Virtual Ted??

Excellent. How about a forum-wide exclusion order? It seems one thread in every five gets dragged down that path, and Damian has plenty of web sites set up now pimping that snake oil. He hardly needs this one.
caruso, you a lying and yes i will promote my system until i die.

everytime i turn around you slamming me

Its cool bryan cause i am starting to see more hate for no reason.
virtualted said:
I want to apologize if anyone thought I was pushing a system or that a particular sysytem works. Martingale works, if there are no min or max bets at a table. Since all games have min and max bets Martingale will not work. I have seen almost every system out there and the only one that I have seen that has worked everytime is "CIPHER" and that is because it is not based on a betting progression , but more of exploiting a weakness in the way the game itself works.The best system in the world is short term luck, and those are the real winners.

This is interesting!!

If you are saying "CIPHER" works (And I fully believe it does BTW), then you are saying that the RNG is not dealing truely random cards and can be exploited (by us or the casino)?!?

On the subject of Martingale I guess people who say it works have not yet experianced 10 or 15 losses in a row which will happen sooner or later and when it does you'll know about it :eek: :eek:

On the subject of bonuses I appreacite that any casino has to have a sign-up offer these days but after that if they would reward action with bonuses/rebates/comps etc that would stop the "bonus abuse problems which plague both casinos and players IMHO.
Nafanny29, I have never used the Cipher sytem, I have only seen the results and have seen the results from my casino, and I know it works they way he does it. If anyone else using the system learns it 95% than they might not have the same results. Someone needs to talk to Cipher, and get a better understanding of how his system works in detail.
The problem is that when a player does have one of those streaches of 10- 15 loses. The first thing that is said is the game is "rigged". When I think most people realize that there are going to be long streaks like this.
The one thing I still find most strange, and that is from the established gambler, is how many hands they play on line? Most people do not realize that if you are playing on the RTG software single hand black jack, you will average around 500 hands per hour. I have a number of players playing over 750 hands per hour. So when you are on line and you remember that 15 minutes ago the dealer got two black jacks in a row, like they just did (the game must be fixed). This same thing would happen at a B&M if you sat there for the same amount of hands. 15 minutes on line at 500 hands per hour = 125 hands. Las Vegas 40 hands an hour a little over three hours at the table.
Slotster! said:
Would I look like a complete numpty if I asked someone to PM me the Martingale System though? :o

Yes :D Seriously though, i bet you double or quits someone PM's you Slotster. And if they do, double or quits someone else does too. Etc. ;)
virtualted said:
I want to apologize if anyone thought I was pushing a system or that a particular sysytem works. Martingale works, if there are no min or max bets at a table. Since all games have min and max bets Martingale will not work. I have seen almost every system out there and the only one that I have seen that has worked everytime is "CIPHER" and that is because it is not based on a betting progression , but more of exploiting a weakness in the way the game itself works.The best system in the world is short term luck, and those are the real winners.
Freudian, your quote" I only play at online casinos where a bonus is able to negate the house advantage, making me a winner in the long run. I am the type of player virtualted hates. I would never play without a bonus. I don't enjoy the act of gambling enough to willingly take EV- bets." Is perfect!! That is the exact point I am saying, and yes you would be the player who I would not want playing in the casino, and would identify as a skilled player. I do have a question for you though. Would you play with no bonus, if you were gauranteed instant payout, or would you rather play with a bonus and a longer payout time?

Of course not. I don't take EV- bets. Don't matter if you hire a Marilyn Monroe impersonator singing "Happy Birthday" to me. I have no problem with you calling me skilled player and not wanting me to play at your casino. That is entirely up to you. I never have forced myself on any casino. I have just used the offers they make to me. I have always done what was expected of me to be able to withdraw before withdrawing. I have never done a chargeback. I have never lied in any way with my personal information. I don't see myself as a bad guy.

As for payouts. You can have whatever rules you want regarding that as long as you say so to your customers. That doesn't mean that personally I don't feel that payouts should be as fast as they could be. There is no reason why they shouldn't. If a casino can take my money in one second when I deposit, it is silly that I would have to wait beyond 48 hours when withdrawing. It's common customer service. I don't particularly mind waiting since I have a big enough buffer in my Neteller account but as a customer at some point you start wondering where the money is and have to start contacting customer support which can be a pain.

