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You are now chatting with 'Phillip'
Phillip: Hello there
Visitor: i wanted to send you 1 k - you remember? i asked about the withdrawal and the he told me i am just waiting 3 days. i told him i had an withdrawal already pending since the 22nd and he said no. so we started a discussion and he treated me like a little kid. then i got mad
Phillip: One moment please
you: the point was as you know that i wanted to start playing and still waited for the withdrawal. maybe you can read the chat we had
Phillip: We are aware of your case, note that it is stated on our website that withdrawal requests are processed from 3 to 10 business days. You can find further details at
Phillip: also...
Phillip: please note that your withdrawal request had to be declined initially because you requested a higher amount than the one you are allowed to cash out for this free chip, and....
you: philip, you made the request on 22nd and he said 26th so i got mad when i tried to explain it and he said that i never made one on the 22nd or at least for the wrong ammount which was 40 in both cases and you made both of them
you: phillip, you made the withdrawal requests - not me
Phillip: One moment please
you: don t you remember that i asked you to do it because it was not possible from the site due to the free chip
Phillip: Yes, I do remember it very well. Now...
you: and do you remember that it was on the 22nd and you told me that the email i received on 26th was an automatic one and therefore the wd was on the 22nd not 26th
Phillip: note that on that day there was a correction, not a withdrawal request. The correction was because you did not follow the rules and requirement stated at
you: that is what i tried to explain to the guy
Phillip: Now, your withdrawal request is as requested on June 26 and it is going to follow the normal procedure; 3 to 10 business days to be processed
Phillip: I have checked your chat session and it seems to be thay you are confused
you: excuse me, what rule didn`t i follow?
Phillip: If you wish you may contact the Manager, Mr. Chris Rock at
Phillip: I mean
Phillip: Please check the links I gave for any further details and note if you are aware that "the free chip amount is not cashable",
Phillip: why did you request an amount of $65 when you know that was not the amount?
Phillip: the amount is $40
Phillip: that has caused that we made the correction and the delay that you have caused
Phillip: Is there anythin else I can assist you with?
you: i did not know that at first but it was declined anyways. therefore you requested 40.
you: but you made the wd on the 22nd. have a look at it. it was you who requested 40 and it was declined on 26th and one minute later it the same wd request was in again
Phillip: Exactly, then I guess you understand why your withdtawal is on the queue process since June 26th
Phillip: Sir, are you understanding what I have explained you?
Phillip: Hello?
you: ok. why was code 1...... declined?
Phillip: One moment please
you: 22 june 05 00:20:57 40 dollar neteller request
you: accoring to your email: Dear Thomas, You have requested a cash-out for the total amount of $40.00. In order to process this withdrawal, we require a copy of valid Drivers Permit, Passport or picture ID that shows the address on your Casino account (if not send an Utility Bill with the ID) You can fax this to 1 800 645-9708 or scan and mail a copy to (best suggestion) We have credited your withdrawal back to your casino account. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the BetRoyal Casino Support Team. We are available 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week, at: Thanks! Best regards,
you: you already had the docs on that day
Phillip: Look, it was declined due to your request of $65, we inmediately corrected and request it for you for the correct amount
Phillip: Who is saying something about the documents? That has nothing to do with the declination
you: the email says it
you: Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 07:35:44 +0400 From: "BetRoyalCasino" < > Add to Address Book To: "" <do. i am gambling for years now.
Phillip: I am very sorry sir, but that information on that e-mail is not giving me further details. Thats is information we already have
you: phillip, once again it was you who made the withdrawal request on 22nd and not me. you put in 40 dollars and not me. so please do not tell me i am a liar
you: so you can not tell me i made a 65 dollar request on the 22nd
Phillip: Great, if you have played for years then you should know that what you have done it not correct and that your withdrawal is going to follow the nomal procedure
you: phillip, come on. whenever i made a request it was immediately declined. your prog said that i did not send the money through the mentioned method and that is why you did it for me. i was even not able to do it due to that.
Phillip: Sir, this conversation is not going anywhere and you are repeating things that you are aware of (at least that's what you say). I suggest you that of have any complain, comment, etc to contact our Manager at
you: will do. bye
Phillip: Also if you wish to express your feelings at any forum, free will is welcome
Phillip: We have the ways to prove that you have not followed what it is stated on our website
Phillip: Is there anything else I can do for you?
Phillip: May I be of any further assistance?
Phillip: Are you there?
Phillip: Hello?
Phillip: Thank you very much for contac]ting us. Bye
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