What's the status of 7Sultans Casino?

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they have caused me nothing but headaches, they accused me of doing chargebacks, and though supposedly this happened in dec, I wasn't locked out till april, and I still had money in the casino, which they haven't given back. They slandered me, and lied for my bank never contacted them saying I was disputing debits I had made with them, which is what they claimed had happened. THEY HAVE PUT ME ON A NEGATIVE STANDING, WHICH MEANS ALL SORTS OF CASINOS I HAD BEEN IN BEFORE WON'T LET ME IN. I SPENT OVER 3,000 IN 7SULTANS, WHICH IS STUPID I ADMIT, BUT THEY SURE DID NOT TREAT ME AS IF MY TIME WAS WELL SPENT WITH THEM. IN ANOTHER WORDS..THEY SUCK!!! DO NOT GO IN THERE..THEY ARE NASTY, AND U WILL NOT GET ANY INFORMATION IN A FAST WAY FROM THEM. I AM CONSIDERING EVEN SUING THEM. SO ENTER AT Y0UR OWN RISK.
Hi anonymous,

Perhaps if you send me your account name I can forward it to 7sultans to see what the problem is.

This is in reply to Steve's comment, and yes it was Proc-Cyber. I was wondering how you knew it was them, and I would love to hear anything you know about them. As for my experience...I have sent over 15 emails to them, and several to 7sultans, I have called proc-cyber, and I finally in frustration signed the documents Vincent at proc-cyber asked for, all to no avail. I went in and talked to my bank manager and she stressed once again that they had NEVER made any contact with 7sultans regarding any disputes, and so it is as I feared, 7sultans lied. What is so surprising about all of that is I spent so much money with them, and they treated me like dirt. I am at my wits end on how to get this resolved. The Internet Gaming commission cannot help for that casino is not listed with them. I talked to proc-cyber again today and the rep there told me to contact 7sultans again and tell them how I had not denied making the debits, but why do that again and again for I always get the same run around. I can't even get ahold of this Vincent on the phone, and apparently the other agents at proc-cyber have no way of talking to him either other than thru emails, or some such manner. I just don't get it, and here I had done everything on the up and up. I lost my money like a good little sap, and yet I get treated like a thief.

Brian, I will be emailing you regarding all of this, and thank you for the offer of help.

Please, if anyone knows of anything that will help, I am all ears (or eyes at least..lol)
My advise is to stick to your guns. Do not sign anything from them.

The following is what happened to make me think and know that proc-cyber really and truly gets the WE SUCK AWARD. Get your coffee, this is good.Hello Debbie,
ON Friday I was told that your supervisor promised that you would send a transaction number for this so called disputed charge. My bank still claims that no charge back has been made and my account has never been credited this so called $200.00
You have asked me to sign for charges for Mike Holtz. He did not use our credit card to gamble in his account. As your software would not allow that. He used his own card in his own account. He did however use our email address. I am sure that is not some big Internet casino crime.

All I want you guys to do is to provide me the transaction number that you claim came from my bank. Once I have that, I can find out what happened. If anything at all. No matter what, you will not have to worry about us gambling in any of your casinos, as you guys are just not right. Why would it take you 45 days to discover some charge back?

Steve & Tina

The disputed charges comes from your account number: tln00001402r.
The transaction date was the 20/01/2000 for the amount of $200.00.

-----Original Message-----
From: FOODCTR@aol.com
To: debbie@proccyber.com
Date: 24 March 2000 03:57
Subject: Re: Bank Notification

<,That account belongs to Mike HOltz, a man who worked for us. He has not
<,played since that October date. We recommended that online casino for him
<,play at. He did not have his own email so we let him use ours for a couple
<,of days. Then he canceled his account. He has not played since then.
<,We cannot sign for his charges.

At least a signature per page with a braket will also do. It can not be our
because we received a document from your bank stateting your credit card
number, the amount and the transaction date.

-----Original Message-----
From: FOODCTR@aol.com
To: debbie@proccyber.com
Date: 24 March 2000 03:06
Subject: Re: Bank Notification


There is no way that you guys let someone open an account a use our credit card number is there? Mike used his own credit card. I was there I know. AT no time did Mike Holtz use our credit card in his account. Your software would not allow this.