Lastly martingale doesn't work as in increasing your chances of winning. Without a betting limit you can keep trying it until you run out of funds, of course. But that doesn't make you a winner. The size of your losses when you run out of luck are bigger than the size of your winnings when you don't. Simple math.
amandajm said:
The inner workings of the Virtual Mind are quite shocking..

It is capable of works of stunning genius, though, a case in point being the Promotional Rules page at their casinos. You just have to bow down before such masterpieces :notworthy
Please note, in the following events if customer wins without using a bonus, the 10 times of deposit as maximum cash out rule will apply to the most recent deposit in which the winnings were generated if:

1. if the total amount of bonuses received during the whole life time of the account is 100% or more than the total deposits made or
2. If on the past 2 deposits customer received a bonus over 100%,

In order to by pass this rule customer has to have explicit permission from casino before making the deposit, and beginning play.
I wonder if companies registered in Costa Rica are eligible for these awards:
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Vesuvio said:
It is capable of works of stunning genius, though, a case in point being the Promotional Rules page at their casinos. You just have to bow down before such masterpieces :notworthy
Please note, in the following events if customer wins without using a bonus, the 10 times of deposit as maximum cash out rule will apply to the most recent deposit in which the winnings were generated if:

1. if the total amount of bonuses received during the whole life time of the account is 100% or more than the total deposits made or
2. If on the past 2 deposits customer received a bonus over 100%,

In order to by pass this rule customer has to have explicit permission from casino before making the deposit, and beginning play.
I wonder if companies registered in Costa Rica are eligible for these awards:
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I'll have to admit, my eyes glazed over twice while reading this. And now my brain hurts...
There is a reason we have that. Lets say a customer plays with a 400% bonus on 10 on 5 straight deposits, on there 6th deposit the bonus does not go into their account for one reason or another, so after the customer plays they notify support and request their bonus that they never got, and being good customer service we give it to them. On the next deposit the same thing happens, but the player WINS, with out bonus. In this case we will hold the customer to the same cash out terms as if they had used the bonus. This rule is also enforced when a player comes in takes a big bonus to build up certain slot machines to their maximum bonus payout, than go ahead and deposit with no bonus and make one or two spins on a slot and hit the bonus round. Again this is a rule that is put in place because of the 1 or 2% of the players who are looking for an unfair advantage. So instead of just stopping the practice and harming 98% of our customers we put this in to stop 2%.
Also, when we changed terms about 6 months ago, we asked all of our current customers to offer suggestions to better understand the rules or to write them clearer. We also made the same request to players here on this forum, which was met with you are the casino! We are not supposed to help you!" So again I say if ANYONE has a suggestion on changing a rule or term or condition that will make it easier for everyone, I am always listening.
I would suggest not offering a bonus on every deposit. Otherwise all your players get used to bonuses and wont play without them.

Id liken it to going to a discount store and finding no discounts, everything is at normal price-your not gonna buy anything.

However if a regular store has an occasional offer then its not expected and appreciated much more.

My suggestion for all online casinos would be to have a system that calculates all your wagers in a month, then rewards you with a bonus based on what the person has theoretically lost.

Eg. A person wagers $10000 on BJ and $10000 on roulette.

If he plays reasonably he would earn the casino $100+ on BJ and $270 on roulette. A 20% scheme would give him a bonus of $74 for next month.

This would reward hi and lo rollers fairly based on the action they give your casino and keep them happy, and rid your place of bonus hunters overnight.

Just my 2c
virtualted said:
There is a reason we have that. Lets say a customer plays with a 400% bonus on 10 on 5 straight deposits, on there 6th deposit the bonus does not go into their account for one reason or another, so after the customer plays they notify support and request their bonus that they never got, and being good customer service we give it to them. On the next deposit the same thing happens, but the player WINS, with out bonus. In this case we will hold the customer to the same cash out terms as if they had used the bonus. This rule is also enforced when a player comes in takes a big bonus to build up certain slot machines to their maximum bonus payout, than go ahead and deposit with no bonus and make one or two spins on a slot and hit the bonus round. Again this is a rule that is put in place because of the 1 or 2% of the players who are looking for an unfair advantage. So instead of just stopping the practice and harming 98% of our customers we put this in to stop 2%.
Also, when we changed terms about 6 months ago, we asked all of our current customers to offer suggestions to better understand the rules or to write them clearer. We also made the same request to players here on this forum, which was met with you are the casino! We are not supposed to help you!" So again I say if ANYONE has a suggestion on changing a rule or term or condition that will make it easier for everyone, I am always listening.

