Virtual Ted??

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As of roughly 9:30AM GMT this morning -- Tuesday 11 February -- the Casinomeister Forums have lost two days of user activity including forum registrations, forum posts, PMs, PABs, Tickets, Announcements, etc.
All forum content added after roughly 10:40AM Sunday 9th until 09:30 11th February has been lost.
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Needless to say we apologise deeply for the frustration and inconvenience this will have caused.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2003
I hope this is not what going on.

You have alot of clones, your front page to your site has 10 alone. So what happens when people download them, lets say new people that not been around long and take you up on a bonus and win, do you say they multi accounts cause they won? Please explain how it works.

See i know to check, looking around I dont see non of them 10 casinos listed on your page , unless they running off a differnte platform. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Please explain, what will happen if i play at the other 10 clones i see on your front page with a bonus and win?
bethug said:
I hope this is not what going on.

You have alot of clones, your front page to your site has 10 alone. So what happens when people download them, lets say new people that not been around long and take you up on a bonus and win, do you say they multi accounts cause they won? Please explain how it works.

See i know to check, looking around I dont see non of them 10 casinos listed on your page , unless they running off a differnte platform. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Please explain, what will happen if i play at the other 10 clones i see on your front page with a bonus and win?

I have had this happen and I know with RTG's that if you already have the casino installed on your computer, and you try and download the same casino, when you click on the application it just opens up the casino that is already installed with your username saved in it. I don't think anyone could miss this and try to re register with the same casino. All of the clones are just using a unique webpage and that is all, when it comes to the software it is just the Virtual Casino software downloaded directly from Virtual. Same goes for all of the casinos that Windows has (they sell a start your casino package that is just an affiliate program with your own website and the Windows Casino software)
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Black that has happen to me before , also. But most people I know got more than one computer, if i didnt know to check , i would download of the casinos at my office then bam.

Why do they list the clones on the front page? If you can't play at them
bethug said:
Black that has happen to me before , also. But most people I know got more than one computer, if i didnt know to check , i would download of the casinos at my office then bam.

Why do they list the clones on the front page? If you can't play at them

Oh yeah, I never thought of that. People could miss this if using multiple computers. Now I would like to know what Virtual would do in this case.
Black21Jack said:
Oh yeah, I never thought of that. People could miss this if using multiple computers. Now I would like to know what Virtual would do in this case.

Virtualted is Vinnie The Cat, Ted, Paul AND Steve Fink.
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It also clearly on each of those sites says part of the thevirtual casino family. Also on every page of the terms and conditions it says that it is The Virtual casino. Now if someone dowloads when of those sites and opens a new account even though they had a Virtual account, than they would be excluded. Once again what you are decribing is Bethug, is what will we do if someone does not read the terms and conditions, than goes ahead and breaks those rules, In this case, it is a case by case bases and depends on the customer. They did not follow rules, but each case is different. Right now we have a 88.00 free no deposit free chip for slots only. I have had some people play other games than slots, so we removed any winnings made from games that were not slots, and gave them a second chance to win. But another customer did the same thing but had opened 17 accounts redeeming the chip. In her case it was obvious her actions were intentional, and we refused to pay her, and she is posting on boards how bad we are. So as I said each situation has its own answer. Sorry I could not give you black and white, but this business has a lot of shades of gray. As for the clones, you saw them on our web page, it is not like they are sneaklly out there, the reason is Gamblers as a lot are superstious and may be they are not able to win at The Virtual Casino, but they feel more confident and are able to win at Golden Dreams Casino. Just trying to appeal for the masses.
Sorry John I was all ready replying before I saw your post. So where is Jinnia, don't you two post as one? Or John maybe you would like me to send you a personal e-mail replying to you, and maybe you would like to share it with others as you and your site do. John just because you are the biggest poster on the board, dosent mean that any thing you say is true.
ted, bob, paul, steve, vinney, harvey, bryan, cindey, stacey, peter, david craig, tom, john,
virtualted said:
It also clearly on each of those sites says part of the thevirtual casino family. Also on every page of the terms and conditions it says that it is The Virtual casino. Now if someone dowloads when of those sites and opens a new account even though they had a Virtual account, than they would be excluded. Once again what you are decribing is Bethug, is what will we do if someone does not read the terms and conditions, than goes ahead and breaks those rules, In this case, it is a case by case bases and depends on the customer. They did not follow rules, but each case is different. Right now we have a 88.00 free no deposit free chip for slots only. I have had some people play other games than slots, so we removed any winnings made from games that were not slots, and gave them a second chance to win. But another customer did the same thing but had opened 17 accounts redeeming the chip. In her case it was obvious her actions were intentional, and we refused to pay her, and she is posting on boards how bad we are. So as I said each situation has its own answer. Sorry I could not give you black and white, but this business has a lot of shades of gray. As for the clones, you saw them on our web page, it is not like they are sneaklly out there, the reason is Gamblers as a lot are superstious and may be they are not able to win at The Virtual Casino, but they feel more confident and are able to win at Golden Dreams Casino. Just trying to appeal for the masses.

