Unsolicited Comment About Slow Pay Casinos


Banned User - violation of <a href="http://www.cas
Oct 19, 2015
Unsolicited Comment About Slow Pay Casinos: I have always been rather shy and reserved and most often, I keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. I do regularly check in to these online casino forums and review sites. Sometimes, I see topics or comments that I do have opinions about... this is one such occasion.

I am not just an old, disgruntled gambler who has lost at casinos, in person and on the internet... I am an elderly retiree who enjoys gambling. I find that playing the slots can be entertaining and enjoyable. Even though I lose more than I win, I feel that it is more stimulating and enjoyable than just watching television or reading a book. I have a little more income than what is required for my monthly expenses... so, I sometimes play the slots. I have friends who regularly take group trips to Las Vegas, Louisiana, Mississippi and a couple of places here in Florida. I have gone on a few trips with them. They are the ones who introduced me to online casinos.

I say all this not to expose my extensive (tic) gambling experience... but only illustrate that I do have some experience upon which to base my opinions. Over the last year and a half, I have registered and played at least a couple of dozen online casinos. Some are obviously better than others... many of the better ones, I have played more than once... some, I have played numerous times.

I have made various deposits of $30.00, $50.00 and $100.00. On several occasions, I have run up account balances of four-six hundred dollars. When I was playing with house money, I tried different brilliant plans and clever schemes... none were successful... imagine that. Perhaps I should have made withdrawals... but, I didn't... no regrets, it was fun and I enjoyed it. Sometimes, I would take a deposit bonus... sometimes not. From some of those small deposits, I got many, many hours and days of enjoyment.

Some of my friends encouraged me to make withdrawals when I built up a good balance. So, I decided to make withdrawal requests... that is when and where I began to notice that the really nice and helpful customer support and cashier representatives became not so helpful. I had few, if any, problems or issues when I was making deposits... unlike the many problems and issues when I tried to make a withdrawal.

Seventy plus years of living has given me enough real life experience to recognize when I am being played. I tried very patiently to go through the painstaking verification process. I tried to comply with unrealistic and unreasonable requirements to have my account verified and approved. Some of the documents required were questionable at best, illegal at worst. Each step of the process required exchange of emails and documents. Different time zones and work days delayed prompt communication. Different casino department representatives created miscommunication and delays. When one issue was resolved, another issue would come up... sometimes even with different sister-casinos in the same casino group. There became an endless cascade of issues and problems.

The result of the annoying, irritating, endless and discouraging verification process is often a decision to just keep playing and forego the withdrawal. It is my opinion that was the plan of the casino from the beginning... Payment delayed is Payment denied.

In particular, Club World Group Casinos apparently employ this technique to reduce the dollar amount actually paid to player/customers. I have played numerous times at these casinos: All Star Slots, Aladdin's Gold and Buzz Luck. Certainly, some players at these casinos do win and are promptly paid. The big winners and quick, hassle free payouts are prominently displayed and promoted... sadly, this is not the case for many, many winners who try to withdraw and actually receive a payout.

This is no more nor no less than just my opinion... take it for what it is worth.
What is it today? The water? This is the second "newbie" to state these things about Club World group, today.

As long as I can remember, the CWC group is as trustworthy as you can get.

Someone/s are out to get them for some reason.
Unsolicited Comment About Slow Pay Casinos: I have always been rather shy and reserved and most often, I keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. I do regularly check in to these online casino forums and review sites. Sometimes, I see topics or comments that I do have opinions about... this is one such occasion.

I am not just an old, disgruntled gambler who has lost at casinos, in person and on the internet... I am an elderly retiree who enjoys gambling. I find that playing the slots can be entertaining and enjoyable. Even though I lose more than I win, I feel that it is more stimulating and enjoyable than just watching television or reading a book. I have a little more income than what is required for my monthly expenses... so, I sometimes play the slots. I have friends who regularly take group trips to Las Vegas, Louisiana, Mississippi and a couple of places here in Florida. I have gone on a few trips with them. They are the ones who introduced me to online casinos.