Its a pity my wife and I never received any messages asking for our opinions. We both have accounts at Virtual and would have been very willing to offer comments.
Not sure when you signed up, but in September when we launched the new site, we gave all current players 50.00 to come check out the new site and terms and for their comments. If you PM me your user names I will check and see why you were not part of the invitation.
virtualted said:
There is a reason we have that. Lets say a customer plays with a 400% bonus on 10 on 5 straight deposits, on there 6th deposit the bonus does not go into their account for one reason or another, so after the customer plays they notify support and request their bonus that they never got, and being good customer service we give it to them. On the next deposit the same thing happens, but the player WINS, with out bonus. In this case we will hold the customer to the same cash out terms as if they had used the bonus.

Not sure about the Slots reason (it sounds like the RTG ones must be badly designed if you can be that sure of getting the bonus round), but I don't understand the above. Surely if the player WINS (capitals to express shock & horror?) then he's won with his own money and there's no problem!? What did the earlier deposits have to do with it? If your CS decide to give the bonus he'll be held to the bonus terms, if not, he won't - surely that's fair? I assume each time there's a zero balance before depositing.

As for changes to the terms and conditions - a start would be to run them through MS Word's grammar and spelling checker ;)
Vesuvio, It is nit there for when the player wins, as you state, but when he looses. If you deposit and excpect a bonus but go ahead and start playing anyway, and lose your entire balance before you get your bonus, are you saying that the casino should tell the player "too Bad you should have waited for the bonus and since you lost sorry your done." We do not do that if it is apparent that the player normal wants a bonus, and did not receive it the player is credited.
So what I read into your post is that a player should be able to play with out a bonuse, just there money with no conditions. But if they lose than the casino should give them a bonus so they can try to win a second chance.
virtualted said:
So what I read into your post is that a player should be able to play with out a bonuse, just there money with no conditions. But if they lose than the casino should give them a bonus so they can try to win a second chance.

I don't see why you think the player's getting a wonderful deal here. They're just being given the bonus they were supposed to receive anyway. It'll still be sticky and have all your usual wagering requirements. If they've already lost the deposit there's an even lower chance than usual of making a profit.

It's not a good reason for introducing a term that you'll be able to use to deny paying out a jackpot when someone's deposited their own money and won't be expecting any conditions to apply.

If you think you're losing some money from failing to credit bonuses properly than maybe you should just put that right? Or inform the player that bonuses will be credited instantly & if they're not they need to contact CS straight away.

*** Just thinking more about it - surely if you can see the player has deposited without submitting a bonus claim code you've got absolutely no reason to hold them to your terms? But I presume you still would?
Last edited:
terms posted by Vesuvio said:
Please note, in the following events if customer wins without using a bonus, the 10 times of deposit as maximum cash out rule will apply to the most recent deposit in which the winnings were generated if:

1. if the total amount of bonuses received during the whole life time of the account is 100% or more than the total deposits made or
2. If on the past 2 deposits customer received a bonus over 100%,

In order to by pass this rule customer has to have explicit permission from casino before making the deposit, and beginning play.
1) I open a new account and deposit $100 for a sticky $300 dollar bonus. I bust out the lot.

2) I deposit $280 through 14 $20 deposits and I could still not cashout more than 10X my deposit.

Brain pain unnacceptable practise in my opinion. In fact it should be illegal.

VTED - you have asked me before to stop bein so critical and offer up some ideas for solutions to the problems I highlight.

I think you should close all of your skins and open a firm called The Bonus Casino.

Credit all boni upon deposit.
Do your best to make all boni offers as understandable as possible.
Employ a skilled bonus player to run the rule over everything you pump out. From bonus offer, mathematics, amount and the terms. Drop the max cashout for good.
what i think ted is saying here is that say for example:

player A plays at virtual, he signs up for a bonus coupon when he deposited, but as he begins to play he realized that the bonus wasn't credited to his account. so he contacts support and asks for the bonus as he continues to play. support grants him the bonus and he proceed to lose both the bonus and deposit.

now the second time, player A goes back, he does the same thing. deposits his money and play without a bonus. now if he wins, he'll cashout everything out. now if he loses, he'll go back to support and repeat what he did the first time, which is to claim he wanted a bonus and was not awarded one. so basically he gets a free ride and a second chance with the bonus.

