these free $10 bonuses actually cost money ,so if you go and use up 33 of them ,it has cost the casino money.

On top of that there was if i am not mistaken a case re the DOS attackes emanating from Eatern Europe.

So yes Casinos are very careful with regards to certain regions in the world.Some of them might even be in regions of a country.Thats why this board is such a fantastic place .You get solid info from players and operators that have been vetted and put to the test.

I have belonged to many forums and this is by far the best one of the lot

Fairness in Gaming!!!

Should Online Casinos Follow the Rules of Fairness in Gaming?

Many land based(REAL) casinos offer starup up awards like ten dollars if you present a cupon or tour ticket etc. They don't seem awfully picky about how you use it...they assume(rightly) that you will spend it and more in the casino once you begin your play.

Online casinos take advantage of the fact that they can do pretty much what they want to you once your funds are deposited. Who knows what they do behind the blinds of the internet on their end to change stats etc.

This all requires trust from everyone..the consumer has to trust the online casino to be fair and payout fairly. Most important, the consumer has to trust that the casino is offering fair odds. If you are sharp and know a way to raise odds in your favor, and have the self control to work a system then I don't see why you should not be able to use it to win.

From reading this forum and most other forums I have concluded(sadly) that online casinos change and adapt rules independently and without concern when ever they feel it is necessary to do so.

They also have to trust consumers, especially the ones that use Visa or Master Card type debit or credit cards to play.
With the lack of a signature and only verification tools to back up the transactions, they are subject to transaction reversals almost on demand of the consumer.

I feel most consumers that feel they have recieved fair odds and chance at play would not reverse any transactions, even if they play their deposit out and lost.

Casinos complain about consumers reversing charges on them like it is so unfair or fradulent. But remember, especially here in the USA, as of this posting, Online Casinos are ILLEGAL activities, the US Government has not changed the rules as of YET. Transactions accepted via internet are subject to verification of authorization via SIGNATURE or PROOF OF DELIVERY. If you are selling abstract services or goods such as Downloadable Media or GAMBLING, you are almost assuredly subject to reversal of transacton at the consumers will.

Why have I said all that? Because as I read and research, I find a heavy weight leaning toward casino and affiliates critizing consumers for taking back their money when they feel duped by unfair gaming activity.

Online casinos should realize they are asking people to trust them with CASH and if they do no allow fair and consistent quality in odds and operational policy, they are going to get a lot of fight from the consumers. And as far as I can see, the number one weapon a consumer has in their aresenal is to reverse transactions conducted by Visa or Master Card bearing financial tools.

Finally, I would like to say(and I know this sounds funny as hell after what I just typed) that I am thinking of opening up an affiliate site. It is through my research that I have come to the conclusions I just posted.
I think there is some money to be made, and most of you affiliates know this as well as the operators here.

The industry is spread over so many countries and therefore, regulation is difficult. Enforcement of regulation is also difficult. Some casinos may tout audits by accounting firms etc. But unelss they are regulated strictly like most land based casinos, those auditing logos they use are merely what they are LOGOS.

I personally look forward to Regulation and strict restriction of casinos that are located in countries that are NOT STRICTLY regulated.

I guess I must have opened a hornets nest.

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