I say all this not to expose my extensive (tic) gambling experience... but only illustrate that I do have some experience upon which to base my opinions. Over the last year and a half, I have registered and played at least a couple of dozen online casinos. Some are obviously better than others... many of the better ones, I have played more than once... some, I have played numerous times.

I have made various deposits of $30.00, $50.00 and $100.00. On several occasions, I have run up account balances of four-six hundred dollars. When I was playing with house money, I tried different brilliant plans and clever schemes... none were successful... imagine that. Perhaps I should have made withdrawals... but, I didn't... no regrets, it was fun and I enjoyed it. Sometimes, I would take a deposit bonus... sometimes not. From some of those small deposits, I got many, many hours and days of enjoyment.

Some of my friends encouraged me to make withdrawals when I built up a good balance. So, I decided to make withdrawal requests... that is when and where I began to notice that the really nice and helpful customer support and cashier representatives became not so helpful. I had few, if any, problems or issues when I was making deposits... unlike the many problems and issues when I tried to make a withdrawal.

Seventy plus years of living has given me enough real life experience to recognize when I am being played. I tried very patiently to go through the painstaking verification process. I tried to comply with unrealistic and unreasonable requirements to have my account verified and approved. Some of the documents required were questionable at best, illegal at worst. Each step of the process required exchange of emails and documents. Different time zones and work days delayed prompt communication. Different casino department representatives created miscommunication and delays. When one issue was resolved, another issue would come up... sometimes even with different sister-casinos in the same casino group. There became an endless cascade of issues and problems.

The result of the annoying, irritating, endless and discouraging verification process is often a decision to just keep playing and forego the withdrawal. It is my opinion that was the plan of the casino from the beginning... Payment delayed is Payment denied.

In particular, Club World Group Casinos apparently employ this technique to reduce the dollar amount actually paid to player/customers. I have played numerous times at these casinos: All Star Slots, Aladdin's Gold and Buzz Luck. Certainly, some players at these casinos do win and are promptly paid. The big winners and quick, hassle free payouts are prominently displayed and promoted... sadly, this is not the case for many, many winners who try to withdraw and actually receive a payout.

This is no more nor no less than just my opinion... take it for what it is worth.

There are so many great online Casinos with fast and simple verification processes and very fast withdrawal's within minutes, no hassles at all. I always try to do verification before I make a withdrawal and when I do win then it's great and not a problem.

Good luck :)
Response to mina1929

mina1929, Apparently, you have had good experiences with Club World Casinos... if so, I am glad for you.

I too hoped for and expected to have a good experience with Buzz Luck, Aladdin's Gold and All Star Slots... unfortunately, that was not the case.

I had absolutely no problems when I was making deposits with them. However, when I attempted to make a withdrawal all sorts of unbelievable problems and issues came up.

Consider this... if Club World Casinos were successful under normal, regular circumstances with standard industry payout ratios... then consider just how much more successful (profitable) they would be if they could discourage and dissuade many of their player customers to forego enduring the annoying, endless verification process and just play off any "winnings."

We all know that if you keep playing at a casino, you will eventually lose!

Again, this is just my opinion. Perhaps it is worth consideration.
mina1929, Apparently, you have had good experiences with Club World Casinos... if so, I am glad for you.

I too hoped for and expected to have a good experience with Buzz Luck, Aladdin's Gold and All Star Slots... unfortunately, that was not the case.

I had absolutely no problems when I was making deposits with them. However, when I attempted to make a withdrawal all sorts of unbelievable problems and issues came up.

Consider this... if Club World Casinos were successful under normal, regular circumstances with standard industry payout ratios... then consider just how much more successful (profitable) they would be if they could discourage and dissuade many of their player customers to forego enduring the annoying, endless verification process and just play off any "winnings."