Just send the proof from the bank on the disputed charges and I will get to the bottom of this today. The bank claims that nothing has been disputed.

This is how I dispute any charges from you guys.

Subj: Re: denied credit card purchase that gotauthorization
Date: 2/16/2000
To: russell@torpedocasino.com


I purchased 100.00 that came back denied but you got authorization for the charges from my bank. And did not credit it to my players account.

Thank You


This was quickly resolved and case closed. If you want to keep us locked out go ahead. Something is not right with your people.

And the reason you will not send the transaction number from my bank is because you do not have one.

I am a representative of Proc Cyber Services, and I am contacting you with
regards to the recent notification we have received from your Bank,
informing us that you are disputing certain charges that have been made via
our services.

I have investigated this matter and have found that the charges all
originate from an account registered in your name, at our merchant, The
LuckyNugget Thumper Casino. These charges all appear to be in order, and
have passed trough all the necessary tests. So if these charges have been
made in error, this is of grate concern to our company. Proc Cyber Services
would like to assist you with regards to this matter.

Please bear in mind that we would like this matter to be resolved within 7
All contact details are given below.


Senior Fraud Investigator.
Proc Cyber Services
Delivering the future today!

Our TOLL FREE telephone numbers are:
1 800 146 569 - (Australia)
1 888 515 8518 - (Canada)
0 800 328 7748 - (United Kingdom)
1 888 326 2602 - (USA)

Our FAX numbers are:
1 800 146 570 - (Australia)
1 877 222 1322 - (Canada)
0 800 328 9974 - (United Kingdom)
1 888 826 2807 - (USA)

For further information please visit our website at http://www.proc-cyber-services.com

bj: Re: Bank Notification
Date: 3/23/00 6:49:33 AM Pacific Standard Time
To: debbie@proccyber.com


Someone could not possibly dispute charges made back in August of 1999. Do you know how many pages this is to fax to you? At my expense, because of your error? That is ridiculous! I once again called the bank and asked how long I have to dispute charges, their answer was 60 days from the day it posted. So by making me sign for charges back in August of 1999 is nothing more than a ploy on your part to aggravate the problem further. Now if you will send me all charges in the past 100 days I will sign it.

ubj: Re: Bank Notification
Date: 3/23/00 5:59:18 AM Pacific Standard Time
To: debbie@proccyber.com

Dear Debbie:

I just called my bank, 5/3 bank. They claim that nobody has disputed anything. If we had. They would have had us sign paperwork disputing the charges. No paperwork has ever been requested, signed. No phone call has never been made by us to the bank concerning any charges that have been made. NEVER!

What Charges are being disputed? Why don't you call our bank and ask them?
The bank said that sometimes if the same ticket number and authorization comes thru that THEY WILL DISPUTE THEM WITHOUT THE CUSTOMERS KNOWLEDGE, but they do not show ANYTHING AT ALL ON THE ACCOUNT ABOUT ANY DISPUTED CHARGES.

IF IT WOULD MAKE YOU PEOPLE FEEL BETTER ABOUT LIFE, YOU COULD EMAIL ME THE SLIPS TO SIGN AND I WILL SIGN THEM AND SEND THEM BACK. I must say that at this point we are very upset with Procyber. We have done a lot of business with you and HAVE NEVER EVER DISPUTED ANYTHING WITH OUR BANK. On the times that you have charged our card after being denied I have dealt with the casino NOT THE BANK. Now you have blacklisted me from several casino's.

So lets quit saying that we disputed any charges and lets prove it. You are accusing me of disputing charges. I say no way, never had, never came close.
So go thru whatever you need to do and get to the bottom of this error. Seven days is way to long to bring this to a conclusion. I would like to see this resolved sometime today. JUST CALL MY BANK AND ASK THEM. It is apparent that your bank is full of [color=ff0000]••••[/color].

Steve And Tina

ate: 3/22/00 11:04:17 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: admin@proccyber.com
To: FOODCTR@aol.com

Dear Tina

Thank you for your e-mail.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We have been advised that some
charges are being disputed on your account. The relevant department is
investigating the situation and will be in contact with you as soon as
possible. Please note that if a chargeback is being disputed, the procedure
is to temporarily close all accounts until the situation is resolved.