Do you mean that you may open multiple accounts but can claim bonuses only once among the range of casinos. Well,as a Chinese,I must say we are more superstitious than most but I wouldnt play at Golden Dreams just because I think I might not win at Virtual unless I have tried it. If you have so many casinos,you should allow players to play at all of them eg. Fortune lounge and Sunny Group. Just only allow them a single bonus for every promotion.
virtualted said:
Sorry John I was all ready replying before I saw your post. So where is Jinnia, don't you two post as one? Or John maybe you would like me to send you a personal e-mail replying to you, and maybe you would like to share it with others as you and your site do. John just because you are the biggest poster on the board, dosent mean that any thing you say is true.
ted, bob, paul, steve, vinney, harvey, bryan, cindey, stacey, peter, david craig, tom, john,

Since this is NOT my board, and with all due respect to Bryan, I am not going to get into a posting riff with you.
So what was it that your first post on this thread was about. I did not see any respect there.
As mom says "Ted, if you do not have anything nice to say, than don't say anything at all".
virtualted said:
So what was it that your first post on this thread was about. I did not see any respect there.
As mom says "Ted, if you do not have anything nice to say, than don't say anything at all".
You know something ... both you and your mom are correct.
This is one time I should have minded my own business.

My apologies to Bryan.
That is the reason for it, but remember if you all ready have an account with us, when you go to down load, it is going to let you know that you are Downloading The Virtual Casino. The additional sites are for new signups, and when we mail for one of them it is done, to an inactive player list. So yes one week we may send you an offer to sign up at, because you are a black jack player, but what if you hate blackjack, you would never visit that site, so we might send you the next week, and that you find more apealing and sign up. Both of those sites downloaded TheVirtualCasino, but you felt better about one than the other. I hope it goes to explain it a little better for you. The reason we don't allow you to have more than one account is to disade promotional abuse. If we say you get a 25.00 free chip than you would want it on all accounts. We try to adhere one account per person, but as I said earlier on the post, everything is negotiatble. All I as is if you have a question don't assume. Also it is much better if you come to me and say" I opened 300 accounts , can you leave one open for me to play." Than me finding your 300 accounts and banning them all
virtualted said:
Sorry John I was all ready replying before I saw your post. So where is Jinnia, don't you two post as one? Or John maybe you would like me to send you a personal e-mail replying to you, and maybe you would like to share it with others as you and your site do. John just because you are the biggest poster on the board, dosent mean that any thing you say is true.
ted, bob, paul, steve, vinney, harvey, bryan, cindey, stacey, peter, david craig, tom, john,
I don't post here much at all now a day, but when a person brings me into the conversation, then I will.

Get this one thing straight in your head Teddie ol' boy, I Do Not post as anyone but myself!! Unlike you and the rest of GrafixSoftech people. So unless you have something to say of me, to me, Do Not EVER AGAIN include my nic in ANY conversation unless I, and I alone have put it there, Got It??