We all know that if you keep playing at a casino, you will eventually lose!

Again, this is just my opinion. Perhaps it is worth consideration.

No sorry, I did not have any experiences with those Casinos, I didn't mention any Casinos, I simply was trying to tell you that if you prefer, there are a lot of other Casinos to pick from that are fast payout and verification made easy if you prefer.

Everyone has their own favorite and I do sincerely wish you luck :)
Response to weesie

weesie, your comment: "What is it today? The water? This is the second "newbie" to state these things about Club World group, today.

As long as I can remember, the CWC group is as trustworthy as you can get.

Someone/s are out to get them for some reason."

The water here is just fine. You are correct, I am a "newbie" at this forum stuff. I doubt that I will make a career of hanging out in forums and online chat rooms.

However, I do have enough real world experience to have an opinion... and, it might not comply with yours.

Perhaps if you had endured my experience with Club World Casinos, you might have a different opinion.

I might not be the sharpest tack in the box... but, I do know when I am being played.

You are correct in saying that CWC has a good reputation... you are wrong if you think they are above reproach. Money and profits are an irresistible temptation for some.
2nd Response to mina1929

mina1928 ...thanks you for your prompt and courteous response.

I did check out some of the casinos before I tried to register and play. Seems many of the sites that review and rate the casinos are, in fact, owned and operated by the casinos they rate and review... so much for that.

I did not mean to imply that all players and customers at these casinos are treated poorly and improperly... but, I do know that some are, including me.

If CWC could significantly reduce the percentage of winners who actually get payouts, then the motive to employ such a scheme is clear.

It would be interesting to know how many others experience unreasonable deterrents and delays when trying to make a withdrawal.

Thanks again for your kind words and wishes.
What is your expectations when cashing out? I'm not trying to be rude when asking. I have played at a few and now just stick to one, but for each one the standard time for documentation was a week. Has this Casino Group gone further than that? What documentation are they asking for? Again normal is blacked out credit card, picture ID, and utility bill. This site is great for looking at each Casinos documentation and cash out times.
I guess that is how online casino works, if they have something to improve then might suggest it will be the withdrawing process. One needs to be careful on choosing the right casino where they will actually play.
What is it today? The water? This is the second "newbie" to state these things about Club World group, today.

Yes, very strange indeed. Especially odd that they've both registered at CM within a day or two of each other, appear on the forums within 30 mins of each other and are coming from the same IP. :eek:

Or should we call a spade a spade:


(see "gnome" in the Casinomeister Glossary)

@ shobud1 / beth1946 : maybe you are two people living in the same place who signed on at Casinomeister at the same time with the same complaint, maybe you are just one person doing this in order to get more attention to your pet peeve. Either way you're sailing dangerously close to getting banned from Casinomeister for life. I STRONGLY suggest you contact [profile]Casinomeister[/profile] and explain your actions ASAP. Otherwise you'll just end up another footnote in the history of stupid forum tricks and your efforts will have been for not. Do it now.
At first I guessed it was a husband/wife team, but since their writing style is virtually identical - it's the same person.

As per our rules:

1.9 - Do not register an account fraudulently. Fraudulent accounts are defined as accounts created specifically to flame others (hiding behind a mask of anonymity), or accounts opened primarily to spam the board, act as shills, trolls, sock puppets, or any other anti-social behavior. Do not register more than one account in the forum. Additional accounts will be deemed as bogus, and you may find yourself out on the sidewalk lying on your back staring at the stars. If you share a computer with another member (boyfriend, girlfriend, pet goldfish...), please let us know so that we won't suspect you of being dodgy.

And this whole, "I'm so aged with all this experience..." :rolleyes: C'mon - there is a good chunk of forum members who are in their 40-50s including myself. We don't need any geriatric
preachers here. We've got enough as it is. :p
*sigh* Another life of cyber-crime cut short by dumb-ass tricks. :lolsign:

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