Titan Poker Account Blocked


Dormant account
Apr 29, 2011
Titan Poker has blocked my account because I have not played for more than 3 months...Since I registered there I only played twice roulette on their casino....

Then thay asked me Why I haven´t played poker?I said that I did not had much time and since they saw that I was putting in my account earnings from Pokerstrategy TAF program....They told that there was no problem in sending affiliates earnings there but that I had to play poker.....

They blocked my account, they are investigating if for fraud, and they also asked for a notarized copy of my ID and adress proof to send to their building on Philippines so thay can alow me to widhtraw my money.....:confused:

I already sent the documents but It will take week to get here.....:eek2:

They told me that after receiving the documents they will decide if my account continues blocked or not.......

I know that a menber here already had to send notarized copies to get his money cause I saw in another topic here....

And my question is?Does anybody here had this problem?

I just hope that they do not come up with anything to steal my money they have assured me that the money is safe and what is question is that if I stay with the account blocked or not........But we never Know....

I will Have to play more at Titan and play a litle less on Full Tilt.....:cool:
When you say the casino is 'blocking' your account, do mean that they suspended your account because of inactivity?

If this is the case, and there is no funny business, they should reinstate your account after they review it. It is SOP for a lot of online casino/poker rooms to suspend accounts for inactivity after a specific time with no action on the account.

Also, if you move a lot of money through the account and don't play, money laundering checks will usually flag and suspend the account.
Problem solved!When they were given my documents they unlocked my account!:thumbsup:

I already withdrawn my money from there everything went fine.....

They weren´t so bad as that they even helped cause when you ask for a withdrawn at Titan Poker they can use a withdrawn method different from the one you have chosen, But I told them them that the money could never go to my moneybookers account cause is locked and they helped me with that.....

Moneybookers are the nos that are real Idiots even after I sent my documents they still don´t unlock my account!:mad:

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