As for any messages sent to lanidar from you, I told him I did not want to hear no more of your BS PR'ing, so not to send me any content within it.

jinnia - gap
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Thanks for the reply ted. I know at the mgm, they had to move the lions cause some asians believe that it brought bad luck to walk thru there.
So are you saying Jinnia that Lanidar is not representing you or your forum when he posts on different boards? I have to tell you that if I had a representative with my link on his signature line and his position is to drive business for me than everything he says represents my business. As a casino if one of my employees does something wrong, we still live by what that decision was. I am glad that you live in happy Insomniacs Land there, where you don't have to be involved. Enter the real world and admit you run a business for profit and Lanidar is a key employee and the way your site makes money is the traffic that is built there. So you have become the National Enquirer of the forums with the "Snoop" Lanidar. I give my hat off to you, that is a great roll model.
virtualted said:
So are you saying Jinnia that Lanidar is not representing you or your forum when he posts on different boards? I have to tell you that if I had a representative with my link on his signature line and his position is to drive business for me than everything he says represents my business. As a casino if one of my employees does something wrong, we still live by what that decision was. I am glad that you live in happy Insomniacs Land there, where you don't have to be involved. Enter the real world and admit you run a business for profit and Lanidar is a key employee and the way your site makes money is the traffic that is built there. So you have become the National Enquirer of the forums with the "Snoop" Lanidar. I give my hat off to you, that is a great roll model.

Yes, Lanidar is an Admin at Insom, but does that make him my guardian? "MY" spokes-person? No it does not. I have no control over ANYONE and would not even try to control what anyone has to post/say.

Besides, have I read anywhere in lanidars posts in this thread where he said, 'this is the way jinnia feels?" - 'this is Insoms outlook on this or that?' No, I have not, if I over-looked any such thing, please point it out to me. He, just like you, has the right to post for himself of HIS thoughts and feelings without it being tied to or linked to anyone or any place. So, when you yanked my nic into this subject, did you do it for Virtual/Softec, or was it for your own gratification of coming off as a smarta**??

"I" alone will post for MYSELF. Not even for Insom unless I state it to be so.

So, put your hat back on, I do not want you to be taking it off for me, thank you!!
Ted, if someone deleted my board, i would be upset, I have had my site banned by the host cause of one of rogue casinos didnt like me saying it was slowing paying.

He just trying to find out who did what.
virtualted said:
It also clearly on each of those sites says part of the thevirtual casino family. Also on every page of the terms and conditions it says that it is The Virtual casino. Now if someone dowloads when of those sites and opens a new account even though they had a Virtual account, than they would be excluded. Once again what you are decribing is Bethug, is what will we do if someone does not read the terms and conditions, than goes ahead and breaks those rules, In this case, it is a case by case bases and depends on the customer. They did not follow rules, but each case is different. Right now we have a 88.00 free no deposit free chip for slots only. I have had some people play other games than slots, so we removed any winnings made from games that were not slots, and gave them a second chance to win. But another customer did the same thing but had opened 17 accounts redeeming the chip. In her case it was obvious her actions were intentional, and we refused to pay her, and she is posting on boards how bad we are. So as I said each situation has its own answer. Sorry I could not give you black and white, but this business has a lot of shades of gray. As for the clones, you saw them on our web page, it is not like they are sneaklly out there, the reason is Gamblers as a lot are superstious and may be they are not able to win at The Virtual Casino, but they feel more confident and are able to win at Golden Dreams Casino. Just trying to appeal for the masses.

What a deep inside look into Human nature. People don't win at Virtual
and they feel they may be able to win at another clone?? :barf: Aren't they more dissappointed when they install these clones only to find virtual icon come up.
bethug said:
Thanks for the reply ted. I know at the mgm, they had to move the lions cause some asians believe that it brought bad luck to walk thru there.
Wouldnt be anybody from Hong Kong though as lions are a symbol of our biggest bank and a sign of the territory's prosperity.
Just to let it be known, I just sent off an email to Amit Jain at Softec about Virtualted yanking my nic into threads/posts where I am not present, and to see if he would ASK Teddie not to do it again. Another war is not wanted, but won't be ignored!