Once again we apologize for any inconvenience.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further queries.

Sonia de Gouveia
Consultant Agent
Proc Cyber Services http://www.proccyber.com



All the business we have done with you guys and now this. What is the

I called you but got no answer.


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Steve Adkins
Administrator posted 03-30-2000 09:53 AM
Why would you guys tell us that you are going to send us a transaction number when your not? It does not sound like to me you have any intentions of resolving this matter.

We have said all along... Just send us a transaction number that our bank can track down. Is this the way you treat good customers in the casinos that you represent?

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Steve Adkins
Administrator posted 03-30-2000 10:30 AM
I sent this email to the lucky nugget. We will see what happensHello,
I thought that you might want to know what is going on with my account. First of all I have been a very good customer of your for quite sometime. No problems. win a little lose a little.

One day last week you locked me out of my account. I contacted procyber to see what the problem was. They claim that I denied a charge for 200 on 02/01/00, 45 days ago. Well, I have never denied a charge with you or pro cyber.

I was dealing with a fraud investigator named Debbie. She said she would send me a transaction number that my bank sent her. Well, now she wants me to sign for charges since August of last year. You can only dispute charges for 90 days. She also wants me to sign for charges that someone else made on another credit card but used our email address. This is illegal! I will not sign for someone else's charges on someone else's credit card. Do they not know how much trouble we could get into for doing such a thing?

My bank claims that nobody disputed charges with procyber. Well, no transaction number and no proof that anyone ever disputed charges with you guys.

I have posted all my emails to these people at www.yourluckypage.com in the message boards under gamblers hall of shame.

It is to bad that you have to do business with such a strange company and I am sure that you have lost a lot of business because of them.

They are nothing short of liars. The reason they cannot prove any disputed charges is simple. There are none. I have to believe what my bank tells me and not some lady with procyber who lies.

When someone gambles online they expect a couple of things. One is to get a fair game, second is to receive whatever bonuses that you offer. Each month I get a bonus for my play in your casino. However now that they have locked me out, I will not even get that. So now maybe this would be a good time to deny charges with you and them. This has gone on for over a week now with no proof that we denied charges. Never have, and until now thought that I never would.

I would think that after spending as much money on a microgaming casino that you have, that you would want to know what is happening with your good customers.

I have emailed this Debbie 19 times! I have tried everything to resolve this matter with them. I guess the only way to get their attention is to deny all charges since August of 1999, and claim fraud on procybers part.

Anything that you can do to hedge off this would be appreciated. As I am now at the end of my rope with these people.

Steve And Tina

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Member posted 03-30-2000 11:15 AM
You are in charge of YOUR life. Why in the world would you continue on with this company. Take a new route, girl. It's easy...correct Steves account (you know, the customer) and take a lunch break, and don't turn back. Move on to a reputable job with the skills they have given you...surely, there are some. You know they are acting dishonestly...you have the story! And if you prefer to give notice...do what I did, turn and smile at the boss and say you need to schedule a little time off...when they say sure, how long? Uh, the rest of my life...and yes, no problem signing for the leave of absence. JUST DO IT! They will continue on without you...but you will go down in online forum history! Then find a "new" career that promotes honesty and customer service...hopefully one that fits you. Come on Debbie...no one likes working for a company where they have to dodge their customers and cannot get things done. Take the challenge...take a stand...start today to do something important in your life...start with Steve Adkins' account!
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unregistered posted 03-30-2000 12:33 PM
er hello Debbie...if you DO leave at lunch, meet me in the chat room. A guy might go straight for a girl like you. otherwise, don't bother and I will go back to Danny.
It's all on you, Debbie and the world is watching.

