It is sheer fantasy that players can fire an email off to the management and get a winning run to help them along. The fact of the matter is playing in a casino involves an element of financial risk. Long losing streaks do not indicate that the games are somehow set unfairly.
When you listen to some of these RTG players complaining you would think they are being forced to play. You do have a choice, if you feel the software is unfair then stand up for your beliefs and do not give these casinos your money.
Alas this never happens, despite all the moaning players will come back again. When they win you hear them cry its rigged because the casino decided to let them win. When they lose they post on here its rigged because they cannot get a decent session.
Get this rigged mentality out of your head I say, and start playing software that you feel is not rigged. If your hobby is causing so much stress then surely its time to take a break or better still get a new hobby.
When it comes to online casinos or poker rooms, I always speak for myself and from personal experiences.
I can assure you if I never hit big and never cashed out I wouldnt still be betting online after 10 years plus.
I respect your opinion and comments Wikdfire7 when you say if you dont trust it dont play it. Well I dont trust it 100% and still play. Regardless how many deposits or cash outs I had in the past, I still always keep my eyes and ears open. I carry a negative bankroll with online casinos (
not online poker) just as I do with land based casinos. When I play poker tournaments the entire time (
except when Im looking at my hold cards) Im watching the table for poker tells, and a careful eye on collusion team signals, chip dumping, soft play, etc... None of this might be going on during any one particular game but this doesnt mean Im going to stop looking. Many incidents have happened in the past especially at local poker clubs that got ugly. Maybe some day Ill share some of these stories in the attic.
Now when it comes to online casinos I dont care how accredited they are, the online casino industry themselves insist on not coming to the forefront. All they constantly do is create doubt and distrust. Casino owners, operators, software providers, programmers, casino support, cashiers, everyone involved want to remain anonymous with the luxury of hiding in cyberspace. Not one of them ever come forward and explains anything as a matter of fact. Did you know that just about all the reps you speak to at a casino the name they use during chat is not their real name?
Seventy percent of the threads here are about being abused in one form or another. Yes, I also understand many are real petty and senseless. But overall based on what we read here you cant possibly think that all is fare in cyberspace casinos.
As far as me having this illusion of firing off an e-mail getting a free chip and winning with it is confirming any thing more then pure coincidence is hopefully nonsense. Yet, on the other hand can you be absolutely 100% positive it was pure coincidence? I certainly cant prove it wasnt a coincidence. Can you prove it was a coincidence?
I started this thread stating
Its things like this that happen to me that prevent me from letting go of the suspicions I have when it comes to online gambling. I closed it with
I will continue even more to smell something is cooking in cyberspace... Nothing more here then expressing my feelings. Of course I have no proof.
I respect what you or anyone else here have to say and will always listen. I may or may not agree, but that doesnt mean what I or you have to say is the law of the land.
Before I flip a coin with you for my cash, I want to see the coin before you flip it and I want to pick it off the floor after the flip for another inspection or Im not paying.
As far as online casinos go, as long as it stays in its present form the rigged accusations will never end. I'll probably get this rigged mentality out of my head when the U.S.A. hopefully get involved.
On a personal note, I never complained about any losing streak and lord knows Ive had a few. Ive complained about having a terrible year or two but not any one casino. In addition I always got treated fairly after becoming loyal to many different online casinos over the years. This doesnt mean I cant think they might be screwing me.
When I think it gets over the top and there's no chance at all, that's when I'll quit my hobby. But for now I'm still enjoying myself even if I'm getting screwed.