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Betfred and 32 red are the safest by far (for me) also for quick payouts in double quick time it has to be the aforementioned betfred again.This ought to be an interesting thread! Hoover Dam you like to stir the pot up! Not that I would but Will Hill and 1 on 1 would seem safe to me. I agree Bodog would be too.
Betfred and 32 red are the safest by far (for me) also for quick payouts in double quick time it has to be the aforementioned betfred again.
Sorry Suzy but I honestly don't understand why you would say 32 Red when looking at your past posts.Unreal!
Hiya: I was not here in 2004, so this is NEW to me............
I have to ask, how would one go about getting 10k into the Casino of choice to begin with? Most e wallets have a $1500 limit, and most Casino's have a $1000 limit. Are you just making multiple deposits? or, are you using another method to make a large deposit all at one time? and if this, what method do you/could you use to get up to 10k in all at once? Thanks.
Hiya: I was not here in 2004, so this is NEW to me............
I have to ask, how would one go about getting 10k into the Casino of choice to begin with? Most e wallets have a $1500 limit, and most Casino's have a $1000 limit.