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Honorable Member posted 03-30-2000 03:04 PM
{sitting here sipping my distilled water...at the office}
{masses of important people in suits looking over my shoulder}



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unregistered posted 03-30-2000 06:22 PM
Stick to your guns Tina And Steve. Do not let this person bully you....
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Thank you for informing us about the problems that you are experiencing, it is much appreciated. I would like to clarify the matter that gave rise your problem, mentioned in your email regarding a chargeback.
We have however received a notification from you bank that your are querying some charges made via our merchant, Lucky Nugget Casino. This does not mean you have chargeback but rather informing us that there are certain charges that you disagree with, made online via our merchant, Lucky Nugget Casino. We have investigated the matter and found that these charges that were queried by you, do originated from your account tln00001402r and have been authorized by you. In order for us to resolve this matter, we have decided to send you a authorization document listing all your purchases since your account was opened whereby you are requested to sign next to the charges that you have authorized, by placing your signature and putting an "X" next to the charges that you are quering. We need this authorization document to produce it to your bank to confirm that you are not quering or disputing any charges (as you have claimed in your email) and that all these charges were authorized by your, otherwise should we be unable present this document to your bank, the charges that you have queried with your bank will eventually become chargebacks within a short period of time. We as Proc Cyber Services therefore request that you assist us in resolving this matter by completing the authorization document, listing all your charges, that will be attached with this email and fax it back to this toll free line :1 888 837 9101 (USA) and we would appreciate it if you can return this documents as soon as possible, preferably within 4 day from the date of this email.

Should your require further information regarding the above issue, do not hesitate to contact me at vincent@proccyber.com .


Kind regards


Senior Fraud Investigator

Proc Cyber Services

Delivering the future today!

Our TOLL FREE telephone numbers are:

1 800 146 569 - (Australia)

1 888 515 8518 - (Canada)

0 800 328 7748 - (United Kingdom)

1 888 326 2602 - (USA)

Our FAX numbers are:

1 800 146 570 - (Australia)

1 877 222 1322 - (Canada)

0 800 328 9974 - (United Kingdom)

1 888 837 9101 - (USA)

For further information please visit our website at

Now they go back as far as Feb of last year.

What happened to debbie? Did she take a [color=ff0000]••••[/color] and the hogs ate her. Now they say there is not a chargeback only a quiery. And they will become a chargeback soon.
Bullshit... they cannot even lie right.

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Steve Adkins
POPA posted 03-31-2000 08:28 AM
Here is what I sent them back today
.Dear Vince:

OH that is bullshit! We have never ever called the bank and queried any charges from you. What happened to the transaction number for the chargeback.

Before I sign anything I have to see this paper from my bank. Either the charges were disputed or they were not! And they were not. My bank knows nothing about this that you claim they sent you.

Come on lets resolve this matter right away. I keep getting a different line of crap from you guys. Now just scan the paper that my bank sent you and send it to me.

FEBRUARY OF LAST YEAR? Give me a break will you please. Do I really Sound like some stupid American over here?

Steve and Tina

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Steve Adkins
POPA posted 03-31-2000 08:51 AM
Here is a copy of an email that debbie claims I disputed charges and they have a transaction number from my bank.
At least a signature per page with a braket will also do. It can not be our
because we received a document from your bank stateting your credit card
number, the amount and the transaction date.


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Maryanne Ellis
unregistered posted 03-31-2000 10:58 AM
I have used your service for almost 2 years online at different casinos that me and my boyfriend play at. We have now deleted all our accounts that have anything to do with you. You people are crooks and liars.
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ubj: PCS Query
Date: 4/4/00 3:46:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: fraudmanager@proccyber.com (Fraudmanager)
To: Procybersucks@aol.com
Dear Tina and Steve

I find it disheartening to hear that two of our most valued clients are querying the integrity of Proc Cyber Services, I understand that your concerns follow a recent billing query investigation launched by Proc Cyber Services. This query was initiated upon receipt of a dispute notification from your bank.

What I found most concerning is the fact that you and Steve seem to believe that PCS has fabricated this whole investigation. This would obviously not be in the best interest of Proc Cyber Services, as it could be an aggravation to our client as it has been in this case, and an investigation of this nature is time consuming and the unnecessary administration costs in fabricating such a query is not a worth while practice.

This investigation was launched upon receipt of what is called a Retrieval Request - this is basically a request from your bank asking Proc Cyber Services to furnish them with a signed receipt for the purchases made, or otherwise prove that a credit was passed for those transactions. Should Proc Cyber Services not be able to furnish them with a Credit confirmation or signed authorization this Retrieval Request will expire into a full blown charge dispute. What I find most concerning is that you state that you in no way initiated any billing query with your bank regarding purchases made on the Proc Cyber Services transaction network.