jinnia -gap
I feel sorry for the loss at your site. But I have not seen you throwing accusations that are unsubstantiated at legitimate businesses. You have been harping on our slow play of 5-7 days, but we did not or know of anything that was done to your board. While we are on it Bethug, since you are playing at a lot of other on line casinos, please let me know what other casino gave you a 375% bonus with a 100% cash back. 30 time play through and paid you when you won 10x your deposit in 5-7 days. As I have told you if we did not give as many bonuses as we do than the payout time is quicker. As we have spoken, I will pay you within 24 hours if you let me know that you are taking no bonus ahead of time. Do you realize that we have given you 3 times what you have deposited with me. Now lets say you had deposited that other 3/4 of the deposited money like we had risked, than yes we could pay faster. But remember we try to cater to the everyday player who is looking for more "bang for his buck", so a lot of things we do, are not geared for the players on a players forum like this. I remember when the Bellagio originally opened; they were going to be minimum 100.00 bet table games, and 1.00 slots. This was going to be the High Roller casino, instead they realized that there are more profits in catering to the masses, something here at The Virtual we do. So from time to time we upset players like "universexf6", who are only out to make a profit for themselves at any cost, and get mad when a casino, no longer let them feed of them. He will only take a bonus, than gets upset when a casino limits him. Even though I had read his posts on line, I still gave him a chance to play in my casino, and when he won, I paid him, but know we are the bad guys because we will not let him win any more. All in all it is this type of person who is killing the industry for other players. So know where there are less than 5% skilled players on line, but who do account for over 85% of my payouts (our stats), we will have to make the other 95% adhere to rules that are there for those 5% chosen few.

virtualted said:
I feel sorry for the loss at your site. But I have not seen you throwing accusations that are unsubstantiated at legitimate businesses. You have been harping on our slow play of 5-7 days, but we did not or know of anything that was done to your board. While we are on it Bethug, since you are playing at a lot of other on line casinos, please let me know what other casino gave you a 375% bonus with a 100% cash back. 30 time play through and paid you when you won 10x your deposit in 5-7 days. As I have told you if we did not give as many bonuses as we do than the payout time is quicker. As we have spoken, I will pay you within 24 hours if you let me know that you are taking no bonus ahead of time. Do you realize that we have given you 3 times what you have deposited with me. Now lets say you had deposited that other 3/4 of the deposited money like we had risked, than yes we could pay faster. But remember we try to cater to the everyday player who is looking for more "bang for his buck", so a lot of things we do, are not geared for the players on a players forum like this. I remember when the Bellagio originally opened; they were going to be minimum 100.00 bet table games, and 1.00 slots. This was going to be the High Roller casino, instead they realized that there are more profits in catering to the masses, something here at The Virtual we do. So from time to time we upset players like "universexf6", who are only out to make a profit for themselves at any cost, and get mad when a casino, no longer let them feed of them. He will only take a bonus, than gets upset when a casino limits him. Even though I had read his posts on line, I still gave him a chance to play in my casino, and when he won, I paid him, but know we are the bad guys because we will not let him win any more. All in all it is this type of person who is killing the industry for other players. So know where there are less than 5% skilled players on line, but who do account for over 85% of my payouts (our stats), we will have to make the other 95% adhere to rules that are there for those 5% chosen few.


Huh??? As I told, I am voluntarily not playing at your casino anymore not
a chance to open your casino ware. What I don't like is your slow pay.
11 days. Skilled player is OK. But sucks anyway.

You tell me "I only take bonus". As I told you, or TAUGHT you, what is
the reason of your casino's existence if you don't offer players bonus
whereas you are paying the players in 11 days?? Are you blaming me
on taking bonus and run away?? Kiss my @@@.
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Ted, I dont have no problem with your casino beside the 5 to 7 days it takes to get paid, but you do address right in the open in the terms. Also you right you have some of the best bonus around. I have had no problem getting any of them. but i see alot of complaints from other playes.

But you of the few mangers that will come in the open and chat about the issues.

I think you should get rid of all them clones sale them off, so it will be less confusing to people and you might have less complaints.

Just my thoughts, have a bless day , off to see a movie
Last time we offered to give one of our stes away, look at all the stink that brought up. I miss the movies in the states. When I am up in LA in Febuary, we will get together. I will meet you in "Compton", does not scare me there. I worked in Compton, North Long Beach and Paramount, for three years, and North Pasadena/Altadena for 5 years, so yes, I know the hood too.
virtualted said:
Last time we offered to give one of our stes away, look at all the stink that brought up. I miss the movies in the states. When I am up in LA in Febuary, we will get together. I will meet you in "Compton", does not scare me there. I worked in Compton, North Long Beach and Paramount, for three years, and North Pasadena/Altadena for 5 years, so yes, I know the hood too.

Compton has changed a bit. You'll think you're still in Central America, buying cervesa at the mercado. :)

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