do you see what i'm saying?

i hope i interpreted that correctly :p
You are talking about a few different things in your question; I am trying to explain it as an example that comes up frequently. So if I deposit 100.00 and get a 100.00 match bonus, but win on my very first hand before ever using the bonus money shouldn't I get full cash out and have no conditions if I just have casino remove the bonus or on the other hand I loose all of the bonus and am down to my last 1.00 and than hit shouldn't I get paid as if I never used a bonus because it was all ready lost. These are the same bonus problems come up everyday in every casino. Why do you think that the consensus
of the board is that you should not take bonuses. But sorry to say bonuses are part of the industry and will be here for awhile. I am not saying bonuses are bad, look at bethug earlier who is totally against bonuses and the stipulations that they carry with them, but from time to time he uses them. Look at the earlier post by Freudian, where he was honest and admits to only using bonuses when he plays and only when it puts the casino odds in his favor. So by his admission he should be winning every time he plays. So as a business that is supposed to make a profit, shouldn't we limit him in any way we can?
ezc3m, you have the point exactly. Amandajm, if in your scenario it is obvious that you did not want a bonus than you would be entitled to your full win because you were not using a bonus. But now in your same scenario after your 14 deposit and say "I never got a bonus on my last 13 deposits can I get it now", and we give you a bonus on your dead money. The next time you do the exact same thing but this time you win on your 12 deposit, we will evoke the lifetime rule because your past history has proven that you are attempting to win with out a bonus, but when you loose you than ask for a bonus.

Here is a question I would like to throw out to the readers, a poster in this forum currently has three accounts with The Virtual Casino, and they have never deposited but have redeemed over 1500.00 in free chips in the casino. They recently redeemed a 88.00 free chip that had rules of; only for new signups and for players who have deposited 100.00 or more. If this player won, should they have been paid? To their credit they have never attempted to cash out so there was no reason for security to identify their accounts, I just want to see how people on the board feel about what the casino should do in a situation like this.
joeyl. If someone dont like the terms they dont have to play there.I even played there, cause work up 140 to 3000 could only cash out 1400, i didnt like it , but it was in the terms. And he stated it in the open.

Vegas dont give you bonus like some of these casinos, and people complain.
Casino given you free money to make real money. they have promotions like 400% if you have a small budget and want to stretch your money.

As long as the casino place it in the terms and dont change in mid term, if you play there its your fault.
Ted, not only should they not be paid, there name should go up for all to see.
You should show the info to bryan and jetset and notify all the other casinos.

I feel if a player does fraud right out, they should be blown up and as a casino.
Damian - joeyl. If someone dont like the terms they dont have to play there.I even played there, cause work up 140 to 3000 could only cash out 1400, i didnt like it , but it was in the terms. And he stated it in the open.

Granted, does'nt mean just anything goes though. There has to be a limit.

VTED Here is a question I would like to throw out to the readers, a poster in this forum currently has three accounts with The Virtual Casino,

They should'nt have 3 accounts ~ end of story. Unless of course you gave them permission to do so, which would render the question pointless.

How about just 2 casinos? Virtual and Bonus.
virtualted said:
ezc3m, you have the point exactly. Amandajm, if in your scenario it is obvious that you did not want a bonus than you would be entitled to your full win because you were not using a bonus.

But now in your same scenario after your 14 deposit and say "I never got a bonus on my last 13 deposits can I get it now", and we give you a bonus on your dead money.

The next time you do the exact same thing but this time you win on your 12 deposit, we will evoke the lifetime rule because your past history has proven that you are attempting to win with out a bonus, but when you loose you than ask for a bonus.

Now frighteningly enough I understand this and I get what you are trying to achieve.

I gotta say I would not bother sir. I know people don't read the terms fully. People want to gamble, not read terms.

That said :: If you make money from it and the players know and understand how it works and like it, then who am I to argue?
joely, in vegas you have to read, the table limit, you can pick your cell phone up, one time counting cards they told me i cant go from 10 to 100.

Joely they giving you money to play with, they should have terms, even the california lotto have terms, credit card have terms, the note on your house have terms, free govement cheeze have terms.

People do open multi accounts, and they get busted and they need to be exposed.

joely do you even play?

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