Proc Cyber Services acted in the only way possible to resolve this matter as speedily and efficiently as possible.

If you do have any further queries please feel free to contact me.

Mr. Baard
Fraud Manager..
Proc Cyber Services
Delivering the future today!

Our TOLL FREE telephone numbers are:
1 800 146 569 - (Australia)
1 888 515 8518 - (Canada)
0 800 328 7748 - (United Kingdom)
1 888 326 2602 - (USA)

Our FAX numbers are:
1 800 146 570 - (Australia)
1 877 222 1322 - (Canada)
0 800 328 9974 - (United Kingdom)
1 888 837 9101 - (USA)

For further information please visit our website at http://www.proc-cyb

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Steve Adkins
POPA posted 04-04-2000 10:05 AM
Here is my reply to him..

ubj: Re: PCS Query
Date: 4/4/00 10:04:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Procybersucks
To: fraudmanager@proccyber.com

Dear Mr. Baard,

AT no time did we ever dispute any charges. I have said that until I have turned blue in the face!

First Debbie said she had a transaction number for this query. OK, I said 16 times, send it to me and I will contact my bank and get to the bottom of this.

She sends me charges to sign that are not even mine going back to Aug of 1999.

Then I hear from Vincent who sends me more charges to sign going back to Feb of 1999. I asked him for this transaction number. Have not got it.

Now, I get this letter from you wondering why I would doubt the creditability of procyber and you call me a good client. I was a very good client to all the casino's that you locked me out of. IF this is the way that you treat a good client... God have mercy on a not so good one.

Yes, I do think this is fabricated on your companies part. Why? I do not know. I only know that my bank claims that they have not disputed any charges and I damn sure have not disputed anything.

Why don't you send me a copy of this query and I will get to the bottom of it right away? Unless of course it does not exist, then we are all wasting our time.

Steve and Tina

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Steve Adkins
POPA posted 04-04-2000 10:50 AM
Damn, I am going thru fraud investigators the way hitmob goes thru blow up dolls.
1. Debbie... Knocked out in the second round

2. Vincent,,, No match for Steve. Left the ring crying about how life was not fair, and why did they assign him my case.

3. Round one just completed. The judges have the scoring at Steve 3, Mr. Baard 1

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Honorable Member posted 04-04-2000 12:52 PM
I have some bad news this is the Charles Baard who doesnt know how to use a telephone?
Some would say that they dont know their [color=ff0000]••••[/color] from their elbow and I was informed that this is a made up story to ban you you are not a good customer you win too much and they want rid of you whether that is true or not one can only make up ones own mind but as they cannot substantiate their charge back story I think we all know the reason

My heart goes out for poor proc cyber diddums they cant even answer your simple request for proof

To quote that foxy babe Judge Judy no evidence "CASE DISMISSED"

My money is on Steve he says he didnt dispute a charge his bank say the same but proc cyber say he did Homer Simpson running the show or what?????

Subj: Re: PCS Query
Date: 4/4/00 1:36:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Procybersucks
To: fraudmanager@proccyber.com
Dear Mr. Baard:

After looking over your letter carefully. I must say you caught me before my morning coffee and was not thinking straight.

Dear Tina and Steve:

I find it disheartening to hear that two of our most valued clients are querying the integrity of Proc Cyber Services,

I find it disheartening to hear that you have told casino's that we disputed some charges with them. This damages our reputation and creditability in the online gaming community.

This query was initiated upon receipt of a dispute notification from your bank.
My bank denies this and so do we!

What I found most concerning is the fact that you and Steve seem to believe that PCS has fabricated this whole investigation.

Debbie, Vincent and now you!. All I have ever asked you to do is send me a copy of this disputed charge that you claim my bank sent to you. That is all... I am the customer aren't I.? It is my account isn't it?
So I am within my legal rights to request this information from you a vendor. MasterCard international just told me so.

