Turbo Poker software


Dormant Account
Aug 23, 2004
Midwest USA

I am looking at buying some software to help my play on various poker games.
Has any one utilized Turbo Poker (about $89 USD) ? And if so is the tournament version worth the purchase or would you go the regular route or both?

Any other software that you can suggest to help tune up my game?

In my younger days I played quite a bit of poker, so I have a good foundation but have mainly been playing the ponies and BJ in recent years.


Wilsons Turbo

I assume youre referring to Wilsons Turbo Texas Holdem. I have it and it is well worth the $89 especially with the hand simulations it offers. The SID add-on is very cool as well. Great for a newbie. I don't use it anymore. I may sell it if youre interested.
I mainly bought it because I really sucked.

It has really improved my game. And has paid for itself, no doubt about it.

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