Should Pro Cyber Services not be able to furnish them with a Credit confirmation or signed authorization this Retrieval Request will expire into a full blown charge dispute.

That really is not my problem is it? Without any proof that this document even exists, I will not sign anything.

Pro Cyber Services acted in the only way possible to resolve this matter as speedily and efficiently as possible.

Come on! I have purchased well over a couple of hundred thousand dollars from you people in the past two years. You are making accusations about us that you cannot possibly prove, because (for the 21st time) WE DID NOT DISPUTE ANY DAMN CHARGES WITH YOU PEOPLE.......

Today I got an email from the Lucky Nugget. You know the valued customer email where they give you a free $100.00. Well, I am locked out. Even after you locked us out I played at the yellow taxi casino and won money all on this credit card that you say you will not take. And you still wired me money. Well, I have deleted that casino also and emailed them to tell them they should look for another ecash company.

I have emailed all the casino's involved and let them know of this ungodly problem that YOUR COMPANY AND I ARE HAVING. You are calling me a liar. Locking me out of casino's that I have done business with for a long time. You and your company could be held liable for making such untrue and slanderous allegations about us

One thing you will all quickly learn is this... I am a very worthy adversary.

All I want is proof of this disputed notice that you claim you got from my bank. Nothing more and nothing less.


So all this went on for about two weeks. Then finally they yelled Uncle in this letter.
ubj: Re: PCS Query
Date: 4/11/00 7:36:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Procybersucks
To: fraudmanager@proccyber.com
Mr. Baard,

How come I have not gotten any proof whatsoever of your frivolous allegations about this bogus chargeback?

Could it be because there never was one? How come your company will let me purchase chips in other casino's using the same card?

Sounds all a little strange to me. I will have my lawyer send a letter to the bank requesting that your company proves every purchase resulted in chips being deposited into my player account. Since you brought the subject up. I had hoped by now that you would have discovered your error and corrected the problem.

So I will file a formal denial of all charges and force you to prove to me that all my charges were handled correctly.

Steve And Tina

Dear Steve & Tina
We, as Proc Cyber Service, we have decided to resolve this matter as amicably and satisfactory as possible. Since you are one of our most valuable customer, we have however decided to suffer the chargeback of $200 and any related penalty fees.

We have also decided to re-open all your accounts in order for you to have continued excess to our service as normal. If we should suffer the same experience in the future, we will undoubtedly add you to our Global Negative Database and any excess to your accounts will be suspended permanetly. We would like to still have you with us for a long to come!

We hope you find this arrangement agreeable and we look forward in getting a positve response from you.



Senior Fraud Investigator

Proc Cyber Services

Delivering the future today!

Our TOLL FREE telephone numbers are:

1 800 146 569 - (Australia)

1 888 515 8518 - (Canada)

0 800 328 7748 - (United Kingdom)

1 888 326 2602 - (USA)

Our FAX numbers are:

1 800 146 570 - (Australia)

1 877 222 1322 - (Canada)

0 800 328 9974 - (United Kingdom)

1 888 837 9101 - (USA)

For further information please visit our website at

IP: Logged

Honorable Member posted 04-13-2000 11:57 AM
Victory, I guess. They cannot spell, do an awful lof of "suffering" and are anticipating more "suffering" and could do this again at any given time and lock you out permanently.
Well, a temporary win, Steve...so get the hell out of the Golden Palace. {and I am catching crap for playing free bonus credits...whoa...the Golden Palace??!!

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Steve Adkins
POPA posted 04-13-2000 12:00 PM
Still Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. Ha ha ha ha ha Did not have to sign one damn thing. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Chargeback my ass!!!!!!!

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Honorable Member posted 04-14-2000 04:00 PM
As I said before this is what happens when brother and sister get married and produce inbreds
Vincent you stupid [color=ff0000]•••••••[/color] halfwit we can all see from your crap letter you do not have an education
So you see, this is something they like to do to people. I am not sure why, only that they are really and truly retarded down there.
One last note. Did you notice they email address that I was using to receive their emails?


everytime they would write me there, I laughed. Knowing that they had to type that in....

Ok, I am off the proc-cyber thing. I have alot more of the proc-cyber classic emails. Email me and I will send them over
My first real casino review.

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